In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 259: Arriving At The Lair Of The Hongying Sniper Regiment

"I can take you to find He Danhong." A Ji said seriously.

His eyes fell on Rong Huaiyan, and then glanced at Qiao Xiachu.


Rong Huaiyan's neat words made A Ji stunned.

"I only hope that after you kill her, you will let me live. I just want to take Ah He back to the mountain, and the fallen leaves return to their roots." A Ji said.

During the extremely hot period, when the drought comes, there is no food in the mountains, and the animals go down the mountain to find food, and the residents in the mountains have to find a way to survive, otherwise the mountain people don't want to go down the mountain.

Qiao Xiachu pursed her lips.

She didn't want to hurt the two of them, she said lightly: "You go back, you won't survive either."

Regardless of the coming acid rain after the red mist, the disasters that followed, the mountains were razed to the ground, and the residents in the mountains were not much better than the people in the city.

I'm afraid it will be even worse.

Aki's face was pale.

"I knew early on that I couldn't take revenge, even if He Danhong gave me one strategy after another, but I knew very well that the chance of victory was slim, but if I didn't take revenge, it would be the failure of the Son of Man. It's done—”

Come, his wish for the rest of his life is over, the rest is his own, whether it is life or death, he can decide.

To die in the mountains was his greatest wish.

In the heyday, he wanted to "lay" flat, open a yard, plant some corn, raise a few chickens and ducks, plant flowers and plants in the backyard, and be self-sufficient all year round.

When he is free, he shoots short videos to share his "abundant" life.

It's just that the doomsday came, and I had to wander around.

If he could choose, he wanted to die well.

This is the last bit of human dignity.

"Okay." Rong Huaiyan agreed.

Both Wang Yao and Li Han were stunned.

Can this be promised?

Both of these two are lunatics, and they traveled thousands of miles to Feng'e City to poison them, which is not a good thing.

"sister in law--"

"I know, you guys bring two more bottles of water." Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She didn't dissuade her, and she didn't say a word.

Wang Yao and Li Han could only give up.

They went to fill the water.

Soon, the team set off.

A Ji has a strong ability to distinguish directions, and he took the waterway directly to the boundary of Huzhou, and in almost a day, he brought Qiao Xiachu, Rong Huaiyan and his party to the foot of a mountain in Huzhou.

"This is He Danhong's original foothold. There is a leisure farm at the foot of the mountain. There are scattered caves dug by hand in the ground. Biogas and rat poison are installed in each cave. If you force your way in, the other party will either set it on fire or splash it. Rat poison, the food stored in the cave, can't be eaten directly." A Ji said.

These are lessons learned in blood.

Back then, many of his people fell into the hands of this woman, He Danhong.

When He Danhong grabbed them, she said condescendingly: "Do you think that there are no rules in the end of the day, and you can do whatever you want in the end of the day? We represent justice. Wherever there is injustice, we will go to reap the evil! I let you live because I want you to live for Redeem your sins!"

At first, everyone thought He Danhong was an idiot.

When is this time, it's justice.

He can't even eat enough to eat, and he is trying his best to maintain the rules.

But as they were arrested, they were pushed onto the stage day by day, and they searched their stomachs and "confessed" their sins again and again, and cursed themselves fiercely under the threat of food again and again.

This kind of powerful brainwashing will soon make everyone feel that they are inferior to pigs and dogs...

What the hell, when he thinks about it now, he feels like a beast!

This kind of fatal thing was deeply embedded in his bone marrow unconsciously.

"He Danhong looks innocent and simple on the surface, but she is actually very good at catching people's weaknesses. It is easy for people to lose themselves and do incredible things." A Ji said.

If it wasn't for the end, He Danhong held a grand "baptism" to make them deeply reflect on their mistakes, and let God leave a way for human beings to survive... He, Ahe and his party would not be able to leave "there is a villa" in Huzhou.

A Ji said: "Now you can't go any further. There are iron nails they buried in the soil in front of you, and the grass on the edge is full of poisonous snakes they feed...there are hidden piles everywhere, once they enter, they will lead to death disaster."

Thinking of the past, A Ji felt lingering fear.

People from outside broke into a farm, and as long as there was robbery, they would fall into the trap and die in a tragic way.

His people also went to die one by one, and when there were only a dozen people left, He Danhong in the villa came out Shi Shiran and ordered people to arrest them and imprison them in the cave they dug.

This stay lasted for the entire red mist period.

He Danhong didn't kill them either.

The food and drink are all leftovers from He Danhong and his party.

Rong Huaiyan said: "Haven't you been following Feng'e City? Why did you stay here for so long?"

A Ji put A He down and let her lean on a big bamboo tree.

He wiped his sweat and said, "Because He Danhong is also paying attention to Lao You. He said that Lao You's people killed her boyfriend Wu Yi, and the way of heaven will destroy Feng'e City. I didn't expect them to survive by chance."

A black storm hits Liaocheng.

He Danhong said that it was retribution.

It's just that Lao You resisted the punishment of heaven and survived.

Then this hatred should be ended by them themselves.

Tianya Haijiao, as long as she, He Danhong, survives for a day, this bloody revenge will be avenged!

"Then did she say who killed Wu Yi?" Qiao Xiachu asked suddenly.

She remembered that when Wu Yi was arrested, the black storm came suddenly, how he died later, Rong Huaiyan didn't mention it to her in detail, and just skipped it.

A Ji thought for a while, and said: "He Danhong said, it's a person whose surname is...Rong..."

He didn't dare to look at Rong Huaiyan.

He Danhong keeps his goals clear.

There is no misunderstanding here.

It was indeed Rong Huaiyan who killed her boyfriend.

Rong Huaiyan didn't make any excuses either.

He laughed and said, "Isn't that right? Not only did I kill Wu Yi, but I also chopped off Wu Yi's head. When the ball kicked hard twice, the eyeballs burst out, blood flowed all over the place, and the main artery was cut off. You I also know that the pain does not end in a second, after a person dies, the brain nerves can still live for a few seconds..."

Both Wang Yao and Li Han were stunned.

Brother Da Rong's sudden cold joke is really out of place.


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

She said: "The Hongying sniper group, isn't this a ridiculous joke? If you want to become a red policeman in the doomsday, you have no skills, just like a mouse in the gutter, playing insidious tricks, it's just mediocre. It's better to die early and be reborn early, what do you think—"

As she said that, she raised her hand sharply, aimed at a tall green flagpole in front of her, and a bullet struck fiercely.

At the same time, Rong Huaiyan kicked Aji into the iron nails, and shouted at the farm in front of him: "Your dog legs, you have been sent back, do you want more? If not, I will just cut off the head of a martial arts, directly It's creaking!"

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