A Ji looked constipated.

How did Rong Huaiyan find out.

He gave enough sincerity, but he didn't show half-heartedness at all...

Just when A Ji was shocked, a strange laugh came from behind the farm, and then the door of the villa opened wide, and a slender, square-faced, heroic woman walked out from inside.

At first glance, I thought she was a man.

If it weren't for the slender waist, thin bones, not as thick as a man, and the short hair, it would be really hard to tell the difference between male and female.

"He Danhong?"

Rong Huaiyan sneered.

Qiao Xiachu hooked his fingers, and two super powerful bombs were about to be thrown out at any time.

Li Han and Wang Yao directly raised their guns and aimed at the person in front of them.

What the hell?

They were still chatting a moment ago, secretly worried that Rong Huaiyan would let the tiger go back to the mountain, why would he enter a life-and-death battle in the next second?

In doubt, the woman in the villa stood on the edge of the dojo, looked at them indifferently, and said, "Very well, I knew that sending A Ji would attract our Hongying's enemy over—"

Upon hearing this, Aji was not happy.

He said: "He Danhong, you promised me that as long as I bring people here, you will let us go, why don't you keep your word?"

He Danhong in the dojo squinted and smiled.

"Just ask this Mr. Rong, did he ever plan to let you go?" the woman laughed.

Aki was stunned.

He looked at Rong Huaiyan in disbelief: "Mr. Rong, you—"

"That's right, villains naturally have ways of being villains." Rong Huaiyan didn't hide anything.

He doesn't play the way of a gentleman with villains.

That's a fool.

"You, you!"

Aji was so angry that he was dumbfounded.

Being played around by a group of bigwigs with impressive IQ, A Ji was about to feel grief and anger.

However, before he could react, Rong Huaiyan showed a cold expression on his cheeks, and before He Danhong could react, he lifted A Ji and threw it towards the women in the dojo!

During the throwing process, cannon fire came from all angles of the farm.

360° with no dead ends... A Ji was shot into a hornet's nest.

Rong Huaiyan sneered.

He said quietly: "I promised to let you go, but some people will never."

As soon as the words fell, Ahe, who was lying on the ground, also became angry.

She was furious.

"You, you beasts—"

God is cruel.

Just when Ah He was about to utter the last curse of the soul, a dagger pierced her heart fiercely.

She looked at the person in front of her in shock, and said dumbfounded, "Why, why?"

Rong Huaiyan said coldly: "If you are a husband and wife, you should go to hell together. For some old debts, it is better to settle them underground."

The wife hides from her husband.

Step by step, the husband's hatred skyrocketed, and finally embarked on a path of seeking skin from a tiger.

This Ahe is not a good thing.

Maybe this woman has some secrets that her husband doesn't even know.

Ahe closed his eyes unwillingly.

But no matter how much unwillingness and reluctance to give up, it will all be wiped out at this moment.

She closed her eyes forever.

Li Han and Wang Yao beside them were shocked.

Their eldest brother Rong is quite black-bellied.

He insisted on guiding the couple all the way, confidently thinking that he could get out of the clutches of the clutches, but he didn't expect to end up hating the Northwest...

What can I say?

At this moment, they were only glad that they had fought against the right person from the beginning.

Otherwise, it might be them who are lying here today.

Rong Huaiyan stood up with a cold face.

He patted the dirt on his palms, and said to He Danhong in the dojo, "Okay, since you've been waiting for so long, you should settle it!"

The bloody scene of a bloody battle unfolded.

It has to be said that He Danhong is best at making traps. A small farm, within a few hundred meters, is almost all traps set by her.

Whether it's mines, poison, nails, glass, or poisonous snakes... every round is a battle of life and death.

Qiao Xiachu quietly brought two killing robots over.

After losing two robots, Li Han and Wang Yao were injured one after another. They were seriously injured by the explosion and had to find an open space outside to recuperate...

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu had no choice but to brave the tiger's den.

He Danhong, who lives in a farm in the town, saw that the two of them were going through one level after another as if they were playing a game, and said with a smile: "Let them come over this round, let's release our sharp weapon."

It has to be said that Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu broke through five levels in one go, causing her to lose a lot of materials and manpower. In the end, if she can't avenge her martial arts, she can only resort to a big move.

"Boss, this character is really difficult to deal with. His eyes seem to be able to penetrate the darkness. He hits us every time. It's too ruthless. It's not as good as us..."

"Get out!"

He Danhong looked angry.

She won't give up.

After so much effort in the early stage, step by step, I finally lured Rong Huaiyan, a bitch, out of Feng'e City and into her encirclement. Even if it couldn't kill him, how could she redeem her original promise to Wu Yi!

Wu Yi said: I am brave for you, as long as you want, I will help you achieve it, but there is one thing, if one day, I am killed, you must avenge me.

She promised martial arts.

If one day he is killed by someone, he must kill his enemy with his own hands!

To achieve this goal, she did everything possible.

Even if she pays the heaviest price, she is willing!

Thinking of this, He Danhong gritted her teeth, her eyes were red and bloodshot: "Launch the most violent attack, I want everyone to leave this pair of sluts together!"


In the farm, everyone disagreed with He Danhong.

They managed to save their lives.

Like a checkpoint game, they step by step through floods, extreme cold, insect plagues, famines, rat plagues, plagues, extreme heat, droughts, black storms, red fog... Seeing that the climate is getting better, the happy days of human beings are coming up.

He Danhong asked them to go all out.

The crowd agreed to He Danhong on the surface, but they were full of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The Hongying sniper group can fool others, but not them.

This He Danhong is simply using natural disasters to confuse people's hearts step by step, using them as pawns in his hand to do whatever he wants.

Therefore, a group of people secretly decided that once they were about to confront Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan head-on, they would all put down their weapons and directly admit defeat and run for their lives.

Leaving a He Danhong, the farm is theirs.

Rong Huaiyan and the others came rushing towards He Danhong, and they were not the murderer, they deliberately killed people for fun.


A stream of gunpowder smoke rose from the ground.

A cave outside the farm was flattened.

Ahead is the big house on the farm.

Rong Huaiyan looked at Qiao Xiachu who was beside him, and said, "Are you ready? Take this He Danhong in one fell swoop, and we will never have any future troubles. After we get rid of her, we will go to big things!"

Huzhou ranks second economically in the entire province.

How can we be worthy of this event if we don't go and have a big sweep.


Qiao Xiachu took out the bomb with his left hand and the bazooka with his right...

Double insurance.

It's still a waste weapon, it doesn't cost anyone, it's better!

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