Qiao Xiachu didn't understand anymore.

Ever since she met Rong Huaiyan, he never mentioned it once.

"Then when will he wake up?" She was most concerned about this matter.

Let's talk about everything when he wakes up.

Qiao Mobai was a little embarrassed: "It's hard to say. During this period of time, I have been trying to correct several sets of data in his body, but... the healing potion itself is unpredictable."

Just like Zhou Jiaomei back then...

Qiao Xiachu's eyes fell on the box, and after a while, he said, "Don't study this thing for now, let's talk about it when Huaiyan wakes up. What if he knows clearly and didn't tell us."

Such a high-tech thing far surpasses the technology of the people on earth.

God knows what.

Qiao Xiachu faintly felt that if this matter was related to Rong Huaiyan's system, it would be troublesome.

Qiao Mobai said: "Okay, take it."

He added: "Although this operation failed to remove the chip, I found that his internal organs have changed, and his internal organization has become different from normal people..."

Maybe Zhou Jiaomei is the same way.

It's a pity that she didn't conduct an all-round inspection at the beginning, leaving behind the data basis, otherwise it would be much easier today.

The medicine worked.

The next thing is to wait.

Waiting for Rong Huaiyan to wake up, and after this awakening... Unpredictable...

"Don't worry, the healing potion is more powerful than I expected. The operation was not very successful, but brother-in-law's wound still healed very quickly," he said.

If this thing doesn't have any major side effects, he wants to do his best to produce a batch.

Especially this time combined with Zhou Jiaomei's "Manuscript of Longevity", the revision of this section of the virus has reached a height that he himself could not imagine.

Human medicine, perhaps at this moment will undergo a qualitative transcendence.

"Are you going to make a healing potion?" Qiao Xiachu.


Qiao Mobai nodded deeply.

This thing can save lives at critical moments.

He wanted to give his sister an extra batch, the more the better...

"This is a sample, you can take it." Qiao Xiachu took out a large sterile jar from the space, and inside was a blackened finger.

The fingers fell off when they were cut from the beasts. She also had an idea at that time, so she kept such a piece of finger and put it in the wall of the space dimension.

Qiao Mobai was overjoyed.

"Sister, you are really great. The reason why I didn't make more healing pills this time is because I don't have any raw materials. I used up all the viruses I extracted last time. You are definitely sending charcoal in a timely manner." He shouted.

Qiao Xiachu also reminded him that the opponent's virus has evolved this time, and it is more powerful than Qiao Dongliu's last time, so protecting yourself is the top priority during use.

"I see." Qiao Mobai nodded confidently.

Brother Xiaosa is no rookie.

The science and technology station has a batch of top-notch protective suits, which are more powerful than my sister's biochemical suits, but I didn't expect there to be so many perverts in Huzhou, so I didn't say anything.

"I'll get two sets for you and brother-in-law then," he said.

Qiao Xiachu nodded in agreement.

The biochemical suit was given to Erhei, she was gone, and it would be quite dangerous to encounter poisonous things again.

Qiao Mobai went to the laboratory, Hu Xiaosa stretched out his hand and said, "Quick, give me the dragon tentacles I took out."


Qiao Mobai slapped him hard.

"Don't mention it, put this matter aside for now, we have more important things to do, you have to help me." He said.

With that said, Qiao Mobai took out that finger.


As soon as the fingers appeared, Hu Xiaosa still remembered the dragon tentacles he was thinking about, he was directly attracted by the thing in front of him, swallowed his saliva and said: "This thing is very poisonous, hurry up, let's change clothes and dissect it—— "

"..." Qiao Mobai.

This anatomy-addicted guy wants to take a look at everything he encounters.

"Dissecting" his brother-in-law, Xiao Sa was stunned, and said on the spot: "This, the body of this great man is different from ours. Although he doesn't have two hearts, the color, the direction of the blood vessels, and the fibrosis of the internal organs are really amazing." It’s different, I can live here, so there’s nothing else to say.”

It's just a bully.

As soon as Poison Finger appeared, he diverted his attention every minute.

The two devoted themselves to research.

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

Qiao Xiachu went to Aqin and Akun at the beginning, brought them two boxes of canned chicken, and a little medicine...

The couple wanted Pudding to call her godmother, but she refused.

She can take care of it, so she will naturally give a hand, but if she deliberately makes too much fate, she will feel too much worry, and sometimes hinder her judgment.

Just like Erhei has not returned yet, it has become a hidden worry in Qiao Xiachu's heart.

She found Lao You and planned to go to Huzhou to meet him.

Lao You said: "Tomorrow, if Er Hei hasn't come back, it's not too late for you to go."

Qiao Xiachu didn't want to wait any longer.

The first wait is a week. No matter how much food they bring with Erhei, there is still not enough to eat. Now the outside is polluted by red fog, and the wild vegetables and tree roots in the field are not clean. Once the food is exhausted, they will face real ammunition and food shortage Absolutely.

She is worried.

Just when Qiao Xiachu got into her off-road vehicle and drove to the pier in Feng'e City to Huzhou, she saw a flat boat on the black water.

There are a group of people sitting on the boat, and there is something in the center.

Under the black water and black sky, they seemed to be offering sacrifices.

The style of painting is unavoidably weird.

Qiao Xiachu stopped the car, took out the car key, and was about to take a closer look, when he heard someone say: "Commander, you'd better come down, we all found Miss Zhou's skeleton, she died heroically for her teammates ..."

"Yes, Commander, you haven't eaten or drank like this for two days, if this continues, how can we explain to Commander You?"

"Sister Qiao will be sad when she sees it."

A group of young people spoke with low and mournful voices, trying to persuade them one after another.


Qiao Xiachu pressed the switch of the flashlight, took a photo towards the river, and shouted loudly to the people on the black water: "Uncle Hei, Uncle Hei—"

As soon as he heard the familiar voice, the young man on the boat became excited.

"Sister Qiao is here to meet the commander."

"I knew that sister Qiao was worried and would definitely come."

Qiao Xiachu rushed over quickly and rushed all the way into the water.

Erhei, who was still in grief at first, became anxious when he saw her go into the water, and hurriedly said: "Stupid child, get up quickly and go ashore, what if there is a poisonous snake in the water that bites you, what will you do?"

A word of concern came out, and Erhei's wound in his heart suddenly burst at this moment...

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