Hu Guang let go of his feet and ran wildly.

But no matter how fast he speeds up, he can't compare to Zhou's coquettishness.

She is like a gust of wind.

The speed is so fast that it has surpassed the limit of human beings.

The mad cow behind him, and a group of strange-looking people, like emotionless zombies, rushed out of the artillery fire abruptly, covered in artillery fire, rolled in the mud, and the fire was extinguished.

Some burnt people, soon the skin returned to its original state.

This scene deeply shocked Zhou Jiaomei.

She had never seen such an incredible thing!

Has anyone really researched the zombie virus?

Thinking of this possibility, the image of ns virus appeared in Zhou Jiaomei's mind...

The longevity sequence she extracted was obtained from that crazy animal. Why does it look so similar?

For a moment, she panicked.

ns virus is highly contagious.

Without further ado, Zhou Jiaomei turned around suddenly, grabbed Hu Guang and threw it on her back, then ran all the way to the high mountain not far away, her two legs were like the rotating shaft of a machine.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan also rushed out from the encirclement. Seeing Zhou Jiaomei running towards the top of the mountain with Hu Guang on her back, they also rushed in their direction.

If possible, Rong Huaiyan has a helicopter on the system page, and then he can fly away from a high place, and then control the drone to bombard the farm while they are out of the artillery attack range.

The group of monsters behind them rushed mechanically.

The number is twice as much as before.

How much does He Danhong raise, and how much manpower and material resources will be consumed...

When Rong Huaiyan thought of such crazy people in the last days, he couldn't hold back his murderous heart.

All difficulties must be overcome to uproot her and the industrial chain behind her!

After Wang Yao and Li Han were injured, they hid in a cave.

But right now, I don't care so much.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu had to waste their strength to catch up with Zhou Jiaomei's speed, and followed her to the top of a cliff.

"Don't run away, there is a cliff ahead—"

Zhou Jiaomei suddenly stopped.

As soon as she slowed down, due to the inertia of her body, she almost fell off the cliff with her whole body. In the blink of an eye, Qiao Xiachu slammed a rope and grabbed her forcefully.

Rong Huaiyan quickly dragged her back.

"Old Hu, you bastard, come down quickly, you should lose weight." He yelled.

Hu Guang's mind was still spinning in circles.

Hearing Rong sir's shout, he hurriedly jumped off Zhou Jiaomei's body, then hugged Zhou Jiaomei's leg with his body, and then dragged her back.

It has to be said that Zhou Jiaomei's body is quite heavy with the legs of the exoskeleton.

Only a few of them barely held her back.

But no matter how strong her inertia is, several people will be thrown into the deep pit by her alone.

Zhou Jiaomei leaned back, turned around abruptly, managed to stabilize her figure, looked at the three people behind her, her eyes fell on Hu Guang for the first time, helped him up and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

Hu Guang shook his head.

He quickly stood up and dragged her back step by step.

After a few people found a big stone and stopped, they told each other what happened to each other.

After Zhou Jiaomei installed her legs, she felt a lot lighter.

She gradually became proficient in using brain waves, using them to control her legs, and successfully "helped" Hu Guang up from the ground when he fell. At that moment, she decided to come to Huzhou with him.

At first, neither Hu Guang nor Er Hei agreed.

She just learned to use her legs, how could she follow her to Huzhou as soon as she came up, to participate in such a dangerous battle.

Therefore, Erhei and Hu Guang firmly shook their heads.

Zhou Jiaomei can think about it.

She said: "Dad, Guangguang, you all help me with all your heart. Now I can not only stand up, but also give full play to my strengths. If I can do what others can't on the battlefield, I'm not adding to my life." Width? Why don't you let me go, what's the difference between being alive and dead."

Seeing her persist, Erhei couldn't do anything.

He knew that his daughter was easy-going and well-behaved on the surface, but she had made a decision in her heart. Once she refused to agree to her, she would never be happy, like a lump in her heart.

In desperation, he repeatedly asked Hu Guang to take good care of Jiaomei.

So, Zhou Jiaomei followed Hu Guang to Huzhou.

After arriving in Huzhou, they also found the farm after seeing the signal left by Rong Huaiyan along the way. When they saw that Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu were in crisis, they wanted to step forward to help.

Who knows, Qiao Xiachu will drive them away as soon as they come.

After finally getting out of the crisis, Zhou Jiaomei and Hu Guang set their eyes on Rong Huaiyan, waiting for him to give orders.

Rong Huaiyan looked at the two of them.

It's not good for him to take out the helicopter suddenly, otherwise it will be weird, and he has to find a reason.

Just as he was thinking, he found a lion with a big mouth behind him, and was blown up by a grenade from Qiao Xiachu. Fortunately, Rong Huaiyan picked up a huge boulder and smashed it.

Otherwise, the lion's blood will be sprayed on them.

"Quick, let's retreat." Rong Huaiyan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw groups of crows flying in the sky.

The crow is big, its eyes are red, its mouth is dripping, and its hair is gone. It is flying in the sky like a chicken, and pus is spraying.

When Qiao Xiachu saw it, she became anxious.

She pretended to take something from behind, as if she was taking something from the protective clothing, and threw out two fans, and after opening them suddenly, she said to the two: "Quickly, open the fans and protect your face."

There is non-slip material on the fan surface, whether it is water or corrosive liquid, it can flow down in a short time, and she originally used it for sun protection.

Zhou Jiaomei and Hu Guang didn't expect her to wear two fans, and when they heard her cry, they subconsciously did so.

Just when the two of them were wondering, they saw a helicopter flying over.

On the plane, He Danhong looked down at the four of them.

"Rong Huaiyan, there is a cliff behind you, if you run away, you will die without a place to die, hahaha——your pig teammates are really good." He Danhong almost died of laughter.

No matter what kind of death, she likes it.

As long as Rong Huaiyan dies in her hands!

Rong Huaiyan looked disdainful.

What happened to the cliff?

The fighter planes he threw along the way have not yet been dispatched.

Who lives and who dies is not certain.

Just when Rong Huaiyan sneered, He Danhong said: "What do you think my support is? Look at the bottom of the cliff, open your dog eyes—"

He Danhong yelled loudly.

Qiao Xiachu took a closer look and was stunned.

Under the cliff, there are dense crowds of mad dogs crawling out of the darkness...the number is so large that there are countless, if not 10,000, there should be 20,000.

"Hahahaha, I have raised as many dogs as there have been natural disasters. They are all my treasures. As soon as A Ji was released, I fed poison into their dog food and killed you guys. Isn't that enough?"

He Danhong's eyes turned red with excitement.

The enemy was right in front of her eyes, she was unwilling to kill Rong Huaiyan.

The four gasped!

This thief is so dizzying.

Too much……

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