Wang Yao and Li Han were distressed.

Since they woke up, they found that everything had turned into tofu...

Bricks, cement, steel bars... As long as the things that get into their hands are gently squeezed by that hand, they will be broken into slag. Sometimes they accidentally slap their brothers, and they will hear the sound of their bones cracking.

From then on, a group of young people took a detour when they saw the two.

What was even more troublesome was that the chopsticks and spoons would break and shatter when they touched them, and they did not obey their instructions at all. After three days of starvation, the two drank enough water and had to find Qiao Xiachu.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with us? I didn't go to Huzhou with you, and after I was injured, what happened later... Why don't I remember? And the strange thing is, there is a row of dogs on my shoulder teeth marks..."

"Sister-in-law, did Li Han and I get bitten by a dog? So, so we got..." Rabies.

Isn't this disease fatal?

But they didn't die, they were extremely powerful and became the reincarnation of Popeye.

All kinds of situations made the two very uneasy.

I won't starve to death after this...

The corner of Qiao Xiachu's mouth twitched.

Dog bites.

How did these two come up with it.

It was obviously bitten by someone.

She patted her face, glared at the two of them, and said angrily: "What dog bites, I'm still a dog demon."

"Dog demon?"

The two jumped up together.

How is this good?

Huzhou is a city of monsters, where people become monsters and animals become spirits. I didn't expect there to be dog monsters. They must have been bitten by dog ​​monsters while they were injured and sleeping, so they mutated.

In the future, they won't become dog monsters...

"Sister-in-law, help—"

The two shouted in unison.

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

She looked at the two fools like the two fools, and couldn't laugh or cry: "What are you talking about? Aren't you all right? I didn't take good care of you at the time, so you were bitten, but you recovered well, and you will learn to control your strength later. Just practice more."

The goblins are out...

Qiao Xiachu was really amused.

She probably understood that the two of them should be stimulated by the healing potion in Rong Huaiyan's mouth, so now they have become as powerful as cows.

Unexpectedly, the healing potion is quite useful.

When she went back, Qiao Mobai just made a new batch of healing pills, and there were three in total.

"Sister, I can't make any more of these pills. I can only make a few of them. There is no medicine to dispense. This thing is too powerful. There is no other medicine to suppress it. The destructive power is boundless. You put it away." He said.

Qiao Xiachu thought that Erhei was always depressed and coughed from time to time recently, so he asked, "Can this be given to normal people?"

"No, hurry up and get rid of this idea. It is not only useless for normal people to eat it, but it is also easy to stimulate its division and evolution, so it is uncontrollable." Qiao Mobai said.

When the human body enters a dying state, the virus will work normally and exert a powerful force.

Qiao Xiachu stuck out her tongue.

She had to dispel the evil thoughts in her heart.

If you can't take this path, let's continue to secretly drink ginseng water for Erhei.

"Sister, I found that after this thing enters a dying human body, it will really stimulate people's potential. It depends on each person's physique. For example, Li Han and Wang Yao have increased their strength. I don't know if Hu Guang is the same... " he said.

Li Han and Wang Yao have always been his observation objects.

As soon as the two of them woke up, he took two tubes of blood and took them back for research.

Qiao Xiachu clicked his tongue.

This thing turned out to be a baby.

She couldn't help but sigh, and secretly hoped that Rong Huaiyan would wake up soon. He took a whole healing pill, and he didn't know how his body would change.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu gradually stopped worrying about his safety.

When Hu Guang woke up, he was always unhappy.

He didn't speak for a long time, and he followed Erhei every day, as if taking care of a dementia, and even washed his hair, which made Erhei very troublesome.

Everyone was in a bad mood at first, but Erhei was a little sad, a little aggrieved, and very angry seeing him become like this.

This stinky boy is twitching, so he goes to slap others, catches him all day long, and just keeps going to death, what's the matter.

Every time Qiao Xiachu saw Hu Guang squatting, guarding the gate, like a big wolf dog, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he could only silently avoid him.

This state has continued for a month.

Erhei is going crazy.

He held Hu Guang down and beat him hard, and the two hugged each other and cried a lot, and then Hu Guang swore: "Dad, you will be my real father from now on, and I will be with you for the rest of my life." -"

"..." Erhei.

He has no such hobby.

From then on, every time Hu Guang came out, he felt silly, as if a muscle was missing, and he would do whatever Erhei asked him to do, as if he buried the pain in one breath.

It's just that when you see Qiao Linmei, you will be very angry.

Qiao Linmei didn't know where she provoked him, and he beat him up when she saw him, as if she had an inexplicable resentment, which made people very uncomfortable.

Simply, when Lao You decided to build a signal tower, she applied to go to the mountains.

If you avoid seeing him, you won't be yelled at by him.

Everyone knows that Hu Guang is in a bad mood, but he smiles every day, so that people can't see his injuries, so they feel that they don't know how to communicate with him.

Qiao Xiachu knew a little bit.

This should be a major blow, the previous sad link was not handled well, and the pain was directly sealed, and this situation of not communicating with the outside world appeared.

Heart disease needs heart medicine.

She couldn't open his heart knot for him, so she could only take one step at a time.

However, it has been two months, and Rong Huaiyan has not yet woken up, which makes her very worried.

Winter is coming in a blink of an eye.

Qiao Xiachu harvested several crops of radishes and cabbage, which she made into kimchi and left to cook some pork belly in the winter, which tasted particularly delicious.

She simmered in the space, and after 20 minutes, she took it out and put it in again.

In this way, she and Qiao Mobai can eat fresh food every day.

This tranquility was completely broken until three days later.

Qiao Xiachu woke up early in the morning, with her long hair loose, and was about to go to the well to fetch water, but she heard a voice rushing towards her, and said loudly to her, "Sister Qiao, Brother Rong is awake."

As soon as the call came, Qiao Xiachu dropped the bucket and ran towards the medical room as soon as he let go of his feet.

As soon as he rushed into the room, Rong Huaiyan was sitting on the bed with a dazed face, but his eyes were piercing and he didn't let anyone approach him, as if he had lost his memory.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes trembled.

She rested her fingers on the door frame, her eyes fixed on the man motionlessly.


She called softly.

Rong Huaiyan, who was always tense on the bed, moved his eyes at this moment, and saw a gust of wind sweeping by in the next second. Before everyone could react, they saw that he had already rushed in front of Qiao Xiachu.

He looked at her intently, with a dull voice: "I know you, don't I?"

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