After feeding the healing pill to Rong Huaiyan, his vital signs were calm and his breathing did not stop, as if he was in a deep sleep, everything was exactly the same as Zhou Jiaomei's situation last time.

Qiao Xiachu thought the situation was stable.

She took out a truck, injected and fed stable Wang Yao, Li Han, and Hu Guang from the space ranch, and worried that the three of them would be wiped out of consciousness.

That would be too bad.

So, four people were put in the trunk of the truck.

Qiao Xiachu didn't think much about it at first, until he went up to check on the injuries of a few people when he was taking a break to refuel halfway, and suddenly found Rong Huaiyan sitting up.

She was overwhelmed with surprise, just as she was about to step forward, she saw him go berserk suddenly, grabbed Li Han beside him and bit him hard, and then bit the other several people one by one.

Qiao Xiachu told him to shut up.

Rong Huaiyan ran towards her, obviously out of control, his eyes were dull, like a zombie on TV, his eyes were open, but the eyeballs were not moving, his eyes were dull, he would suck blood when he saw someone.

This, is this a zombie virus?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu was terrified.

Moreover, the crazy Rong Huaiyan, whose force value has multiplied several times, has completely crushed her, grabbed her after a few ups and downs, and was about to bite her.

Qiao Xiachu aimed a gun at his brain several times and couldn't bear to do it several times.

At that moment, she yelled in a low voice: "Huaiyan, wake up, if you do this again, I, I won't be able to resist..."

Qiao Xiachu didn't want to become a zombie.

If this is the case, why not die with him directly!

Rong Huaiyan in front of him, at the last moment, his eyes became very painful, he struggled a bit, and finally lay down straight with a plop.

After this battle, Qiao Xiachu tied Rong Huaiyan to the co-pilot and drove all the way to Feng'e City.

Of course, she was also worried that the bitten people would mutate, so she added Valium to them.

Until reaching the crowd, no one could suddenly cheat on the corpse again. Qiao Xiachu's tense nerves only relaxed the moment he saw Mo Bai.

After Qiao Mobai heard what happened, he gently held his sister's arm and said in a low voice: "Sister, don't worry, this ns virus is very weird and surpasses the existing technological level, but I am sure that the extraction and processing part , will not make people mutate, let alone turn people into zombies, dead but not stiff, dead but not rotten. At present, no matter whether it is a virus or technology, it is impossible to do it. Even if it is ns, there is no such thing as injected mice. "

In nature, there is a kind of insect that can parasitize in the host body and make the host body become its new body, but this kind of thing cannot yet parasitize in the human body.

Once the human brain is dead, even if the body can still be controlled, it will rot after a while, and it is impossible to maintain the state of the corpse forever.

It is even less likely to be aggressive.

At most, it will develop into a deadly infectious disease.

"Then, what's wrong with Huaiyan?" Qiao Xiachu asked anxiously.

Qiao Mobai said: "It should be that there are too many toxins in his body, which are very aggressive in curing the virus, that is, the amount exceeds the standard."

"Then what to do?"

"I will find a way to make him reach a balance. The injuries of Hu Guang and the others are relatively minor, but the blood in their bodies also contains a certain amount of healing potion. I don't know what will happen. I have to work harder and study the countermeasures..."

Upon hearing this news, Qiao Xiachu's heart finally fell to the ground slowly.

She asked anxiously: "How is Huaiyan? Will he be okay? At that time, a sharp knife pierced his heart, and the injury was very serious..."

Qiao Mobai felt sorry for her sister.

Over and over again, a girl was used as a Predator out of nowhere, and she was terrified and had to bear too much.

"Healing pills are a way to put death to death. If there is no fatal injury, it may not have any effect. We checked my brother-in-law. His heart is fine, but he just fell into a deep sleep, just like Jiaomei was at the time." He comforted. .

"That's good, that's good."

Qiao Xiachu kept mumbling.

Her tense nerves finally fell to the ground at this moment.

As long as people are okay, it's better than everything.

She told Qiao Mobai everything that happened in Huzhou.

Qiao Mobai sighed.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't let his sister worry about it anymore, she should have a good rest, so he pretended to be relaxed and said: "Sister, you believe me, Brother Xiaosa and I are very good, we have two swords together, You can definitely study ns thoroughly, and you won't let them succeed."

Isn't the biggest weapon in Jiang Hanzhi's hands the ns virus?

As long as he finds a way to kill the virus, is he afraid that she will fail?

They can upgrade, but he can't?

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu slowly felt relieved.

She planned to see Rong Huaiyan.

But Qiao Mobai refused.

"Don't go now, just go outside to relax, because I'm not sure if this thing will be contagious, so I put the four of my brother-in-law into the isolation cabin, and no one can get close to it." He said.

There are still many uncertain factors in Rong Huaiyan.

He had a weird chip in his heart, and he almost broke the machine during the examination. A group of people were discussing how to take out the chip.

If the enemy planted it on him, wouldn't it be a time bomb?

In this case, it is better not to let my sister know.

If the medical team can handle the major issue of surgery, it is better not to involve Qiao Xiachu easily.

"OK then."

Qiao Xiachu reluctantly agreed.

She knew that it was beyond her personal willpower to change things to this point.

Leave the rest to Mobai.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu went out, she met Qiao Linmei and Shen Anwan with red eyes, as well as a group of residents who had been rescued by her before. They were very worried when they saw her.

"Sister, how are you now?" Qiao Linmei asked with concern.

She stepped forward and grabbed Qiao Xiachu's hand.

The people behind her all guarded her for three days and never left.

Ah Guang even rushed forward.

"Sister Qiao, you are awake. I want to tell everyone the news, so that everyone can rest assured that there is no need to worry about it anymore. I said you will be fine, so it will be fine—"

Ah Guang was very excited.

The person he admires the most is Qiao Xiachu.

When she drove people back, everyone's eyes exploded.

Who would have thought that several people who had always been as powerful as tigers would all lie down, and the shock, heartbreak and worry brought to the residents were doubled.

Once Feng'e City loses them, it loses its soul.

Then how can we meet the future...

When Qiao Xiachu woke up, it was like a ray of light in spring, a microwave, blowing through the hearts of every survivor, rekindling their fighting spirit to survive.

"Quick, tell everyone, sister Qiao woke up—"

"Sister Qiao is awake!"

"Our sister Qiao woke up la la la—"

News spreads.

People's hearts were unprecedentedly organized. Wherever the news spread, there were bursts of intense cheers and jumps.

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