In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 258 Huang Ben's Death, The Technology Station Will Be Closed Forever

night time.

Qiao Mobai was very sad when he heard that Professor Huang and his party were gone.

He never expected that Huang Ben, who was originally united with him, was suddenly attacked by someone, and everyone disappeared like this, obviously without any enmity or grudge.

He really couldn't figure out why people were so cruel and so cruel.

One night, Qiao Mobai didn't even drink a sip of water, it was really sad.

Qiao Xiachu feels sorry for Huang Ben, but she loves her brother more...

"Don't be like this. Professor Huang's wife is a vegetable. Even if he can make a perfect exoskeleton, if his wife doesn't even have consciousness and can't read her flowing radio waves, then it may be too much for him." A cruel ending, the current situation is not necessarily a bad thing for him." Qiao Xiachu comforted.

No amount of heartbreak can help.

People are gone.

There are people like Huang Ben who value love and righteousness in the world. They are not in line with human nature. He himself is an anomaly.

God will not let the odd number die forever.

Qiao Mobai still felt uncomfortable.

He said: "However, Professor Huang is such a good person and so smart. As soon as I went, he specially divided the scientific research team into two parts, directly assigned us to the production team next door, and sent all the scientists in charge of production outside. Pai... as if everything has been predicted..."

It's really weird to die.

"worry about what."

Rong Huaiyan came over, handed his wife and brother a steamed bun, and then sat on the ground: "If this matter is done by an insider, it will come to light sooner or later. If it is an outsider, the end of the world will come, and we may not see you again. If we do, we will definitely take the place Lao Huang will take revenge."


Rong Huaiyan patted him on the shoulder lightly: "Don't worry, eat well, are you worried to death if you don't see your sister? No matter how sad, no matter how sad, you must remember to eat on time."

They are going to Huzhou tomorrow, and Li Han and Wang Yao are on standby, ready to leave at any time.

I didn't expect Professor Huang to make Zhou Jiaomei's legs in advance. I'm afraid Hu Guang can't go with them now, so let him stay in Feng'e City.

"Qiao Qiao, have you visited Miss Zhou?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She said: "Jiaomei only has legs. She commanded her legs to be a little tired. After she came back, she took off her legs and lay down to rest. However, she was still in a relatively full state of mind. She really wasn't as sluggish as before."

Rong Huai smiled.

He said quietly: "It's over. As I said, as soon as her legs recover, there is basically no need to worry about her, and she will be alive and kicking immediately."


Qiao Xiachu nodded slightly.

Maybe it's because she sees that Erhei cares about it and makes chaos, that's why she is worrying blindly.

Zhou Jiaomei has legs and can live a normal life in the future. If Hu Guang wants to participate in infrastructure work, she can also consider participating. This will definitely be a great thing for her mental stability.

However, they don't have time to care about this.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Mobai, in two days, the only surviving scientists at the science and technology station should be back soon. You should not go out these few days. When the instruments in the science and technology station are brought back, you will go underground with them." Let's work in the city."

At any time, she doesn't want her brother to get involved in outside affairs too much.

So as not to cause trouble.

Especially when she and Huaiyan are not around.

Qiao Mobai took a deep breath, took a bite of the steamed bun, and complained helplessly: "Sister, brother-in-law, why do I always have the illusion that I have a father and a mother?"


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing when he heard his younger brother's teasing.

Rong Huaiyan stepped up.

He said angrily: "Fuck off, I'm not that old yet. When did you have such a big son, and you wanted to call me dad, but I still didn't agree."

When is it, do you still want to fight for freedom?

If there is food rations, just be satisfied.


Although he was silent, but subconsciously, he picked up a can of bean paste from the table and chair on one side, handed it to him and said, "Eat it with sauce, it's delicious."


Qiao Mobai took the bean paste deftly, opened the lid, poked the steamed bun into it, then took a bite, and took a bite of the white flour steamed bun, eating it with relish.


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

After dawn.

Qiao Xiachu packed up her things, and she and Rong Huaiyan were ready to go.

After the group of people came out, they saw Erhei coming over and said to them, "Hu Guang will catch up with you later, and he is helping Jiaomei to correct her legs and install the electrode wires on her head."

Qiao Xiachu said: "Wait—"

She pretended to go back to her room, and soon took out a bag from the space, and handed it to Er Hei: "This is the signal flare that I found at the technology station last time. If he wants to come, he can come at 9:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 3:00 pm Clock, send signal flares at these three time points."

"it is good."

Erhei took the signal flare and told them to be careful all the way.

After finishing speaking, he asked Hu Feng to bring A Ji and A He out of the underground cell.

Ah He's wound simply stopped the bleeding.

She was very weak.

But as soon as she came out, Ah Ji carried her on her back, which didn't affect the team much.

Li Han and Wang Yao also each carried a large bag, which contained various weapons and equipment.

The old swimmer came over.

He took a deep look at A Ji, and said: "I swear to God about your father, there will never be a single lie, you are still young, take advantage of the fact that you have not made a big mistake, turn your back on it, and the members of the Hongying sniper team are full of words." Justice, but doing all kinds of evil things, if you do it, she will definitely come and kill you with her own hands!"

Aki's face darkened.

He has been silent.

After thinking about it all night, he also thought about who He Danhong was, who "killed all the evildoers in the world" one by one, but when she ordered them to poison, he should have imagined that they would end up like this.

From the beginning to the end, He Danhong didn't say a word of reminder, let alone that there is a powerful couple in their team!

She gritted her teeth tightly when it came to matters of life and death. It was conceivable that they would be used like livestock.

"Ahe, I'll take you home—"

Aji said weakly to his wife.

The woman on the back was stunned, unable to utter a word, except that things were revealed, their ultimate dreams were shattered, and life was meaningless.

No matter where she goes, she doesn't care.

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