Clang clang clang.

The door of the underground medical room was knocked hard.

There was an anxious voice outside the door.

"Professor Qiao, the commander is going to Huzhou, we can't stop him, you have to think of a way, if sister Qiao hasn't woken up, we will go with him—"

When Qiao Mobai heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and walked over to open the door.

A young man rushed through the door in an instant.

When he saw Qiao Xiachu sitting up on the hospital bed, he immediately felt ashamed of his recklessness, his cheeks were flushed, and he said with difficulty: "Sister Qiao, the commander said that he didn't see his daughter back, yes, I want to go to Huzhou alone , was caught by Commander You, and never let him go, saying that when you wake up, ask clearly..."

Erhei couldn't sit still.

He went to several people, but his family's Jiaomei didn't come back, even if he died, he still had to see the body, otherwise, Qiao Meier would bring the other people back without Jiaomei... No matter how you say it shouldn't be.

It can only be dead but not dead.

He wanted to set off alone several times, but he was discovered by the careful leader You, who kept ordering people to follow him secretly, not allowing him to set off to Huzhou alone.

You know, the duo of Qiao Xiachu, Rong Huaiyan, have never overcome any difficulties or experienced any crises. They dispatched so many people this time, and they all come back like this. If you want to come to Huzhou, there must be a catastrophe. There are some monsters that eat people.

Erhei went alone, didn't he die?

Besides, with Qiao Xiachu's respect for Erhei, it is impossible to leave Zhou Jiaomei alone. If there is any misunderstanding, it will be troublesome.

Lao You refused to let him go, and insisted on waiting for Qiao Xiachu to wake up.

After three days, it has reached the limit.

Erhei insisted on leaving, and started arguing with Lao You.

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, she immediately sat up, didn't even care about putting on her shoes, rushed out, and asked loudly, "Where is Uncle Hei, I have something to tell him—"

The young Zhang Xiaolong rushed up immediately and raced with her, almost on the same track as her. While running, he said with difficulty: "In the farm hut outside."

As soon as the red fog dissipated, Feng'e City repaired the battlefield as soon as possible. The ground had been cleaned up, several layers of poisonous soil were dug, and the original color could barely be revealed after three feet of digging. On this basis, at intervals, A warehouse was built, on the one hand to store the stock, and on the other hand to manage the farm.

Er Hei was blocked by Lao You in Cabin No. 1.

Qiao Xiachu rushed all the way into the hut, her feet were all pierced by stones, and bright red blood flowed out, she left a bloody footprint, and when she got to Erhei's body, she knelt down in front of him.

"Uncle Hei—"

With a plop, Er Hei knelt down until his heart was about to break.

He almost knew the truth.

Or, to put it another way, understand the fate of coquettish...

Erhei's eyes turned black, and he almost passed out.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Hei, I didn't protect Jiaomei well, and let her fall off the cliff with the monsters in Hu Guang to save Hu Guang. If you don't want to give up, there is still time to go to Hu Zhou, but you must bring a few more people, and at the same time To take protective measures, there are a few more things that I must tell you clearly—”

Qiao Xiachu's voice was deep and full of sadness.

This is not only because of Zhou Jiaomei, but also because of Huaiyan... and Zhou Jiaomei's exchange of her own death for Hu Guang's life...

Everything was so unexpected.

She didn't have time to do anything, and she didn't have time to save Jiaomei.

It just happened.

Erhei stretched out his hand, clutched his heart tightly, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay, Huzhou, I will definitely go, even with a charming stump, I will bring her back and bury her with my own hands..."

Even though he knew that Qiao Xiachu had tried his best, and knew that it wasn't her fault, but when he thought of Jiaomei's disappearance and her body, this pain made him fall into hell.

In addition to pain, it is numbness.

Yes, when people face great pain, they forget the pain immediately, and the numbness goes first, and only after the numbness fades, will they gradually feel the pain.

It is difficult to experience this feeling without experiencing a life-and-death experience.

Er Hei stood dumbly.

He listened to all the sounds around him, saw everything in his eyes, but nothing could enter his brain, so he followed in a daze, followed...

Until Lao You walked over and slapped him hard, he didn't feel the slightest pain.

In the face of numbness, no matter how intense the emotion is, it turns into a cloud of ashes.

Qiao Xiachu said to Lao You: "Uncle You, you must send more people there, it's very complicated over there, when I left, there were still many unkilled monsters—"

As she said that, she turned and went back to the room, and after a while, she took a bag of things and handed it to Erhei.

"Uncle Hei, you need to take the things inside, and bring a few more sets of protective clothing. I know I can't stop you, but other people around you are also people who trust you and love you, and us, we all regard you as our father..." she said.

Er Hei's face was pale.

He has been unable to speak again.

He Sui and Zhang Xiaolong in the young team were personally named by Lao You, telling them to take good care of Erhei, and if Zhou Jiaomei's body was not found, Erhei would be brought back by force.

Lao You Qiao Mimi asked the medical team to give Lu New Year a few anesthesia injections, if it is absolutely necessary, don't worry so much.

This time in Hongwu, Feng'e City suffered heavy losses.

Lost too much.

There are too many strong players, and the second black can no longer be lost.

He Sui and Zhang Xiaolong nodded deeply, promising to complete the task!

Erhei and his party left quickly.

The fuel at the base is almost exhausted this time, but fortunately the technology station has sufficient reserves, giving them a chance to recuperate, but the rest will have to go out to find...

The further you go, the harder it is to stick to the fuel project.

Lao You was also in a hurry.

This trip to Huzhou not only yielded nothing, but also made them almost lose a few generals. If something happened to the sleeping people, his heart would be really uncomfortable...

Qiao Xiachu took Qiao Mobai to a hidden corner.

"Mobai, I have something to tell you. Tell me, what's going on? Could this ns virus be a rabies vaccine?" she said.

Qiao Mobai was stunned.

His mind was running fast, quickly digesting what his sister said...

A very bad premonition rose in his heart.

"You, tell me, I'm listening." He said silently.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes trembled.

The way back was very difficult.

It was a fluke that she could bring a few people back this time.

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