"I said, I said, stop beating, if you fight again, Ahe will be beaten to death by you—" Aji has never seen such a cold-hearted woman.


"I'll count down to three, if you still hesitate, I'll cut open her stomach and pull out her intestines!" Qiao Xiachu yelled.



A Ji fell hard and fell to his knees in front of Qiao Xiachu.

He begged: "We were originally residents of Fenglian Mountain. After the natural disaster, we have been fleeing everywhere. Then, when we passed through Huzhou, we were stopped by a woman. She gave us a sum of supplies and asked us to come to Feng'e City to give to the underground. The water source of the city... poisoned..."

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, his hairs stood on end.

Could it be...Jiang Hanzhi?

"What's her name?" Qiao Xiachu asked coldly.

If it was really Jiang Hanzhi, she didn't want to wait any longer, she wanted to go to Huzhou to catch this woman and send her to hell, lest the blood feud be ended in advance by God.

After two lifetimes, I didn't figure out my enemy in the last lifetime. If I found her in this lifetime, how could I be willing to let her die like this!

But the answer A Ji gave made Qiao Xiachu stunned.

"People in the team call her He Danhong..."

As soon as A Ji finished speaking, outside the dungeon, Rong Huaiyan, Er Hei, Hu Guang and Lao You rushed over with a large army, and they all showed shock when they saw the wounded lying on the ground.

What's the matter?

Where did this ghost come from again?

Rong Huaiyan rushed to Qiao Xiachu's side at once, pulled her to look left and right, saw that she was not injured, and then slowly let go of his heart, and asked, "What happened?"

Qiao Xiachu said: "He Danhong, do you still remember?"

Rong Huaiyan was stunned.

He thought for a long time, and finally found such an insignificant name from a corner.

"Isn't that the leader of the Hongying sniper regiment?" he asked.

"Well, that's her."

Qiao Xiachu picked up the handle of the gun, kicked A Ji over, took out a medicine bag from under his armpit, and snorted coldly, "Is it this medicine?"

A Ji was stunned across the board.

If he didn't really know Qiao Xiachu, he would have wondered if there was a mole in the team.

But they are in the same line, and the clansman with the same surname recorded in the same book cannot betray him, and in the end of the natural disaster, no one has seen Qiao Xiachu.

Her eyes are more ferocious than a vulture, her nose is more sensitive than a dog, and her heart is definitely harder than a rock!

"Yes." Aji said dejectedly.

He knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said, "Please, let us go, we were thrown down by you alone before we could do anything, you found the medicine bag, and my wife was also punished." Seriously injured, or I beg you to save my wife—"

In the beginning, there was only Qiao Xiachu alone, but now a large number of people have come, and he doesn't believe that Qiao Xiachu is shameless and doesn't care about his own reputation...

As long as she is ruthless, despicable and ruthless, at least she can be severely injured, making her unable to stay in Feng'e City any longer!


Rong Huaiyan kicked up suddenly, almost kicking A Ji's head as a ball, and made the companions on the side of Feng Lianshan feel terrified when they saw it.

Is this a pair of bullies?

Killing like hemp!

Ahe, the woman lying on the ground, covered her stomach and kowtowed to Qiao Xiachu frequently: "Please, don't fight anymore. If you want to kill us for revenge, just do it and give us a good time."

Until then, Qiao Xiachu finally heard a word from someone.

She snorted coldly and said: "Don't play me like a monkey. When you team came to our Feng'e City, instead of going to the city, you directly touched the dungeon. Those who came to the dungeon didn't directly talk to the men in the city. Start a conversation, go directly to the old and weak, women and children, and use this poisonous beef jerky to make a deal—"

As he said that, Qiao Xiachu turned around and raised and lowered the saber in his hand, and saw an old woman eating melon in the crowd, with a black thing falling out of her pocket.

When everyone saw it, it wasn't beef jerky...

"Your purpose, obviously, is this medicine bag, but these pieces of poisonous beef jerky are probably used secretly." Qiao Xiachu sneered.

Facing the light, the beef jerky reflected a gloomy blue light.

She turned to look at the women behind her, and said, "Don't be greedy for beef jerky, you must take out what they give you. Once you eat the poison on it, you will definitely die."

It might be passed from person to person.

The viciousness of his heart can be seen!

When Ah Ji heard this, his face flushed red.

"Tell me, what enmity do you have with Feng'e City? Why do you want to kill us? Could it be that you want to rob us of our supplies?" Qiao Xiachu.

The people present looked at A Ji and his party as if they were looking at a group of dead people.

They don't like to kill people, but if you have to fight to the death, then let them die.

Erhei stretched out his novice hand, grabbed A Ji, as long as his fingertips exerted force, the vajra iron palm would crush his head!

"Say it, don't talk anymore, I can't bear my temper!" He said coldly.

A trace of hatred curled up on Aji's cheeks.

He glared at Lao You fiercely, and said viciously: "It's him! When our people were wandering outside, we originally wanted to ask him to take us in, but he turned us away. If not, my father, mother and two children , how could he die? I want to seek revenge on You Laogou every day, since someone is funding me, why don’t I dare to come?”

If he fights to the death, he will also pay the price in blood from Lao You!

Lao You was dumbfounded.

Has he ever done such a thing?

As long as he is willing to go to Liaocheng with him to find new students, he basically takes them with him, there is no such thing as rejecting them.

"Did you make a mistake somewhere?" Lao You asked.

Seeing that Lao You still refused to admit it, A Ji was distraught.

Over the past few years, he has been wandering around with his clansmen, avoiding natural disasters while surviving, and the most important thing is to follow Lao You, looking for opportunities to enter the city and make Lao You regret his whole life for his mistakes.

But he is like this, obviously he doesn't want to admit it!

"Have you forgotten? My father's name is Ji Donglin. He found you during the frozen period. How did you do it? Have you forgotten everything? You hypocrite!" A Ji roared.

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