Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu had the same thoughts.

After Li Han and Wang Yao were injured, he especially didn't want to waste a drop of blood. Along the way, as long as he could waste a few more explosives, it would definitely not cost anyone.

Therefore, the whole road was almost bombed wildly, turning this area into a random cemetery.

Now it's just the last wave. After blasting He Danhong into the sky, they can call it a day and go back.

The two opened their hands left and right, frantically throwing bombs at the farm.

Rong Huaiyan is even more desperate.

He directly sacrificed the drone and started airdropping non-stop.

After some bombing, all the houses in the farm were blown up, and the hollows on the ground were also blown into a mess.

In this case, unless they dug the underground cave deeper than Feng'e City, it is basically impossible to survive...

"Let me throw a digging robot first, and then I'll scan it again." Qiao Xiachu said.

In case there were unexploded ammunition, they might have injured themselves.

Or don't take the risk.

Anyway, when they found Huang Ben last time, there were a lot of robots left, which were transformed into cleaning and labor-type ones by them. Huang Ben gave her a lot of them, and she quietly put them away.

This is where it comes in handy.

Qiao Xiachu threw two robots towards the ruins.

A hammer was installed in front of the robot, and it jingled and knocked all the way, rolling almost every corner. When it came back, Qiao Xiachu looked at the prompt on the tablet.

"Hey, there are still a group of people ahead..." Qiao Xiachu said.

On the flat screen, there are a group of thermal signals.

This is very wrong.

And the hole hasn't exploded?

Just when Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan were wondering, they suddenly saw swarms of wasps flying from the sky!


Qiao Xiachu quickly took out the protective clothing from the space, threw it directly to Rong Huaiyan and said, "Quick, put it on."

A dense swarm of wasps.

How many beehives are there in captivity?

The two were used to wearing protective clothing, and the speed was so fast that when the hornet rushed over, the two even put on their masks.

buzz buzz --

The wasps kept circling around them, swarming them several times, attacking desperately, and after not stinging anyone, they flew into the sky again.

They just don't want to give up.

A swarm of bees crashing and crashing.

People with intensive phobia will definitely get sick.

Densely, surrounding the two of them in a circle.

Although he had a protective suit, he couldn't resist being surrounded by them. Qiao Xiachu took out a flamethrower from the space and aimed at the wasp with fire.

Hula la.

After a while, the bodies of the wasps fell in groups.

The roasted one fell to the ground, smelling like roasted meat.

It's quite fragrant.

Qiao Xiachu said with a smile on his face, "Wait for me to burn them all."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the ruins in front of her were broken by a huge force, one, two, three... unknown things rushed out from the corner of the bush.

Looking carefully, Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan were stunned.

These lumps of things are not dogs or cats, but people dripping with pus.

Their eye sockets were red, and their skin was rotting away, as if it had melted away.

The hands and feet have also changed.

The fist became very fierce.

One of them uttered an animal-like huh, like a hyena roaring.

Each of these people is the same as Qiao Dongliu who was drugged back then...

Their bones are stronger, and their eyes are more fierce.

Even if the bones were smashed against the rocks, they quickly recovered.


Such an awesome restorative power, Iron Man?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu's eyes changed.

"Be careful—" Rong Huaiyan reminded.

"I know."

This kind of stuff is hard to deal with.

I don't know where their weakness is, should they just cut off their heads like on TV?

If so, it will be very difficult.

As long as it is inhaled and touched, I am afraid that it will be contagious. You can wear protective clothing to fight. It is obvious that things cannot be used. If there is any damage, the crisis will be aggravated...

"About how many?" She counted carefully.

As far as the eye can see, there are more than 20 riding horses.

Rong Huaiyan said: "The thermal sensor can't get their body temperature anymore, the virus that this thing is taking should have been upgraded."

Really bad news.

Just as they were about to strike, they heard giggles from a speaker in the corner.

It's quite permeable.

"Rong Huaiyan, originally I only wanted to kill you alone, but since you brought a powerful one with you, I don't need the last big killer. I'm really sorry for your trip."

He Danhong's voice came from several loudspeakers installed in the corner.

This farm is really unique.

I don't know how many floors are up and down.

It's just that he didn't expect that He Danhong also had the ns virus in his hands, and it was an upgraded version.

"What's your relationship with Jiang Hanzhi?" Qiao Xiachu couldn't help shouting.


The woman smiled strangely.

But she obviously didn't want to answer Qiao Xiachu's question, so she just disappeared.

The battle started.


Rong Huaiyan shot him up.

The monster felt no pain in one finger, and pulled out the bullet at once. The wound healed in minutes, and it didn't cause any harm to him.



Is this hot weapons versus magic?

"Then we'll cut off their heads." He gritted his teeth.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

As soon as she moved her hand, she took out a thin and long steel wire from the space, with handles on both ends, as long as it circled their necks, bowed left and right, pulled hard, and cut off their heads in minutes.

I can only give it a try.

The two looked at each other, and their figures swept towards the group of monsters together.

During a few ups and downs, Qiao Xiachu rushed in front of a monster. After fighting him, he almost grabbed the mask off his head. At the very moment, the figure squatted suddenly, threw out the handle, and the wire rope flew towards one side .

She swung her wrist vigorously.

Soon, two hands suddenly grabbed the monster's head and pulled it hard.


The wire rope broke!

What the hell?

Is this monster head made of King Kong?

While Qiao Xiachu was puzzled, he saw that something seemed to have been implanted in the skin on the necks of these people, and its hardness was no longer something that steel wires could cut.

Rong Huaiyan also found out.

"What should we do now?" Qiao Xiachu was stunned.

While she was thinking, a group of monsters rushed towards them and surrounded the two of them, each of them felt no pain at all, and their blood-red figures were reflected in the red eye sockets.

They appear to be locked.

It's outrageous.

How did Jiang Hanzhi come up with this insane thing?

What does she want to do?

"Is there a chainsaw?" Rong Huaiyan asked.


Qiao Xiachu lightly supported his forehead, transferred two chainsaws from the space, handed him one, and took one for himself.

"Since they implanted steel plates in the neck, the neck must be a weakness. As long as they cut off the neck, they should be able to kill it." Rong Huaiyan said.

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