Rong Huaiyan could hear the voices of people outside.

Sometimes I forget to turn it off, and it's like this at night:

Old grandson, I'm so hot to death.

Mother-in-law, husband is an invincible treasure in the world, do you like it?

Woooooo, mom, I’m hungry, so hungry, I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.

Be good, baby, drink some water, when it is dawn, mother will dig wild vegetables for you to eat, and sleep well.

Grandma, grandma, are you cold? I will warm your bed.


In Feng'e City at night, there are always voices drifting into his ears, which makes him very excited, especially the kind... It makes people unable to sleep.

As soon as he sat up, Chu Chu beside him was soundly asleep.

He listened to the wind in his ears, felt the coldness in the air, and plunged into the bed with his head sullen.

This kind of day is so frustrating.

So, after the dog brother finished a process experiment, he held the dog brother's paw and said, "Don't rush away, I want to ask you a few things."

The dog brother was puzzled.

There was nothing he could do to help his brother-in-law.

But the wolf dog brother-in-law said: "You must help me, or I will give birth to a nephew for you in the future!"

Give birth to a nephew?

Qiao Mobai showed a horrified look.

He could squeeze an egg into his mouth.

"Don't, don't scare me, I won't take care of children." He said.

"So, you stay."

Together with Rong Huaiyan, he brought Qiao Mobai to the back room.

Qiao Mobai asked: "What's the matter, what's your problem, as long as I can help you, I will definitely help you."


Not at all.

Having a nephew is unbearable.

Under these conditions, it is difficult to raise children.

They don't know if they can live to old age...

"How can I close my ears when I don't want to hear it?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Qiao Mobai was stunned.

He didn't quite understand why it was closed.

When Rong Huaiyan heard the question in his heart, his face was embarrassed, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he said: "That's why I heard a voice that I shouldn't have heard..."

"Oh I see."

Qiao Mobai couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that my brother-in-law was in the dead of night, and heard something from other people's house.

Since the outbreak of the last infectious disease, he cured many people's diseases, causing most men and women in the dungeon to lose their fertility.

So, originally everyone was quite restrained.

But ever since they knew they couldn't have a baby, the relationship between husband and wife was surprisingly harmonious...

"I don't understand this, but you can try it. For example, when you don't want to hear it, put your heart on everything around you, and try to completely empty your mind." Qiao Mobai said.

He is not an expert in this field, and he doesn't know much about this ability, so he can only subconsciously make suggestions based on experience.

"All right."

Rong Huaiyan also knew that he was embarrassing his brother.

He patted Qiao Mobai on the shoulder and said, "You are almost the same, and you can also find a wife. Anyway, no one here can have children, so it's good for the couple to live together."

"..." Qiao Mobai.

Brother-in-law is really enough.

In order to occupy all of her sister's time and energy, she wanted to push him, her own brother, out.

He shook his head: "No, I will never marry or have children."

The apocalypse is so bad, he doesn't want to give birth to a child to suffer, and he doesn't want to bring his own woman with him, so that he will be more powerless in this apocalypse.

Just like Zhou Jiaomei and Hu Guang.

Since Zhou Jiaomei passed away, Hu Guang has been completely stupid, his IQ has dropped significantly, and he often forgets about things and laughs foolishly.

This is obviously poisoned by love, and his intelligence has been reduced.

"Thank you brother-in-law for your kindness. If you and your sister need it, I can do a set of tests for you to see if you are still fertile. If you can't have children, you don't have to be careful in the future." Qiao Mobai said.

He doesn't need love between men and women, but he understands it.

"Okay. It's none of your business, let's go." Rong Huaiyan said.

As long as the topic is over, he doesn't want anyone to take away the time that Qiao Xiachu spends with him.

So, when Qiao Linmei came in with a big bag, she smiled and shouted, "Sister, brother-in-law—look, what I brought you."

Qiao Xiachu had just washed the dishes, when she heard the noise, she strode out.

But as soon as Qiao Linmei came over, she turned over the bag in her hand and poured out the contents.

There was a large pile of soft brown bugs spread out on the ground, but there was a small mushroom-shaped umbrella on the bugs, which looked like a caterpillar fungus.

"Sister, this thing should be Cordyceps. I installed a signal tower in the mountains and found it on the side of a large granite rock, so I picked a lot. Liu Wei and the others also picked a lot, and they are going to take it back to make soup. I picked it Yes, it's all here." Qiao Linmei said.

Qiao Xiachu froze for a moment.

She looked at the beautiful mushrooms on it, her head suddenly became as big as a bucket, and she asked, "I'm afraid this thing is poisonous and cannot be eaten. Go and tell Liu Wei and the others not to eat it."

As soon as she heard that it was poisonous, Qiao Linmei's eyes widened, she quickly let go of her feet and ran outside, preventing Liu Wei and the others from eating the poisonous mushroom.

Qiao Xiachu looked at the "worm mushrooms" all over the place, and thought of the ice mushrooms and red fruits he picked in his mind... I don't know if this thing is a gift from nature.

She took one, put it in a box, and said to Rong Huaiyan: "Huaiyan, you guard them first, I'll send them to Mobai to have a look, and let him analyze the ingredients inside."

"it is good."

After receiving Rong Huaiyan's affirmative answer, Qiao Xiachu took the box and rushed to the laboratory in the dungeon without stopping.

As soon as he passed by, Qiao Mobai was wearing a white coat and was doing experiments seriously. When he saw her coming, he was a little puzzled for a while, and when he heard the purpose of her visit, he took the box in his sister's hand and took it up for observation.

"Well, you go back first, put away those things, and I'll analyze the ingredients carefully." Qiao Mobai said.

"it is good."

After Qiao Xiachu came back from the laboratory, he happened to meet Qiao Linmei, who had been going back and forth, with several big bags in her hands, and said with a sad face: "There are many of these things in the mountains, and they grow very fast. We thought I can eat it, thinking it is a reward from God for our active survival."

After the signal tower is installed, the signal of Feng'e City will be unimpeded soon.

At that time, everyone's mobile phone can have signal again.

However, due to the disorder of the earth's magnetic field, all satellite systems launched by humans have collapsed, and the signals emitted by signal towers are also intermittent, so communication still relies on loudspeakers.

Loudspeakers were installed throughout Feng'e City. Once there was news, Lao You would go to the broadcasting studio and manually "send" the news directly through the loudspeakers.

This method is also very fast.

Qiao Linmei's work is over, and she plans to organize a group of people to pick Cordyceps in the mountains.

"Don't be discouraged, this thing is newly grown, maybe it will come in handy." Qiao Xiachu said.

"All right."

Qiao Linmei pouted, with a look of disappointment on her face.

But her emotions came and went quickly, and she laughed in the next second, and asked, "Sister, how is brother-in-law? Does he have the same strength as Wang Yao and Li Han? Do you want spinach?"

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