"Qiaomei, stand up and try it out—" Erhei encouraged.

"Yes, Jiaojiao, I believe in you, it will definitely be possible." Hu Guang said.

Even Huang Ben looked expectant.

The exoskeleton legs this time should be his most proud work. No matter the shape or the details, every part is perfect.

If possible, he hoped that Zhou Jiaomei could stand up and face the most difficult challenge next time.

"Miss Zhou, you believe in yourself, and you have to believe in technology even more. Even if science is declining and cannot solve the phenomenon of natural disasters, it is the limitation of human beings, and it must be the limitation of science." Huang Ben encouraged.

Zhou Jiaomei nodded.

She was sweating profusely, with a heart firmly in her throat, and said, "I'll try again, give me some time, let me get in touch with it..."

The brain wave connection line is in good condition.

She can see it from the electronic device in her hand, but nervousness is inevitable.

Lying in bed for so long.

She hadn't stood up and walked independently for a long time.

Looking at the encouraging eyes around her and the eager anticipation, she stood up as soon as she gritted her teeth.

A command is transmitted from the brain, and then goes through the circuit step by step to reach the control center, and it takes a little time to react.


Everyone saw that Zhou Jiaomei got up suddenly, stood up from the white hospital bed, and then, under the eyes of everyone, she took a century-old scene.

She took a step!

Huang Ben's eyes exploded.

She's gone, she's gone!

Erhei and Hu Guang hugged each other.

too excited.

too excited--

Jiaomei was finally able to move her body.

The scientific researchers present yelled frantically one by one, even Huang Ben couldn't restrain himself from yelling.

"Quick, take two steps and have a look."

Huang Ben shouted loudly.

With this shout, Zhou Jiaomei subconsciously let her mind control her body, took one step, two steps...

When she found out that she was finally able to leave, Zhou Jiaomei covered her face and cried bitterly: "Dad, Guangguang, I can go, I can go—"

At this moment, what could be more exciting than this.

Feeling the unprecedented success, Huang Ben quickly said, "Quickly, back up all the data, I need to carry out the next set of modeling and design."

The most important group was placed last by him.

Selfishly speaking, he really wanted to wait for the technology to mature before getting in touch with brain waves. Others might say that he was using other people as guinea pigs, but you must know that Zhou Yingsheng, a lunatic, did not leave much material.

In case of success in the early stage, or if there is a slight error and a bit of material is wasted, the subsequent work will be completely deadlocked.

Zhou Jiaomei was not used to it at first.

When she walked up step by step, she found that she did not fall, and the exoskeleton on her body was very light, which did not affect her speed at all. As soon as she moved her mind, her steps moved in the direction she wanted to reach.


She waved her hands and shouted, "I can finally go—"

The cry was loud and resounded throughout the laboratory.

The scientific researchers in the room hugged each other one by one, excited beyond words.

Although no one will reward them at this time, no one will award them a big prize, but the success of the experiment still brings everyone a great sense of accomplishment.

Huang Ben announced: "We will hold a celebration banquet tonight, and invite Commander Huang to come to the Science and Technology Station. We must celebrate well."

The atmosphere in this doomsday is too depressing.

The red mist caused serious damage to the earth, the land was polluted, the plants were corroded, and the familiar form became completely unfamiliar.

The living space of human beings has shrunk sharply again.

The last time Lao You came to the Science and Technology Station, he wanted Qiao Mobai to lead a team and split off alone, looking for a way to allow humans to reinvest in planting...

This topic may be on the agenda.

Thinking about it this way, he divided the scientific research station into two in minutes. A small part of the team responsible for the human exoskeleton continued to follow him, and the others went to the scientific research station to find Qiao Mobai...

Erhei and Hu Guang were so excited.

On the way back, he forgot about Huang Ben's proposal.

It's just a group of scientists in charge of production. After Erhei and his party left the technology station, they went out together to investigate the disaster situation after the red fog and geological survey...

Therefore, Lao You couldn't figure out what to celebrate at night.

In the middle of the night, a cry for help came from the science and technology station. When Lao You rushed to the science and technology station with his team, he found that there was blood everywhere, and everyone lying on the ground had been dismembered...

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan also came together.

They raised their guns, looked at the technology station with full vigilance, and walked into the station step by step.

After Qiao Linmei entered with the advance team, she found that the entire technology station had become a lifeless empty room. There was no living person inside, and even the vegetative people lying in the medical cabin were all dead...

Huang Ben was severely nailed to the wall, and his death was extremely miserable.

The research results, research materials, and materials for making the exoskeleton of the science and technology station were all looted. Except for a group of scientists sent by Huang Ben, everyone else was swept away. Even Miracle Man's neck was cut off!

Like having a grudge.

Qiao Xiachu saw the grill spread out on the ground, as well as some wild vegetables, as well as charred canned fruits, meat, ashes... vaguely judged that an event should have been held here in the first place.

It was only then that Erhei and Hu Guang remembered that Huang Ben had said before that there was a script celebration dinner tonight, so they briefly explained the matter.

Lao You looked regretful.

"It's such a pity. A talent like Professor Huang is a rare treasure in the last days. I didn't expect someone to hate him so much. It's incredible—" he said with emotion.

Is it a misunderstanding?

When he thought of what happened to A Ji, he couldn't help but sigh.

Rong Huaiyan shook his head.

"This is not a misunderstanding. The people here should know the people who hurt them. They didn't struggle before they died, especially Professor Huang, who was nailed to the wall. He didn't resist!" He said.

This is obviously committed by an acquaintance.

Thinking of this, everyone was stunned.

There are many people who know Huang Ben.

The original residents of the underground, the people in the underground city, and all of them have basically seen Huang Ben, and know that he is a powerful scientist, and he made a pair of real-life hands for Er Hei.

He is like a legend, being spread in the dungeon.

In particular, Zhou Jiaomei was able to walk upright, giving the dungeon a shot in the arm. She was instantly full of confidence in the future of mankind, and felt that everything was worthless.

Huang Ben's reputation is so loud that it is almost on par with the old You Qiao Xiachu, Rong Huaiyan, the second black, Qiao Mobai...

Qiao Xiachu also came out from the technology station.

She wondered: "It should not be alone. There are several sets of footprints on the ground, and a string of bloody handprints in the scientific research room. It is obvious that they went to pick up the storage disk on the machine and stole all the technology from the technology station."

"From now on, don't come to the Science and Technology Station unless it is absolutely necessary." Lao You ordered.

He asked the people around him to dig a row of graves on the spot, buried Huang Ben and all the dead people in the technology station underground, paid homage far away, and then closed the technology station.

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