Ji Donglin!

How could Lao You forget such a special person?

It was him who stabbed him hard, the first person in the last days to teach him a lesson.

Lao You opened his clothes.

There is a criss-cross scar on the stomach, which is very hideous. One can guess how severe the injury was at the beginning, and how unbelievable it is to survive!

He said in a light tone: "I'm not trying to excuse myself. What I did before, I did, and if I didn't do it, I didn't do it. This scar was left at the beginning."

Lao You slowly put down his clothes.

His tone was full of emotion.

"When a natural disaster strikes, I can understand that Mr. Ji wants to survive, but there were more than a thousand people in the shanty town at that time. He wanted to take all the supplies and burn everyone to death. I argued with him, but he slandered me for wanting to live with him. He grabbed supplies, stabbed me a few times, and ran away with all the supplies. I was injured and almost died. God didn’t kill me, so I managed to get my life back.” He said.

The end of the world is coming, no matter what, this bottom line should be kept.

At that time, it was only the prelude to natural disasters. No matter how difficult it was, many people would rather choose to starve to death than take that step. What's more, there were more than a thousand people in the shantytowns on the edge of Liaocheng, including the elderly, weak, women, children, and children. ...Are they supposed to die?

"Hehe, that's not what my dad said, and he didn't bring back the supplies either!" A Ji said viciously.

Lao You is a well-known figure with strong appeal and financial resources, so he naturally gathered a lot of people in one go.

When his father came back, he was covered in injuries.

He said that Lao You refused him to join the gang...

Waiting for the natural disasters to follow one after another, parents, children... the same clan died in the disaster one by one.

If my father got the supplies, how could he return empty-handed and starve himself to death in the end?

So he didn't believe a word of Lao You's accusation!

"Old You, why are you talking nonsense with him? This kind of thing has the same virtue as his father, and it wants to kill our entire dungeon as soon as it comes. Isn't it cruel? I'll give him a good time!" Er Hei said .

He also wanted to try the firmness of this vajra iron palm.

Crush the skull, can it be done?

"don't want--"

The woman rolling in pain on the ground suddenly screamed horribly.

She said to A Ji: "A Ji, our dad got the supplies. On the way back, he was robbed and lost the supplies. He was unwilling to lie to us on purpose—"

Father-in-law only told mother-in-law this secret once.

She also didn't intend to listen to the wall, so she heard it.

I should have told Aki earlier.

But ever since the child was gone, she was also filled with so much hatred in her heart, towards God, towards her selfish parents-in-law, and towards the people around her...

After hearing the secret, he didn't stop A Ji from taking revenge.

In the last days, there should always be a goal in life.

Even if it's revenge.

"You—why didn't you tell me earlier?" A Ji was distraught.

Ah He smiled wryly.

"What do people want to live for? After all, they want to find a target, even if it's going to hell, they have to make some noise, otherwise it's no different from a dead person!" she said.

At this time, Hu Guang pushed Zhou Jiaomei over from the outer passage.

The two heard Ah He's words...

"Then you are alive, just like dead people!" Qiao Xiachu.

She stood in front of several people, her eyes sparkling, with a cold light, like a piece of ice, drying out a stream of smoke in the sun.

"In the last days, it is really not easy to stick to human nature until the end. But if even the last bottom line is broken, killing and looting people's lives on a large scale purely for selfish desires, it is no different from a beast." Qiao Xiachu said.

She has experienced two end-time natural disasters, and when the next catastrophe comes, human beings are faced with a more terrifying end, but there are still some people who still do not give up, do not kill each other, and always clenched their teeth and persisted.

There are many people with depraved human nature, but there are also those who are always unwilling to give up the bottom line.

She has no right to teach the couple a lesson, but she doesn't want her companions to be misled by such dark remarks...

"Let's deal with it." Lao You sighed.

"it is good!"

Erhei commanded a group of increasingly powerful young men around him to take away all the injured intruders.

"The surname You, it's you, and it's all your fault. If you didn't make my father unbalanced, how could he lie to us and become a bad person? In the final analysis, it's your responsibility!"

Aki kept yelling.

He confronts this truth.


Erhei slapped him, knocking him out, so he can't talk anymore.

This little episode passed quickly.

But Lao You also felt that it was necessary to give safety lessons to a group of wounded and sick people in the dungeon, as well as the elderly. This was a rare opportunity.

Even if it is a material exchange, we cannot relax our vigilance.

Who knows whether these passers-by who appeared suddenly were several or a group.

At the same time, he also asked Shen Anwan to form a security team to patrol near the dungeon at all times.

Shen Anzhen can't do heavy work, but he can still do simple daily tasks, allowing him to contribute to the dungeon in another way.

He can also feel his own value and not go to extremes.

With Erhei's order, the group of people almost got their lunch boxes.

Facing the unwilling Aji and Ahe, Erhei raised his hand to try his new minion, but was stopped by a voice in time.

"Erhei, let's not kill them both—"

Rong Huaiyan walked over.

He held two pills in his hand, and as soon as he stepped forward, he fed the pills into the mouths of the two of them.

"What are you doing?" Erhei asked suspiciously.

Rong Huaiyan said: "I discussed it with Qiao Qiao. Recently, the city is undergoing reconstruction work, and there is a lack of important materials. Since the mastermind of this poisoning incident is in Huzhou, I just went there to have a look."

Kill a mastermind by the way.

Erhei read his mind for a moment.

He stretched out his iron claws, landed lightly on his shoulders, and said, "You boy, you don't like to do infrastructure every time. When you encounter such a thing, you want to run away, but you will run away when you come back, hahaha -"

Rong Huaiyan smiled.

"Then it's over. For this operation, we have to bring another person. Li Han and Wang Yao have been trained similarly recently. I think they already have the ability of half an old horse. Bring them along." He said.

Li Han and Wang Yao were originally engaged in lurking, and their work content was different. In terms of combat effectiveness, they were not as good as recruits, but they grew very fast after this time after time.

Rong Huaiyan wanted to take the two of them with him.

"Okay, then you can take it with you." Er Hei said.

Others are not easy to allocate.

When Rong Huaiyan said that he would lead the team to Huzhou, Hu Guang applied to go with him.

Rong Huaiyan frowned.

"Isn't the coquettish legs still being done? It will take two days to come out." He refused.

Hu Guang was in a hurry.

He said: "I know, but if she stays, there is still a commander who can take care of her. I will go to Huzhou together. Is there any problem?"

I've been really tired recently.

Zhou Jiaomei's mood is unstable, and she often gets angry and throws things, and sometimes hurts herself, and it's because he guards the whole time that she doesn't let her do anything stupid.

But if this continues, he feels that he will be sucked dry.

The point is that he has done everything, but he can't do anything for her. Next time, she will fall into the darkness again, like a walking dead, looking distressed and powerless.

It would be nice to have a psychiatrist.

He also wanted to go out with Rong Huaiyan to look for him, what if he met...

"Okay, since you insist, tell Erhei clearly, and your girlfriend, you must comfort her, lest she think you don't want her anymore." Rong Huaiyan joked.

"You are still laughing at me. This is my choice, and I will bear to the end whatever I say." Hu Guang chuckled.

He is a simple man.

Generally, I don't like to use my brain very much. As long as I choose it myself, I will be responsible to the end.

"Okay, we're leaving tomorrow, you go get ready." Rong Huaiyan said.


As soon as Erhei left, Rong Huaiyan returned to the dungeon and saw that Qiao Xiachu had already prepared a large table of food waiting for him to come back to eat. In an instant, a feeling rose in his heart.


Isn't that what it is?

His lover, prepared the meals, and waited at home for the return of her husband who had worked hard abroad...

"Try it, these oysters taste pretty good. When Feng'e City is successfully rebuilt next time, I'll make king prawns and celebrate together." Qiao Xiachu laughed.

King Shrimp!

This woman can really stock up.

Even this thing can be hoarded.

If he had space from the beginning, it would contain nothing but gunpowder, nothing but weapons, and at worst just a little more daily necessities.

Rong Huaiyan picked up the oyster and took a bite.

He was surprised: "The oysters at the barbecue stalls are usually not so fresh. Where did you buy them?"

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

She talked about the space upgrade.

When Rong Huaiyan heard this, he was also very happy.

He said: "This time we go to Huzhou, let's loot it. The economy of that city is one of the best in the whole province, and there are many gold shops, treasuries and banks. As long as He Danhong is not good, it is ours."

The so-called gold in troubled times.

Even in this last world, there are still people who like to hoard gold.

Whether it is used for trading or made into other objects, there are always people who like it. Coupled with the continuous destruction, it is basically zero yuan to buy on the street, and you can get what you want.

When Qiao Mobai came back, he brought good news.

He said: "The charming legs are ready, and Hu Guang pushed her to the science and technology station. In these two days, she should be able to stand up."

Qiao Xiachu's eyes moved slightly.

She said: "How many robots are there in the technology station?"

Qiao Mobai thought for a while, and said: "There are about five of them. After Professor Huang's transformation, the combat power is similar to that of Hu Guang, but the basic guards are still sufficient."

"Oh, all right."

Qiao Xiachu's eyelids kept twitching, she didn't know what was going on, and she was panicking again, as if she had a premonition that something bad was about to happen...

Tech Station.

"How is it? Can you stand up with this suit of armor?" Huang Ben asked eagerly.

Zhou Jiaomei was a little nervous.

She puts on two exoskeleton prostheses, pushes the wires behind her, and communicates with her brain, and directly uses brain waves to control the armor on her body, just like a normal person, a thought, a thought, the armor legs on her body will move.

Move your toes, move your legs.

Hu Guang and Er Hei looked excitedly, looked at her expectantly and said, "Stand up and try. We have waited for this day for too long, and finally we have waited for him. Professor Huang is a capable person. He said yes, so he will definitely Can--"

Zhou Jiaomei was a little scared.

Her eyes were like water, with sparkling eyes, and she tried to stand up several times, but she never took that step, as if she had waited for so long and finally realized it, but she couldn't believe it.

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