Qiao Xiachu was sore all over.

This time, I really felt the feeling of being run over by a cart.

Pain and be happy.

As soon as dawn came, the big wolfdog was still eating marrow and taste, not satisfied, so he wanted to hug her and continue the daytime show, but she flatly refused.

She said: "Let's go out today and move our things up."

Rong Huaiyan was still a little uncomfortable.

She is the only one in his world... I'm not happy about having an extra brother. When I think of so many people in her world, I feel like a pickle.

Seeing his downcast look, Qiao Xiachu thought that he was out of adjustment for a while, and thought that when he saw Uncle Hei and Lao You, they might get to know each other soon.

He has been bored in the dungeon for a long time, and now he has made great progress in controlling his strength. As long as he is not too excited, he will not hurt people because of his strength.

She was carrying several bags containing their daily necessities. Looking at the small table and chairs on one side, she let him carry them and went upstairs together.

Winter is a bit cold.

But there is no snow in the city, so everything is quite comfortable.

Residents have cut down trees on the mountain and put them under the eaves. In this cold winter, burning charcoal can not only keep warm, but also set up iron pots for cooking.

The trees in the mountains are more or less poisonous, but after being wiped out on a large scale and scorched by the sun before, it is no longer a problem to use them for heating.

Qiao Xiachu did not cut down the trees himself.

But Shen Anwan, the team responsible for felling trees, sneaked and evened it out, and slowly piled up a wall of firewood in the house that Lao You built for Qiao Xiachu.

Qiao Xiachu carried things out of the ground, and a group of people saw them and stepped forward to help.

After a while, all the items in the dungeon room were moved to the ground.

The house that Lao You planned for them was the best among all the new houses, the basement was waterproofed, and it was the only house with an independent bathroom.

Houses in other houses can only go to public toilets.

The reason for this design is that there are not so many toilet materials, and there is no fertilizer for growing vegetables, so artificial fertilizer should be used as much as possible.

This can also be recycled.

After a few years of disasters, everything that should be consumed is exhausted, and almost everything that can be used is used, but life is slowly returning to the original way...

Qiao Xiachu brought things here, and after a brief tidying up, there are two rooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom.

The small bathroom is like an underground septic tank in a rural house, and it is quite convenient to build a flush toilet.

The only downside should be water.

Lao You pulled a team alone to deal with the water problem.

The water on the ground is not clean, there are many impurities, it is difficult to clean up, and it cannot be directly drunk, so the water is used to flush toilets and scrub.

The large iron tank on the roof of Qiao Xiachu was filled with water from the toilet.

The drinking water in the water pipes is all water from deep underground wells, but the supply is limited every day, and each household can only flow out two barrels of water. Once it is used up, it will be gone.

Residents have also developed the habit of saving water. Basically, if they can use it, they try to use it as much as possible. Most people's hair is getting shorter and shorter. Men simply shave their heads, and women's hair is so short that there is only one stubble left.

In this way, there is no need to wash your hair, and when you wash your face, wipe your scalp with a towel.

As for such a big thing as taking a bath, some people haven't washed it for several years.

After entering the winter, once it snows, women will be terribly happy. Where there is snow, there is water. So I try to find clean snow, turn it into water, boil it in a kettle, and then use it to take a simple bath.

A few days ago, Qiao Xiachu also cut off her long hair.

She doesn't lack the water to wash her hair, but long hair is very inconvenient. Once she fights with someone, it is easy to be grabbed by her hair, which is like giving someone a handle.

Simply cut it off.

Besides, there are a lot of bald heads in Feng'e City, even Lao You. She is the only one with long hair. The key is that her hair is not knotted or dirty. It is easy to make people wonder if she is draining the water source of the dungeon alone. ...

No one will say it, but don't invite people to hate such a trivial matter.

Qiao Xiachu had just finished cleaning up when she heard footsteps coming from outside.

"Da Rong, you've finally woken up. Do you know how worried we were when you were sleeping on the bed? Especially Qiao Meier, she was ashamed—"

Erhei's teasing voice sounded.

Qiao Xiachu came out quickly, holding two glasses of water in his hands.

"Drink water."

She looked at Er Hei and Lao You in the room.

They didn't bring anyone with them, thinking about Rong Huaiyan's condition, and also worried that it would irritate him, so they came together together, and told the others not to go to Rong's house in the highland.

Erhei took the water glass.

His family's girl is really not easy, taking care of Darong twice has been a life-and-death disaster, this kid dares not treat Qiao Meier well in the future, as a father, he will never agree to death.


Rong Huaiyan's face was gloomy, and he glanced at Er Hei coldly.

"Hehe, Chuchu is my wife. Of course I will treat him wholeheartedly. What do I have to do with others? Let alone others treat her well. That's all my duty. Take my responsibility." He said coldly.

This gesture is obviously an order to evict guests.

Erhei was stunned.

He didn't say anything, but had a chat with Da Rong, as for going online like this? This brat doesn't take his uncle seriously.

"Ha ha."

Rong Huaiyan snorted again.

He almost went up and slapped him in the face.

"I said, uncle, you are fine, just go out and stay, what kind of onion are you?" He said displeased.

Especially when he saw with his own eyes that Qiao Xiachu not only handed the two clean water, but also took out two packs of dried sweet potatoes for them to take home to eat, which made people feel uncomfortable.

But two outsiders.

As for?

As soon as she came out, she took this group of people into her heart.

Qiao Xiachu knew that he must have heard Erhei's heart, otherwise why would he be so angry, but he didn't know what Erhei was thinking.

She smiled awkwardly, stepped forward and stuffed dried sweet potatoes into Erhei's pocket, and said, "Dad, don't be angry, Huaiyan hasn't remembered the past yet, so her actions and behavior will be unfair, don't take it to heart."

Two black air can not pass.

Especially when this brat actually said which onion he was...

He, he is this brat's bloodless relative!

If it weren't for the fact that his mind is not clear, he would have to teach him a lesson.

"You have the ability to come—"

Rong Huaiyan sneered, and stretched out his hand to greet Erhei's one arm, Qiao Xiachu turned pale with fright, and quickly hugged his arm.

"Huaiyan, go into the room and clear the table. There is also an unmade sheet on the bed. I have a backache. Please help me." She said softly.

As soon as she heard her back hurt, Rong Huaiyan immediately said: "Okay, I'll get it done first."

After speaking, he hurriedly turned and entered the house.

Before entering, he said coldly to the two of them: "It's almost time for you to leave, don't be idle here, everyone is very busy, everyone has their own business."

"..." Erhei and Lao You.

Da Rong, you are doing well.

Waiting for you to recover your memory, I can't beat you!

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