
Now it's rolled into a string.

The monster girl pulled Zhou Jiaomei's leg.

Zhou Jiaomei was grabbed by Hu Guang's arm.

Behind him, Qiao Xiachu wrapped a rope around Hu Guang's waist... Seeing that she was about to be abandoned and dragged down, she shot out another rope with one hand and wrapped it around a big tree.

Her whole body was pulled by two ropes.


People are torn.

The weight on the edge of the cliff is indescribable, almost beyond her limit.

If this continues, she will be torn in half.

"Qiaomei, Hu Guang, do you have any support under your feet? Please lend me some strength, I can't bear it any longer—" Qiao Xiachu said loudly.

What's worse, a dozen monsters behind him, as well as hordes of animal frenzy, have already rushed over non-stop. If this continues, everyone will die!

With a thought, Qiao Xiachu released a few digging robots and cleaning robots from the space, let them resist for a while, whether it is useful or not, it is better than waiting like this.

Upon hearing her shout, Zhou Jiaomei said decisively, "Hu Guang, let go of my hand, do you hear me?"

Hu Guang shook his head.

don't want.

He will not let go even if he dies.

"If you are like this, we are all going to die here. I have always hoped that you will live well. It has not changed from the beginning to the end. Today I helped Sister Qiao kill the enemy. At that moment, I really felt a sense of accomplishment. If I were stronger , maybe this situation won’t happen—”

A line of tears flowed from the corner of her eye.


Live well.

Live wonderfully.

At that moment just now, she deeply felt it.

The unprecedented joy was engraved deep in her soul, and her whole body was about to cry out excitedly.

Isn't there a profession in the game that is to play support?

How she wished she was...

By their side, by their side.

But that's the case, she can't even do this little thing well, and she has become a burden to them!

"No, coquettish, coquettish—"

Hu Guang's eyes burst.

He was terrified, and his heart ached to death.

"You have something to do, and I don't want to live anymore."

"Hu Guang, do you want to kill both of us?"

"I want to save you, Jiaojiao—"

Zhou Jiaomei's eyes were moist.

Her heart fluttered and she moved violently.

time is limited.

She could stay with Hu Guang for so long, and he and Er Hei guarded her as if they were their lives. What could be more happiest than this.

She has had enough.


For the rest of my life, I have no regrets.

She just wants Hu Guang to live well, to live forever...for her to complete tasks that she can't do by herself, such as taking care of her father Erhei...

Tears rolled down uncontrollably.

Whose life is wonderful with them?


Really, very good.

Zhou Jiaomei's teary eyes softened...

"Don't be silly, I was originally an extra person, please take good care of my dad, and... I always wanted to say that you and Linmei are actually quite suitable... If there is a destiny, don't see each other, we... Not suitable, for the rest of your life, you must live a good life, otherwise I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

After speaking, Zhou Jiaomei made up her mind.

She can't harm Hu Guang, can't drag him down.

What he gave her would never be finished in several lifetimes...

"Farewell, my love, my father, my friends, and see you in the next life."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jiaomei's eyes were firmer than ever before. With a sudden struggle, her wrist slipped from Hu Guang's fingers.

On the edge of a cliff, one hand can save someone, that only happened in TV dramas, and at this moment, Zhou Jiaomei deeply realized how painful his arm was every minute and every second he was holding her back...

"Hu Guang, we must live!"


Soar into the sky.

Zhou Jiaomei opened her arms and let the monster girl below hold her legs, like a moth rushing to death, she fell down the cliff with danger.

This life is worth...


Hu Guang screamed wildly.

This cliff is like two mountain peaks that have been split, deep and bottomless.

He kept struggling, trying to untie the rope around his waist, but the speed on top increased instead, and after a while, his body was dragged ashore.

He looked back and found that it was a robot winding the rope, and Qiao Xiachu raised the chainsaw and was wrestling with a group of monsters.


The monsters were all killed by them.

As soon as the thought came to him, Hu Guang seemed to go crazy, he rushed out desperately, picked up a wooden stick on the ground, and slammed it at the monster.

During the wild bombardment, the group of monsters seemed to have become conscious, and they even knew how to dodge.

Qiao Xiachu also found out.

It seems that once these monsters are too far away from the control center, people will have more consciousness. The closer they are, the more numb they are and the stronger their attack power.

Rong Huaiyan attracted He Danhong's attention and led her away, not knowing what was going on there, but Qiao Xiachu was focused on killing the enemy.

When she looked back, she realized that Hu Guang had gone crazy and realized something.

"Hu Guang, don't be impulsive, they are unconscious, the ns on their body will be contagious, once it is infected to you, how can we explain to Jiaomei?"

Qiao Xiachu was dying in a hurry.

Just now, she wanted to forcefully pull the two of them up, but there were more and more monsters around her, and the digging and cleaning robots couldn't stop them at all, so she directly wrapped the rope around the long arm of a digging robot, activated the pulling function, and resisted the enemy Unexpectedly, the tragedy still happened.

When she thought that Jiaomei had overcome the difficulty of her legs and developed brain waves, she never thought that an accident would happen at such a time.

How painful it must be for Erhei.

Qiao Xiachu felt extremely uncomfortable.

She flung out a set of protective clothing, stepped forward, grabbed his arm, and said sharply: "If you want revenge, I won't stop you, but you must go back to Feng'e City alive. Everything that happened just now , only you are present, Erhei only listens to you—”

Hu Guang's eyes were so dark that he was frightened.

His eye sockets were filled with bloodshot eyes, as if he was about to turn into a beast to eat people in the next second, and the veins on his cheeks were throbbing violently, making him look very scary.

Qiao Xiachu's gaze was as iron as iron.

Gradually, she pressed her fingers hard, but her voice became a little softer.

"Don't be impulsive. Revenge is sure to come. How could this group of people have NS virus? It means that they have something to do with Jiang Hanzhi. If you don't kill the culprit, isn't Jiaomei's sacrifice in vain?" She gritted her teeth.

Hu Guang was suppressing his emotions.

After a long while, he rushed towards the sky and let out a heart-piercing cry: "Charming—"

The shouts vibrated abnormally.

The ominous beasts and a dozen or so monstermen present all rushed towards the two of them with red eyes.

"Hu Guang, put on clothes, fight—"

"it is good!"

Hu Guang put on the protective clothing, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Kill the monsters.

Revenge for Jiaomei!

to avenge her—

If you don't kill them all, how can you be worthy of the dead coquettishness?

She wholeheartedly wanted to make some achievements to prove that she was still alive, so he gave her a chance to take her all the way to Huzhou to participate in this battle.

I thought it was an easy thing.

Who knew, she came, but she would never go back...

no more... no going back...

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