
Qiao Xiachu looked confused.

She looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, and said in surprise, "Huaiyan, do you know who I am?"

Rong Huaiyan remained motionless.

He is like being punched.

In the next second, he hugged Qiao Xiachu like a big wolf dog, his eyes were motionless, and his voice was filled with grievance: "You are my wife..."

Then, he nodded his head: "Remember here."

When Qiao Xiachu heard it, a wave exploded in his heart.

She reached out, grabbed his wrist, and began to feel his pulse.

The pulse condition is indeed different from ordinary people.

His body temperature is also very high, I'm afraid it's like a normal person's high fever... His whole body is hot...

Qiao Xiachu reached out and touched his forehead worriedly.

"Are you running a fever?" she asked worriedly.

Rong Huaiyan did not resist.

His eyes followed her all the time, wet and charming.

But as soon as other people approached, they would see a strong and violent murderous aura released from his whole body. Once others came within one meter of him, he would directly throw him over his shoulder, throwing them all on their backs.

Since he woke up until now, only Qiao Xiachu can get close to him.

No one else dared to approach.

The nurse who has been taking care of him raised the notebook in his hand from a distance, and said to her: "Sister Qiao, don't worry, Brother Da Rong's temperature has always been so high. Professor Qiao said that he may be different from ordinary people in some aspects, as long as the blood is drawn If the data remains unchanged, don't worry..."

Modern medicine is out of control anyway.

More and more people are experiencing things that could not be explained by medical science before, but now they seem to have become normal. As long as people are still alive, there is nothing to talk about.

I don't know if it's good or bad.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu raised his hand, Rong Huaiyan hugged her waist and held her in his arms, and he said softly, "You are my wife, you must take me away—"

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

Seeing that the people around her were afraid to approach her, everyone looked terrified, so she had no choice but to give up, so she grabbed his hand and coaxed, "Yes, I am your wife, come with me, and I will take you back home." Family."

Rong Huaiyan's eyes lit up when he heard that he was going home.

He nodded obediently like a child.

So, like a child, Qiao Xiachu took him back to his room in the dungeon.

During this period of time, she did not move outside, and stayed in the dungeon in order to take care of several sick patients nearby.

Erhei and Hu Guang built a house for them, and left a piece of land for her, waiting for her to go out with Rong Huaiyan and grow some vegetables.

Qiao Xiachu has been waiting, waiting for him to wake up.

It's just that I didn't expect that this result was really unexpected.

Zhou Jiaomei didn't have this side effect back then, why did he become like this?

Rong Huaiyan followed her all the time, letting her lead him away.

But as soon as someone around him approached, he roared, as if about to explode, and launched a wave of powerful attacks on everyone around him.

He almost broke free from her hand several times, and scratched the passing residents with one paw...

Qiao Xiachu was terrified, she hugged him tightly, and rushed back to the house at a faster pace.

As soon as he went back, Qiao Mobai got the news and rushed over from the laboratory immediately.

Recently, he stayed in the laboratory day and night, studying the remaining ns virus with Hu Xiaosa. The two also referred to the manuscript left by Zhou Jiaomei, trying to tame this virus.

As soon as he returned to the room, he saw Rong Huaiyan's hostile face, without saying a word, his figure was like lightning, he threw Qiao Mobai down and stepped on his forehead.

"Enemy!" he said coldly.

The murderous cheeks were full of tyranny.

Qiao Xiachu's heart was about to explode.

She was afraid that Rong Huaiyan would hurt Mo Bai, so she grabbed his waist and said loudly: "Huaiyan, calm down, he is my younger brother, the younger brother of both of us..."

Rong Huaiyan did not relax.

But his wife's unquestionable scolding made him hesitate for a while.

He stepped on Mobai's head and asked doubtfully, "Brother?"

"Well, yes, our brother, don't worry, he is not an outsider, he is our relative in this world." She explained.

Rong Huai slowly let go of his feet.

Qiao Mobai was dumbfounded.

Brother-in-law lost his memory?

Thinking of this possibility, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Could it be that the operation failed at that time?

Moreover, the toxin in his body was too strong, which caused great damage to his nerves. In order to slow down the impact of the medicine, he injected several dissolved medicines halfway.

Unexpectedly, after some operations, it would do so much damage to my brother-in-law's brain.

But Rao doesn't remember anything, he still knows his sister...

This should be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

Qiao Mobai was also helpless.

He said: "Sister, then you will draw two more tubes of blood for me later, I will take them back for analysis, and then do a few more tests to see if his brain is seriously damaged and whether it can recover."

at this point.

Qiao Xiachu had no choice but to nod in agreement.

After a long time of training, she accepted the status quo faster than anything else.

As long as a person is still alive, losing some memory is nothing, and she believes that he will definitely recover.

"Then you should observe him closely first. What I'm most worried about is that if my brother-in-law is inspired to have any ability, he will hurt you without his knowledge, so you have to protect yourself well." Jomo said in vain.

Hu Guang has always been naive.

Although he is not as powerful as a cow like Wang Yao and Li Han, his vision is different from ordinary people. Even at night, he can catch light from the darkness and see things in the darkness, so his eyes have become stronger. .

Wang Yao and Li Han found Qiao Mobai several times and asked him to draw blood for themselves. After researching, whether the four of them were bitten by some weird things in Huzhou, that's why they activated their abilities.

Qiao Mobai knew it well.

But he couldn't explain it to them, and he couldn't say too much. He always played sloppy eyes every time, let them accept the reality, and let him make full use of his abilities in Feng'e City...

Rong Huaiyan took the largest amount of medicine, so he must have abilities that other people do not possess. If it is too powerful and too scary, it will easily cause public uneasiness.

Especially in his state of amnesia, once a powerful ability erupts, it will hurt his sister the most.

Out of some kind of selfishness, he would rather his brother-in-law get hurt than anything happen to Qiao Xiachu.

"I see, don't worry." Qiao Xiachu said.

She told Qiao Mobai to tell Lao You Erhei and the others not to visit Huaiyan in the near future. Excessive stimulation would be very detrimental to his memory recovery.

As a last resort, wait until he recovers before coming out to meet people.

As soon as Qiao Mobai left, she saw Rong Huaiyan rushing to her, without saying a word, his eyes became red and bloodshot, as if he was going to run away.

"Quick, tie me up, me, my veins are about to explode—" he growled.

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