Qiao Xiachu looked puzzled.

She's really choked up.

What's wrong with these two people, the flames and lightning are just like enemies.

It's too much.

However, Rong Huaiyan was so angry that she didn't do anything, so she didn't say anything, but just folded her arms and said: "Go and come back quickly, otherwise the food will be cold."

As she spoke, she put the dining table into the space in one breath.


Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Mobai looked at each other.


Fire versus lightning.

You don't let me, I don't let you, there is a posture of "I can't kill you, I'm a bastard".

This is not good.

When Qiao Xiachu was puzzled, the two walked to the next room together and closed the door together.

Once inside, Rong Huaiyan lifted him up, pointed at the wall, pointed at Qiao Mobai's cheek with one hand and threatened: "How many brother-in-laws do you want your sister to find?"

Qiao Mobai stretched out his finger.

"Let's think about it, one, two, three..."


The wall shook several times, and a crack appeared in the wall instantly.


Qiao Mobai suddenly realized that he couldn't provoke Hercules, so he shut his mouth obediently and stopped talking.

Rong Huaiyan glared at him.

He said with a serious face: "I warn you, my wife said very clearly just now, as long as I am a husband, you have heard it, if you continue to play tricks on her side, even if she refuses to agree, I will kill you you!"

No one can steal his wife from him.

He only has one wife, and whoever dares to care about her will have to pay the price.

"Yeah, I heard it, let me go. You heard what I said in my stomach just now?" Qiao Mobai laughed.

Stomach complaints?

Rong Huaiyan was stunned.

how is this possible?

Just now he clearly said on the spot, with such a loud voice, he could hear clearly.

Still want to fool him!

He has good ears.

Qiao Mobai couldn't help laughing: "Look at my mouth, look at—"

He tapped his lips.

Rong Huaiyan snorted: "I'm a straight man of steel, so I'm not good at it."

"..." Brother Dog.

Who is not?

Qiao Mobai said weakly: "I just let you see if I moved my lips. I didn't let you kiss me. You can move your mouth, but I still don't agree."

"Speak clearly!" Rong Huaiyan rolled his eyes.

Dog brothers are trouble.

Qiao Mobai nodded his mouth to let him see clearly.

Stomach complaint: My brother-in-law is an idiot, so funny, I asked my sister to clean him up when he went out, saying that he bullied me just now... woo woo woo...

"Why are big men crying?" Rong Huaiyan froze as soon as he began to scold.

He saw with his own eyes that the dog brother's mouth did not move.

But he heard the words just now clearly...

Here, what's going on here?

"Hahahaha, let me just say, you can hear my heart. This is the ability you have activated, and a strong man is just an added value." Qiao Mobai said.

Hearing the flow of other people's hearts...

This is really powerful.

Perhaps the most powerful lie detector can measure a person's heart flow, but it can't read it, but his brother-in-law has achieved a qualitative leap.

Qiao Mobai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Suddenly, he looked puzzled and said: "Then you didn't hear what my sister was saying just now?"

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

Just like Zhou Jiaomei's brain waves are very powerful, and she can control objects from a distance.

Wang Yao and Li Han have great strength.

Hu Guang's ears evolved.

Their ability is to treat everyone indiscriminately.

Why is it that his brother-in-law's ability to read flow doesn't work for his sister alone?

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

"Yes, I can't read my wife's mind," he said.

"..." Qiao Mobai.

After meeting my brother-in-law, I can't think about it.

"Don't try to do bad things, I warn you, you are her younger brother and mine, since Chu Chu said that the three of us are a family, if you mess around with your thoughts, I will not forgive you!" Rong Huaiyan warned .

"I know, but you don't talk to other people's flow like this, it will scare people to death, and hearing too many voices is not necessarily a good thing." Qiao Mobai said.

People's hearts have nine bends and eighteen bends. Accept it all, it's not so nice.


Rong Huaiyan agreed.

He put down Qiao Mobai and said, "Don't tell my secrets to the outside world, except for Chu Chu..."

"I'm not stupid."

"I think you are a fool!"


Qiao Mobai was very angry.

After the two went out together, Qiao Xiachu didn't know what they were talking about, but obviously felt that the atmosphere was much more harmonious, and it was not as tense as before.

She took out the small table board from the space, and the food was still steaming.

"Eat quickly, we will repair the bed later, so that there is no place to sleep at night." Qiao Xiachu said.

She still doesn't know Rong Huaiyan's ability.

Seeing the two eating happily, I was also happy, and ate an extra bowl of rice in one go.

After eating and drinking enough, the three of them cleaned up the broken things in the room together.

It's just that the bed board is too damaged to be repaired.

Qiao Xiachu directly took out a cushion from the space and spread cotton batting on it, making it up at night, and going to the mountains to cut two trees during the day to make another bed.

As for the bed, she only hoarded a few of them, and after several disasters, she consumed several of them, leaving the last bed, which she was reluctant to take out.

After the next few disasters are over, it can probably be stabilized, and then it can be used again, because it is a big red wedding bed...

After Qiao Mobai finished his meal, he drew two more tubes of blood from Rong Huaiyan and took them to the laboratory.

On the way, both Lao You and Er Hei were instructed by Qiao Mobai not to visit Rong Huaiyan in the dungeon, but to send the cabbages they just planted over.

Qiao Xiachu originally wanted to take Rong Huaiyan out for a walk.

But seeing that he was a little bit out of his wits, and worried that he was unwell, he would be stimulated by outsiders, so he couldn't help it, and crushed him to death in one breath.

He had acted against Qiao Mobai several times just now, obviously showing mercy.

Once he really used 30% of his strength, Mo Bai's neck should have been broken long ago.

Qiao Xiachu knew this, so he didn't take him out, but just hid in the house, drew a few pictures for him, and gave him a few acquaintances from the past.

At night, under energy-saving lamps, Rong Huaiyan watched her earnestly draw a picture, his side profile was so delicate that it was heartbreaking, he couldn't hold back the wild fire in his heart, and looked straight down from the tip of her nose.

Clear mandible, smooth and delicate lines.

Skin white as snow.

Slender and elegant swan neck.

The thin back exudes a beautiful aura everywhere.

Especially when she thinks, she will bite the tip of the pen with her bright red lips...

He felt his blood flow backwards.

"At the beginning..."

He groaned softly.

Qiao Xiachu looked surprised.

He even changed his name, he used to call her "Jojo".


Big eyes, fluttering, even the expression of surprise is so vivid, so lively and fragrant, it makes one want to turn into a monster...

This is really not what he wants.

really not-

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