Without saying a word, Rong Huaiyan directly fed a gravity shell.

The next second, he grabbed the bazooka on his shoulder and aimed it at the cliff. Boom boom boom was a series of shells.

Mad dogs land like stones.

This speed is really terrifying.

Drop dogs one after another.

But their self-healing ability is too strong, as long as they are not dead, they will basically climb up again.

There are simply not enough people to fight.

If this continues, everyone will die here.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes almost turned red.

She wants to take them out of here...

Zhou Jiaomei was also very anxious.

She hurriedly said: "I'll send you to the other side of the cliff, you guys, you go back and get the rescuers—"

On the other side of the cliff is a low hill.

This fall is also a narrow escape.

But if you stay on the edge of the cliff, you will definitely die.

"No, we have to go together, we have to stay... stay together." Hu Guang resolutely objected.

He won't leave Jiaomei alone to escape.

They are here to help, not to die!

Zhou Jiaomei was in a hurry.

She said: "you have been helping me, let me help you once, okay?"

"not good!"

Hu Guang was firm.

He will never leave her behind.

Seeing that he can't move, Zhou Jiaomei is also very helpless.

At this time, Qiao Xiachu looked at the small compass needle on her wrist, and found that the magnetic field was really chaotic, and she almost had a flash of inspiration. She whispered to Zhou Jiaomei: "Jiaomei, try to control the brain waves in front of you!" This humanoid puppet, see if you can control his magnetic field."

From the very beginning, she found these poisonous things strange, they all lost their minds, how could they attack her and Huaiyan, and they persisted, just like a robot was programmed.

Hearing this, Zhou Jiaomei slowly calmed down from the panic, then stood up, stared hard at a figure in front of her, and then attacked fiercely like she usually rolled up Hu Guang.


An invisible wave strikes.

In a corner where few people could hear, the first puppet fell to the ground.

Qiao Xiachu grabbed the chainsaw in his hand, and with a sudden impact, he directly sawed off the monster's head.

Although it's not as quick as cutting a watermelon with a knife, it's fast, and it has far surpassed the previous fight between her and Rong Huaiyan alone.

Sure enough.

There should be a control center in the brains of this group of people to firmly control them, but I don't know if the animal's will work...

After a round of trials, the animals were different.

They should have been domesticated.

Qiao Xiachu gritted his teeth and asked, "How many people can you control at most?"

Zhou Jiaomei was at a loss.

She took a deep breath and said, "Just now, one person made me use one-tenth of my strength. I should, I should be able to control 10 people... I, I will try my best..."

As long as he could help them once, it would not be in vain to help her all the time.

"Okay, let's give it a try. Whether we can break through this time depends on whether we can fight our way out." Qiao Xiachu said.

As long as this group of people can be overthrown, she believes that this group of animals is more troublesome to burst blood, and killing them out should not be a problem...

Thinking of this, she pulled La Rong Huaiyan in a low voice, and whispered her plan in his ear.

When Rong Huaiyan heard this, he immediately said: "Okay, I'll distract He Danhong's attention and lead her away. You should pay attention to safety."

"it is good."

As soon as Qiao Xiachu exited, the man beside him suddenly threw a smoke bomb into the air, and then loudly said to the void: "You run away, I will cover you!"

Then, Rong Huaiyan threw smoke bombs one after another in He Danhong's direction.

The smoke continued to spread, and a group of animals were seen to be dispersed in several directions.

He Danhong was not in a hurry.

She had guessed that Rong Huaiyan would sacrifice herself to protect Qiao Xiachu.

Listening to his voice, and his running footsteps, this is not something a woman can do at all, let alone that mechanical woman.

There was only one person she most wanted to kill from beginning to end.

Rong Huaiyan!

Therefore, He Danhong has been flying in the direction of the smoke.

"Quickly, follow this puff of smoke and turn on the ground detection. Don't lose him. Needless to say, he is definitely alone." He Danhong said.

When the detection system turned on and scanned the thermal signal of Rong Huaiyan alone, He Danhong couldn't help laughing.

That's it.

Rong Huaiyan, an idiot, is in the end of the world, yet he is still in love with brains, he is really stupid.

If this kind of person doesn't die, who else will die?

He Danhong ordered the flying team all the way to stick to Rong Huaiyan's direction, absolutely not to lose track.

at the same time.

Qiao Xiachu discovered that Zhou Jiaomei was a god assist.

After she tried her best to "strength", there were more than a dozen humanoid puppets, almost letting her slaughter them. The chainsaw went all the way, almost turning her into a chainsaw killer...

After three waves, Qiao Xiachu cut off thirty or forty heads in one go.

There are not many left.

There are a huge number of animals, but their combat power is still inferior to that of humans. They threw bombs all the way, and almost all of them were blown up.

Just when Qiao Xiachu was very excited and felt that victory was in sight, he saw two monsters rushing towards Hu Guang.

"Go away, go away!"

Hu Guang attacked frantically.

But he was no match for such a dirty thing, he was beaten until he vomited blood within a few strokes.

The dirty thing seemed to be very "excited", seeing that it hurt someone, it was even more vicious to shoot.

Zhou Jiaomei screamed when she saw Hu Guang was injured.

"Guangguang, don't hurt him—"

She didn't care about controlling the dozen or so monsters in front of her, she turned around and rushed over, kicked up without saying a word, raised her foot and kicked a beast to the bottom of the cliff.

The other monster made unconscious noises. She was obviously older than the one just now, and she could be the mother of that one...

At this moment, when she saw her companion fall off the cliff, she suddenly became mad.

The monster woman rushed towards Hu Guang, about to push him off the cliff and die with him.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiaomei became anxious.

She subconsciously rushed towards the monster girl.

"don't want--"

Hu Guang jumped up.

Qiao Xiachu in the distance is almost red-eyed.

Crazy, crazy, all crazy.

Qiao Xiachu took off suddenly, threw out a fire rope with all his strength, and shouted loudly: "Grab the rope quickly."

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