After Lao You came to the science and technology station, he took away a group of residents.

With them joining the dungeon and rebuilding Feng'e City, it will not be so illusory.

Before, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu transported the robot damaged in the battle back to the technology station, and after being effectively repaired, it became an engineering robot.

With them added to urban reconstruction, whether it is cleaning construction waste, digging work, or building brick and tile houses, it is obviously much easier.

According to the assessment of the science and technology station and the meteorological experts of the underground city, there will be other natural disasters in the future. In terms of construction, it is necessary to focus on wind and corrosion protection.

So, Lao You led his team to look around for building materials, turning into a...contractor.

Seeing his tanned skin, Er Hei teased Lao You several times: "Look at you, you are a contractor who doesn't take money."

He took the youngsters for training camp.

No matter when, the training cannot stop.

With the loss of so many generals, newcomers must grow up quickly, and every young man knows that he has a heavy responsibility to shoulder, so when training, he will never slack off and put all his energy into it...

Rong Huaiyan was not idle either.

He led a team of robots to clear a road after pushing away batches of cement stones, and then dug out the damaged areas to reclaim fields.

The roads have been damaged, whether it is concrete roads or asphalt roads, they have been blown up, and they can be overturned, and they are all used to open up wasteland and cultivate land.

The science and technology station hoarded a large number of seeds, and after Lao You came to the base, the two parties merged directly.

Whether it is materials or personnel, a high degree of unity has been achieved.

Except for the researchers who have not moved, all the strength of the others has been used together.

Qiao Xiachu also has an urgent job.

She found that since the red mist this time, no matter whether it is Rong Huaiyan or others, as long as they have been poisoned by the red mist, or have been infected with the mollusk virus, their cheeks are pitted, and when they appear at night, they look like horrors. film scene.

If you don't say hello in advance, you will have a heart attack.

She plans to make a batch of ointment to see if it can effectively remove the scars.

The sooner you use this kind of thing, the better, otherwise hyperplasia or scars will appear, and it will be difficult to eliminate, and the patches of erythema are really unattractive.

It's not that Qiao Xiachu dislikes Rong Huaiyan's ugliness, it's just that there are too many red scars on her cheeks, she recalls that experience when she looks at it, and feels a little distressed.

Therefore, she has been staying in the dungeon, devoting herself to developing the ointment.

Qiao Mobai went directly to the technology station.

At the beginning, he was not very popular, but as he put forward constructive suggestions again and again, Huang Ben was greatly shocked, and he was soon included in their system.

The experts in the dungeon also joined the technology station.

After Huang Ben succeeded in modeling for the first time, he took Erhei into the technology station, made him the first pair of exoskeleton wrists, connected him, connected the sensory nerves on his wrists, and let him use them like a normal person He foolishly exerted force on his own hand, and because of too much force, he crushed the stone in his hand.

At that moment, Huang Ben showed joy.

The researchers around me couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Only Erhei, a little embarrassed, was about to use the "novice" to scratch his head, but Qiao Mobai hugged his arm and said anxiously: "Take it easy, lighten it, your head is broken, your head is broken!"

Erhei looked puzzled and said, "The head is not broken..."

For a while, the people around burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, yes, the head is not broken."

Huang Ben stepped forward with a smile, operated in front of the computer, lowered the strength of his wrist, and asked Er Hei to try again to pick up the wooden board on the table.

Erhei concocted according to law.


The planks shattered again.

He said in embarrassment: "Did I use too much force, or what happened, I just wanted it to move, but I didn't expect it to move a little bit out of control, hehe."

At this moment, the shock in his heart was beyond words.

He has hands.

I have a hand——

Although this novice is not very controlled.

But as soon as he thought about it, the hand began to follow his command, even though the strength was quite strong, but compared to before, it was absolutely nothing.

Achieved a leap of 0.

Erhei was excited and excited, and a thought popped up in his mind: his charming legs were finally saved.

"Take your time, don't worry, this is still in the experimental stage, you can stay in the laboratory, if there is any progress, it proves that this project is successful, and the remaining materials should be enough to produce a pair of legs and a full-body exoskeleton Yes." Huang Ben said.

But that's all.

If there is even the slightest mistake, neither Zhou Jiaomei nor his wife can be saved...

He can't be careless.

So, when he fought for another seven days and seven nights and fainted in the laboratory, he was forced to take a holiday.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan both rushed over.

Xiao Nizi sternly said to him: "If you continue to behave like this, who will take care of your wife if something goes wrong? Why, do you want to let go of her?"

This time, Huang Ben didn't dare to be careless.

After resting in his room for three days, he couldn't bear it anymore and returned to work again.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

This is a scientific madman.

Maybe it's because of the deep love between husband and wife, maybe it's because he just can't stop in his bones.

Rong Huaiyan said: "If you tell him to stop, it's like wanting his life, so just leave him alone. Anyway, the current project is getting more and more mature. When Erhei's hand experiment is successful, the next one will be charming."

At the mention of coquettishness, Qiao Xiachu frowned.

"What's wrong?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

He picked up the ointment Qiao Xiachu gave him, dug out a small lump, and slowly wiped it towards the scar on his cheek, but he couldn't see it, so he wiped it carelessly.

Seeing that he touched the skin on the side, Qiao Xiachu couldn't help but took the ointment, and said, "I'll rub it on for you, and I'll rub it every day from now on. If you keep at it, it should still help."

Rong Huaiyan didn't really want to rub it.

But occasionally looking in the mirror would really affect the "city appearance", so he obediently listened to his woman's words, and silently applied the ointment.

While wiping, Qiao Xiachu said: "I see that Jiaomei seems to be ill. Her mental state is very bad, just like many people who went crazy in the previous life..."

It is easy to get sick if you are surrounded by darkness and despair for a long time.

But she didn't have psychotropic drugs either.

Besides, she didn't know much about this disease, and she didn't know where to start.

"You worry too much, just wait and see, when Professor Huang makes her legs, her illness, if cured by medicine, she will definitely be alive and kicking the next day." Rong Huaiyan said.

Qiao Xiachu put away the ointment.

She said quietly: "I hope so, that would be the best."

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