The hum of the chainsaw is particularly harsh.

There was an instant explosion at the scene.

However, the chainsaw is big and there are many people on the other side. The artillery bombardment can only slow down their speed, and the wounded place will heal quickly, just like the broken tail of a gecko.

This is not considered dead.

Qiao Xiachu's face hurts.

Under round after round of attacks, Qiao Xiachu made a sudden leap, attracting the attention of a monster. Rong Huaiyan lay dormant on the ground, and when the monster rushed over, he rushed forward with a slanting thrust, and cut with a chainsaw. In the past, he stepped on the forehead with his foot, sawing frantically.

Very difficult to saw.

This is harder than killing a cow.

It can't be faster.

The hands and feet of the underground monster twisted crazily, it was no longer twisted by human beings, it was almost like a mahuaer.

After sawing off the monster's head, the plasma inside was red, but as soon as it fell into the soil and sand, the stone was corroded into powder and black, and the plastic bag under the stone was directly was melted.

The blood seemed to boil.

What is this.

Qiao Xiachu kicked a head flying, and as soon as the head fell into the grass, a large area of ​​weeds withered, turned yellow and black, and after a while, all the worms in the soil came out, When they came out, they rolled, and then their bodies stiffened one by one, and they died.

The toxicity is so strong that the thief is incredible.

Qiao Xiachu was shocked.

The toxicity is too strong, the Akabane currently possessed in her space, even if she takes ten pills at a time, it is not so powerful, besides, the human body can't bear the power of ten Akabane pills at all, and one after another the bell explodes and dies.

After the two of them tried their best to harvest two monsters, they felt exhausted instantly.

This thing is too hard to kill.

Just when the two looked at each other and decided to avoid this ghost thing and catch He Danhong, they saw the woman's low voice coming from the loudspeaker on the ground again.

"Why, this is not the end, I will give you some more gifts."

Immediately afterwards, a group of mad lions, wolf dogs, mad cows... all charged towards the two of them. They were tyrannical and possessed "immortality".

For a while, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu felt "difficult to move an inch" for the first time.

While bombing, the two tried their best to cooperate in killing the enemy.


With its big horns on its head, the mad cow charged forward with full horsepower.

"Come on—"

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan greeted him in two lanes, and with a chainsaw on each side, they rushed towards the mad cow's head.


Blood spurted out all at once, and the protective clothing on both of them melted.

not good.

"Quick retreat!"

Rong Huaiyan threw down the chainsaw, dragged Qiao Xiachu and ran out without saying a word.

"Can't be infected."

At this moment, he realized that He Danhong sent the mad cow not to increase the difficulty of the battle, but to melt the protective clothing with the blood of the mad cow.

The blood of the cow is about to invade.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't care less.

She didn't have time to think about whether He Danhong behind her would find anything, so she took out a large amount of alcohol from the space, spraying and rinsing it non-stop.

The cow's blood rushed down before she began to tear off the torn protective clothing.

She frantically washed the blood off Rong Huaiyan's protective clothing, and then said to him: "Why don't we find a place to hide first, find out the enemy's situation before attacking."

"Let me check it for you to see if there is any wound."

Rong Huaiyan looked nervous.

He grabbed Qiao Xiachu and looked left and right, afraid that there would be some invisible corner of her body that would be polluted by this poisonous blood, and that would be a big trouble.

"Rong Huaiyan, Qiao Xiachu, do you think you can escape? Look in front of you—"

Behind him, He Danhong was wandering around like A Piao.

fuck it.

Rong Huaiyan grabbed the gun at his feet, aimed at a loudspeaker in front of him, and fired directly, smashing the screaming loudspeaker.

However, there are also a large group of various animals in front, stray cats, cats, mice, groups of snakes...

Great collection of animals!

These ones are basically poisoned.

Qiao Xiachu looked shocked.

She said: "Jiang Hanzhi spread the poison?"

Rong Huaiyan was also unable to judge.

It can only be said that all the animals and people they see are poisonous, not only to kill them, but also to burn them to ashes.

Just the two of them, the chances of winning are very low.

"Why don't we—"

Qiao Xiachu grabbed Rong Huaiyan's wrist.

"don't want."

Rong Huaiyan knew what she wanted to do, but he broke free.

"Don't talk about exposure, even if we go in, the time is so short, we will be ejected in less than a while, and if we happen to land on some poisonous thing, we will be sent to death!" Rong Huaiyan said.

Qiao Xiachu was in a hurry.

So what to do.

There are too many of them, and with the power of two people, it is difficult to kill them all.

"Explode, use full power, and keep blasting a passage!" Rong Huaiyan gritted his teeth.

Even if it is to blow up a road, it is good to cover their retreat.

"it is good."

Ever since, the two of them were like crazy, throwing bombs like crazy, you throw one, I throw one, even if they can't be killed, at least there will always be a few fish that slip through the net, with their necks crooked and their heads blown off of.

Whether it's poisonous snakes, wolf dogs, wild cats, mad cows, or lions, these animals are animals after all. They don't have steel plates implanted in their necks like humans, so after their brains are blown out, they will fall to the ground.

The entire polluted ground was covered with black blood and black soil, with an indescribable stench, heavier than the smell of rotting corpses.

Qiao Xiachu almost threw up.

She had to continue to put on the protective mask and put on the biochemical suit that she hadn't worn for a long time.

At present, I am afraid that this is the only set of clothes that can resist the blood.

"You can wear this."

Qiao Xiachu threw him an ordinary set. ,


There is one and only one set of this kind of biochemical.

Rong Huaiyan put it on without hesitation.

Although the blood poison can melt the protective clothing, it is better than nothing. If it gets into the eyes or wounds, it will be over.

The two continued to blast the bomb all the way.

Just as he was about to run out of the encirclement, a fierce shout sounded from behind.

"Rong sir, sister-in-law, over there, hurry up, hurry up, let's save people—"

Hu Guang's voice came quickly.

Accompanied by his anxious and worried shouts, a big vajra iron baby vaguely ran up behind him. Looking carefully, it was the one wearing exoskeleton legs... Zhou Jiaomei.

She also followed.

"do not come--"

Rong Huaiyan continued to throw bombs wildly.

Qiao Xiachu yelled at the two, preventing them from rushing into the enemy's encirclement.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiaomei pulled Hu Guang out of the artillery fire with a sudden force, directly using brain waves, and knocked him to the ground severely.

"Run, run out of the city!" Qiao Xiachu shouted.

As soon as this voice was opened, Zhou Jiaomei became anxious.

Her delicate voice broke as soon as she got anxious, and said to Hu Guang in a sharp voice: "Quick, run on my back, I'll run on your back—"

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