Qiao Xiachu looked helplessly at the bucket full of water.

She just wants to grow vegetables.

Do you want people to farm well?

After being busy for three days, Qiao Xiachu never went to the ground by himself...

As soon as she picked up the hoe, she went to loosen the soil, and a few little kids came over and laughed and pulled her to catch the butterflies. As soon as she came back, the ground was dug up; when she was about to sow seeds, the bag was put down, and a few women came to follow her. Chatting, when I turned around, the seeds were all sown...

Qiao Xiachu found himself unable to work properly.

Until this day, a pregnant woman she saved last time walked up to her with a child in her hand, and said with a smile on her face, "Doctor Qiao, I'm Ah Qin, you saved me and Ah He before."

The boy next to him is Ah He.

The baby delivered by Qiao Xiachu.

This child is already one year old and can walk very early, but he can't speak so far, and he hasn't even called his mother, but it can be seen that the woman does not dislike the child.

Her husband should be quite receptive to the child.

"It's nothing, that's all in the past." Qiao Xiachu said.

She only raised her hand, but she changed the fate of a woman's life.

"Father Ah He and I have always remembered your life-saving grace. If you need anything, you can talk to us, but I am willing to help you whenever you need it. Although I am inconspicuous and incompetent, our family will be with you .” The woman said sincerely.

There are not many children in Feng'e City.

It is also a miracle that a woman's child can live to this day.

Even they themselves didn't expect it.

Maybe it's the immortality of mankind.

At this moment, a doctor rushed over, grabbed Qiao Xiachu's wrist, and said in a low voice: "It's bad, when we were operating on Mr. Darong, he suddenly bled profusely, and the rh blood in the blood bank ran out, why? Do it?"

Excessive bleeding.

Mr. Da Rong is hopeless.


Qiao Xiachu's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

The woman beside her hurriedly supported her, and said, "Draw my blood, my man and I both have this blood type, so we have never dared to have children..."

This is her and her husband's secret.

Rh blood itself is a rare blood type, no matter where it is, it is a hot commodity.

She hid it for a long, long time.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes trembled.

"It's okay, my husband and I are bound by blood type, and it's hard to repay your life-saving grace. Please give me a chance." The woman said earnestly.

Qiao Xiachu took a deep breath.

The next second, she said to Qiao Linmei: "Linmei, take care of the child, and I will take her to the medical room."


Qiao Linmei immediately picked up the little boy on the ground.

The child didn't cry or fuss, as if he had adapted to the disasters that might happen at any time in the apocalypse. When his mother ran away, he didn't cry aloud, let alone willful.

The adaptability of human beings becomes different from the time of children.

Qiao Xiachu took the woman, Aqin, and ran all the way to the medical room. At the same time, people outside also started looking for the woman's husband, Akun.

Not long after, Akun was pulled out from the field.

As soon as he heard that Dr. Qiao was looking for him, he wiped his hands immediately without saying a word, and rushed to the medical room with everyone.

"Doctor Joe—"

Akun yelled.

He ran directly to the door, and was taken by the nurse to the nearby nurse's station. When he saw Ah Qin drawing blood, he seemed to understand something, and without hesitation, he went directly to the chair and said to the nurse, "Draw it, I am also doing the same thing." Seed blood."

The nurse came over and said to the two: "Dr. Qiao ordered that your privacy must be protected. We will not record your blood donation this time."

Because it's useless to record it.

The blood bank no longer has this rare blood, and all reserves have been exhausted.

Where is there leftover food.

If any calamity happened to them and blood was needed, there was nothing they could do.

"it is good."

Akun nodded deeply.

Regardless of the reason for drawing blood, since Dr. Qiao has spoken, the couple will not refuse.

After a while, after the blood was sent in, several nurses came over, holding a bag of supplies in their hands, and said to the two of them, "This is the medical room's reward for donating blood. If there are other people who are willing to donate blood, we will also provide supplies. "

In the bag is a bag of brown sugar, a bag of red dates, and two bags of flour.

The couple took a deep breath.

These are all treasures in the doomsday. No matter which one you take out, they are all mouth-watering, but you still took three in one breath...

But when he heard the nurse's words, he felt that he couldn't refuse, so he went out with his things.

Survivors in the last days are all skinny, barely enough to stuff their stomachs. Once they donate blood, they are easily weak and have no strength to work. Therefore, even if there are material rewards, no one will donate blood.

However, when other people heard that the two were food obtained from blood donations, they were envious, but at the same time gave up other thoughts.

This is tantamount to exchanging life for rations.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't care about anything else.

Her whole heart was on Rong Huaiyan, and when she saw the nurse taking the blood bag in, her heart was still hanging on.

Huaiyan had surgery today, and Mo Bai didn't even mention it.

This brat—

She clenched her fists tightly, and when he came out, she had to give him a good meal.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan, there must be nothing wrong, you must get well, you can't leave me alone." She muttered softly, walking back and forth in the corridor.

The medical room is an important place. Under normal circumstances, there are few people except those who are sick and need treatment. However, there is a shortage of medicines in the dungeon. In fact, many people are sick and can only survive, and few people come to the hospital.

At this moment, Qiao Xiachu was the only one in the brightly lit corridor.

Boom boom boom.

The flustered footsteps sounded like her heartbeat, and the long time was brewing a restless heart.

Qiao Xiachu walked a few square inches, and she felt that she could no longer sit still.

Just as she was about to change into the sterile gown and go to the operating room, the lights inside went out.


Qiao Xiachu stopped abruptly.

The door creaked open.

A group of doctors came out one after another, and Qiao Mobai walked at the end. He walked up to his sister, took off the mask on the bottom, and said, "Sister, I'm sorry...the chip was not taken out..."

Hu Xiaosa guessed at first how the chip got in, and it melted into the human blood like a potion all the way, and finally flowed to the heart.

This time, if Rong Huaiyan hadn't been injured, the chip wouldn't have been able to detect it.

The nanochip is like an octopus, clinging tightly to the wall of his blood vessel. Without a magnifying glass, I can't see it, and I don't know what it is.

Several top masters from the United Science and Technology Station of the base insisted on not taking out the chip, and even almost sent the brother-in-law away...


Qiao Xiachu's face turned pale.

"But we extracted a tentacle of the chip. I don't know what it is. We plan to study it next." Qiao Mobai said.

She took a plastic box in Qiao Mobai's hand. There was a piece of glass on the box, but there was nothing there.

"Brother Xiaosa discovered this thing. He heard a slight sound during the examination and felt that something was wrong. He then performed a cardiac imaging on his brother-in-law before he discovered it." He said.

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