Qiao Xiachu walked out of the gate of the dungeon, the houses in the ruins of the doomsday were organized, and all the cement bricks that could not be digested and absorbed by nature raised the horizon a lot.

Feng'e City, which was dug three feet into the ground, was like being built in a deep pit.

Many experts predict that the earth's active plates are moving faster than before, and extinct volcanoes are also rapidly waking up, and there may be intense activities.

The floors don't have to be too high.

Once a large-scale volcanic earthquake erupts, the survivors who can survive are the last hope of mankind. No matter what is done, the current scientific level is still unable to predict these disasters on a large scale.

Therefore, in the days of living, in addition to trying to live comfortably, other energy should be put on production. It is also a positive way to grow some food, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and restore the almost natural life of the ancients. lifestyle.

Unless one day the disaster settles down.

People may be able to rebuild cities from the wasteland and find a piece of blue sky again.

The city in the doomsday has a single color.

The houses are all flat mud brick houses, the oldest way to build.

If there is no material, use mud.

If you don't have concrete, use adobe...

Life seems to go back to the 1960s and 1970s!

There are bursts of moist air in the soil. In the black soil not far away, there are various red trees and weeds. A red mist changes the color of nature, as if putting a red coat on the earth.

No matter what kind of insects grow in the grass, as long as they adapt to the red mist, their bodies will change, and they are basically poisonous.

A caterpillar, the blood vessels are all red, the animals that devoured them, some were directly poisoned to death, and some survived by luck, and their bodies were also changing...

Qiao Xiachu felt very uncomfortable.

She knew that the grain grown in the land was no longer the rice, wheat, sweet potato, pumpkin...the crops were also poisonous.

During the water circulation process, there is still a certain amount of red mist toxicity remaining.

Feng'e City may usher in another silent change.

Qiao Xiachu wasn't sure what to expect either.

But people's resistance, under the baptism of all kinds of poisons, has really become stronger. General poisons can't help them, but they are also subtly changing human genes.

"elder sister--"

Qiao Linmei came from behind.

She originally applied to go to Huzhou with Erhei, but Erhei flatly rejected her.

Er Hei said: "You stay here and take good care of Qiao Meier. She has suffered such a big blow, and she still needs her relatives to accompany her."

He was not alone in the trauma.


"How is brother-in-law? And..." Qiao Lin realized that she was too straightforward as soon as she uttered the beautiful words, and wondered if her sister would be sad.

Qiao Xiachu looked indifferent.

She said lightly: "Who knows, as long as he is alive, I am willing to wait forever."

To live is to have hope.

better than coquettish...

Thinking of Zhou Jiaomei, she said: "You may not know the situation at that time. Jiaomei is very brave. She controlled more than a dozen beasts by herself and helped me destroy many enemies. If it wasn't for her, it would be very difficult for me to survive."

There are so many ferocious beasts, and all of them have been transformed.

She has a weapon and a chainsaw, so she may not be able to kill them all. Even if she can kill them, she is not sure that she will not be infected, but Zhou Jiaomei controls them and asks her to chop them like meat and bones. same.

She was also very sad when she thought that Jiaomei would disappear like this in the end.

"Hu Guang hasn't woken up yet, so I don't know how he should face this matter..." Qiao Xiachu said with a sad face.

There is one less group of relatives and friends.

Comrades left one by one, she felt that life was so fragile, so vulnerable.

"Sister, don't be sad, don't think about it, you've tried your best, it's not your fault, if it wasn't for you and brother-in-law, Jiao Mei... If bad guys come to Feng'e City to poison again, everyone will die, you guys He is the hero of Feng'e City." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

She doesn't know how to comfort others.

What you think in your heart, what you say in your mouth.

Unfortunately, Qiao Xiachu didn't really want to hear it.

She looked sullen and said: "I want to plant a piece of land, plant some radishes, cabbage, and make some spicy cabbage. When winter comes, I can make some soup."

The red mist dissipated, and everyone in the dungeon came out.

The science and technology station stores curry, there are a large number of seeds, all kinds, basically non-GMO, all varieties they did not expect.

The current climate is just right for planting.

Therefore, as long as it can grow according to the season, it will be planted by the people of Feng'e City.

"Then I'll take you there. Shen Anwan is responsible for this matter." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

Shen Anzhen could not participate in the battle, but he still had an advantage in terrain exploration, so he measured the land and divided the land according to the population.

Everyone gets a small field.

Qiao Xiachu said that she wanted to grow some vegetables, Shen Anwan immediately took out her small book, circled some dots on it, and after a while, she tapped her finger lightly, and said to her: "No. 8 and No. 9 are idle. Sister Qiao wants to grow vegetables. Go to Suri to get the seeds."

Suri was a member of the original advance team.

She is not as capable as Qiao Linmei, but she is alert enough, so she is more reused by Shen Anwan, and the most important task of seed distribution is given to Su Rui.

"Thank you." Qiao Xiachu.

"You're welcome, sister Qiao, how can we bear it?" Shen Anwan scratched his head uneasily.

Qiao Xiachu nodded at him, no longer being polite.

She wants to keep herself busy, whatever.

Once the mind is empty, it will be cranky, it will become catastrophic, and it will go through a terrible brainstorm every day. Instead of doing this, it is better to find something to do.

After a few years, it may be difficult to see the good weather now.

She went to Suri to get the seeds.

There are no seeds in the space, but she can't be too different. At this time, if she directly takes out the seeds and uses them, it will be too eye-catching.

Just be the same as everyone else.

Moreover, many deep underground wells have been dug in the city. After the red mist, it rains from time to time, which is as comfortable as spring. The water in the wells is clean and clear.

Residents of Feng'e City carry buckets to fetch water every day.

Everyone develops the habit of storing water. No matter how busy they are, they will fill up their water bottles. When the weather is good, they will change the water every three days and use all the water for irrigation.

When the weather is bad, the water is taken to eat.

Qiao Xiachu would carry a bucket to the well to fetch water every time, but as soon as she lined up, the others would automatically move out of the way and let her fetch water first.

She pushed back several times, and everyone said: "Qiao Meier, we can't help you with anything, you don't accept our affection for such a small matter, how can we feel at ease?"

Qiao Xiachu gritted his teeth and jumped in line to hit the water.

Later, every time she went to fetch water, she would avoid the peak hours. After going back and forth, someone found out, and before she went to fetch water, her bucket was full...

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