
The chopsticks are broken.

Qiao Xiachu thought of this ending, so she took out a dozen pairs of chopsticks in one breath, and was going to wait for him to break them one by one, and then took out a pair of stainless steel ones.

Practice first.

Hard work pays off.

When Rong Huaiyan was holding the third pair of chopsticks, he had already slowly mastered the strength.

He slowly got used to his hands.

It's the kind of strength that you can't drag your feet when you are seriously ill.

As long as the illness is mild, the chopsticks, the floor, the bowl... will all be broken.

Qiao Xiachu was very happy to see his rapid progress.

So, when Qiao Mobai came back, he rushed into the door with a few reports in his hand, and was surprised when he saw a messy room, and asked, "Brother-in-law also became a strongman?"

Qiao Xiachu nodded silently.


Qiao Mobai patted his head.

He is a little tired.

There are already two Hercules, so there is no need for another one.

His brother-in-law ate a big one.

He thought there would be a surprise...

"Brother, what do you mean? Dissatisfied? Want to fight?" Rong Huaiyan dropped his chopsticks, stood up at once, and lifted Qiao Mobai's collar without saying a word.

Whoosh whoosh.

Qiao Xiachu was terrified.

With quick steps, she rushed to Rong Huaiyan and explained: "Huiyan, don't be angry, he is not dissatisfied."

"Hmph! He said that there are two strong men and there is no need for another one. He thought I would surprise him. Why should I surprise him? Even if he is my brother-in-law, he shouldn't go too far!" Rong Huaiyan said.

"!!!" Qiao Mobai.

Qiao Xiachu didn't understand even more.

She grabbed Rong Huaiyan's hand and dissuaded her: "You misunderstood, he didn't say a word just now, he just asked if you have become a strongman..."

"He said it!"

"Mobai didn't!"

"Obviously there is, I heard it. You are biased!"

With that said, Rong Huaiyan loosened his fingers.


Qiao Mobai was thrown on the ground, his butt was about to break into pieces.

This feeling is not good.

He rubbed his butt vigorously, and continued to complain in his stomach.

Hmph, isn't that brother-in-law?

There are so many good men in Feng'e City, let my sister change to a brother-in-law...

Da da da.

Just as Rong Huaiyan turned around, the next second he was "on fire" like a turkey, his eyes were spewing fire, and he rushed up again, pinching his neck with one hand, and scolded angrily: "What do you say, let's talk about it if you have the guts!" Once again!"

Qiao Mobai was pinched so hard that he couldn't breathe.

His cheeks flushed.

Palms slapped his hand non-stop.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan, let go, Mobai can hardly breathe, if you do this again, I will bite you!" Qiao Xiachu was very anxious, and afraid that he would get angry, he pinched Mobai to death.

What's more, Mo Bai didn't say a word the whole time.

His suspicious skill is really amazing.

Qiao Xiachu patted his hand again and again to make him relax, no one will hurt him, they are a family, the closest and dearest family members, don't hurt your own people.


Rong Huaiyan raised his wrist lightly.

Qiao Mobai's body fell directly onto the wall, his head was knocked loudly, and it hurt when he heard it.

Qiao Xiachu hurried over and took out an ice pack.

"Hurry up, put it on your head, don't get a concussion." She said distressedly.

Suddenly, she turned around, stood in front of Rong Huaiyan, and said angrily: "Rong Huaiyan, what's wrong with you, you hurt Mobai at every turn, he is our younger brother, do you understand? You can be angry with anyone , beat them and scold them, but you can't hurt Mobai, if you do this again, I don't care about you."

This is already a resurrection.

But there is no way, after Rong Huaiyan woke up, she didn't know anyone, and she didn't know that Mo Bai was an important relative in her life. Once he made a move, Mo Bai had no room to fight back.

I can only try to see if he will be scruples.

Rong Huaiyan's face was livid.

He took a deep breath, then turned around and walked up to her, and asked, "wife, did our previous relationship break down, and you didn't want me long ago?"

"???" Qiao Xiachu.

What the hell?

Is this man stunned?

How do you know they broke up?

Obviously when he woke up, he only knew her, and she was so happy, so happy...

Could it be that she has been acting very disgusted with him?


"I know, I don't remember anything now, like a fool, no one likes a fool who is not clear-headed, but I only know you in this world, if you don't want me, I have nowhere to go Got it." He said amusedly.

It feels like an isolated island.

On the island, he saw only one rose blooming brilliantly.

The only one he has.

If the flowers are also taken away, he really has nothing...

Qiao Xiachu looked shocked.

She was ignoring his feelings.

All along, he has been so powerful, always on his own, even if he wakes up, no matter in action or in other aspects, he always gives people an appearance of being like a wolf and a tiger.

She still sees him the same way.

In an instant, Qiao Xiachu's eyes softened.

She stepped forward gently, took his hand, and said softly: "I didn't want you, you know, ever since I decided to be with you, I never thought of making other choices. changing."

I never thought about falling in love in my past life.

But she talked, and fell in love with him deeply, and he also treated her wholeheartedly, awakening the sleeping emotions in her heart, and making her feel soft in the doomsday.

Who else can surpass him?


She said affectionately: "Huaiyan, I believe you are the same as me, right?"

"Wife, who else is there? I only want you, and I just want to be with you." He said.

After speaking, he picked up Qiao Xiachu, aimed at her lips, and kissed her...

Qiao Mobai: That's enough, he's still here, not air.

Rong Huaiyan cursed in his heart: Just treat you as air, and make me mad at you, you son of a bitch!

Qiao Xiachu pushed him.

She felt that there was something wrong with the man, and soon understood, her cheeks were flushed, and she said: "Eat first, Mo Bai just came back, I will add two more dishes."

As she said that, she turned around, took out a piece of spicy chicken and a piece of braised fish from the space, and put them on the table.

"Come and eat," she said.


Qiao Mobai hurried over.

When he was holding the chopsticks, Rong Huaiyan snatched his chopsticks and said displeasedly: "After you finish eating, let's chat alone, do you dare?"

"Why don't you dare, brother-in-law—" Qiao Mo smiled in vain.

Now it's just his brother-in-law.

Who knows if it will be tomorrow?

He just wants his sister to be the queen, with three thousand in the harem.


Rong Huaiyan stood up at once, with a faint gaze: "You come with me now, I can't eat it."

How do you eat this meal?

Want to hit someone every minute.

This stupid brother wants to harm his sister?

Will his brother-in-law agree?

His wife is really stupid, maybe she is often played around by Qiao Mobai, otherwise why is she so partial, and she doesn't know the ambition of the dog brother.

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