Qiao Xiachu stretched out her hand, poked Qiao Linmei's forehead, and joked: "You think your brother-in-law is Popeye, he is also a strongman like Li Han and Wang Yao, don't make him angry, and don't think about him It's not good, otherwise he will be angry and strike at such a speed that even I can't stop him."

Qiao Linmei stuck out her tongue.

She wouldn't complain about her brother-in-law.

Rong Huaiyan is the best brother-in-law in her heart...

Just at this time, Rong Huaiyan came out of the house. He waited for a long time, but when he didn't see his wife came back, he was a little unhappy, so he went out to look for her.

Seeing the two chatting from a distance, and hearing the words in Qiao Linmei's mind, the impression of this "sister" immediately improved a lot.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, and he said to Qiao Linmei: "Go to my house and sit down. Your sister just made red date tea, drink a cup."

Jujube tea?

Qiao Linmei's eyes lit up.

My sister is so beautiful.

My brother-in-law is so nice and handsome.

A man with a talent and a woman's appearance are a natural match!

She jumped up again and again, clapped her hands and said, "Okay, I like to drink jujube tea, sister, you can take me there quickly, I work in the mountains, and my mouth is watery."

Qiao Xiachu glared at Rong Huaiyan.

She guessed with her toes that Qiao Linmei must be flattering him in her heart, otherwise he would be so hospitable to guests?

Think about the treatment of Lao You and Er Hei.

Qiao Xiachu was unable to support his forehead.

She took Qiao Linmei back to the house, and just served her a bowl of jujube tea, which made her very happy, and kept boasting that the tea soup was delicious, delicious...

Until this time, Hu Guang came in from the outside.

He held a turtledove in his hand, and he called as he walked, "Rong sir, sister-in-law, I'm here to congratulate you on your housewarming. I hunted it last night and gave it to you—"

These days, the turtledove has long been extinct, but he insisted on digging a turtledove from someone's lair at midnight, and brought it here as soon as he heard that Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan had moved.

When Qiao Xiachu saw him, he brought out a bowl of red date soup with a smile.

When Hu Guang entered the room, he had just put down the tied turtledove, when he saw Qiao Linmei who was drinking tea in the room, his face suddenly became very ugly.

"Why is she here? If I had known she was here, I wouldn't have come." Hu Guang said coldly.

He turned to leave.

At the beginning, before Jiaomei died, she even said that he and Qiao Linmei were a good match. If Qiao Linmei hadn't said or expressed something outside, how could Jiaomei have such outrageous thoughts?

Just like at the first base, Qiao Linmei spread rumors everywhere, saying that Qiao Xiachu had a crush on Rong Huaiyan, which made Da Rong start his own strategy and made him fall in love with his sister-in-law.

He is not Rong Huaiyan, he will not be moved by himself, and he will not fall in love with another woman because of rumors.

He even hated this kind of scheming woman very much.

Qiao Linmei didn't know that she was labeled as a "scheming girl" by Hu Guang, but she felt very uncomfortable when she was clearly disgusted by others.

She put down the dishes and said sadly, "You don't have to go, I'll go."

After speaking, she got up and was about to leave.

"and many more--"

Rong Huaiyan stood up from the chair, and said in a calm tone: "Why are you leaving? You are my sister Chuchu, the same as the dog... Mobai, drink more bowls of jujube soup."

In winter, Qiao Xiachu added two drops of ginseng water to the jujube soup.

Warm up and strengthen your body.

A rare opportunity.

A younger sister said that he and Chuchu were a natural couple, why are they so disgusted by others?

Hu Guang's eyeballs were about to burst.

Rong Huaiyan, who had always understood his thoughts deeply, turned his elbows outward.

Hu Guang is really unlovable——

"Miss Qiao, your brother-in-law loves you very much. I am a big man, so I don't need to stand here to obstruct my eyes. I'd better go first, sister-in-law, and drink later. Thank you for your kindness." Hu Guang.

After he finished speaking, he took off and ran away.

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

She didn't know where it was, why did she feel that the atmosphere was weird.

"Linmei, are you having a fight with Hu Guang? Why is his tone so aggressive?" she asked.

Qiao Linmei was heartbroken, and said with an aggrieved face: "I don't know, I really didn't do anything, I have been doing infrastructure construction in Feng'e City, so I can't care about anything else, since the last time Jiaomei disappeared, To comfort him, he smashed it out with something."

Just thinking about it made her sad.

Whoever provoked whom.

Hu Guang made such a fuss that strangers thought they had a deep hatred when they saw it.

Rong Huaiyan naturally knew the crux of the matter.

It's just that this can't be said in front of women, it's too easy to cause misunderstandings, and it will cause some unnecessary things to happen. If there is a chance, talk to Hu Guang alone.

A big man with such a small mind.

That's enough.

Rong Huaiyan said: "Don't bother, just let him go. After all, he is in a bad mood. Losing a lover is also one of the greatest pains in life."

There are three major pains in life: the loss of a father in adolescence, the loss of a spouse in middle age...Hu Guang has one of them.

"Okay." Qiao Xiachu sighed helplessly.

She knows the pain.

But there is nothing to do.

"Don't be sad, he just can't find a place to vent his anger, so stay away from him in the future." She said beautifully to Qiao Lin.

Qiao Linmei shook her head.

She said in a low voice: "I'm not angry with him, and I can fully understand his mood. It's normal for him to change his temper after being hit like this. It's also a good thing that he can vent his anger on me. It shows that his mind will not be completely blocked. It’s just that sometimes I feel a little bit wronged when I think of myself suffering an innocent disaster.”

Qiao Xiachu patted her hand lightly.

She thought of something, turned around and took out a bag of kimchi from the house, including carrots, white radishes, chili peppers, lotus root slices, jar beans... and handed it to Qiao Linmei: "I made this last time, there are too many, I can't finish it by myself, you Take it back and eat."

"I can't. Food is the most precious thing these days," Qiao Lin said beautifully.

"Why are you polite, she is your sister!" Rong Huaiyan's unquestionable tone instantly made Qiao Lin's eyebrows smile, and the dark clouds in her heart dissipated in minutes.

My sister is so nice.

They are really a loving couple. If every couple in the world had such a good relationship, the world would be peaceful.

Rong Huaiyan nodded slightly when he heard her "inner heart".

That's it.

A day later, Qiao Mobai came to the door with a data sheet, with a look of excitement and excitement.

"Sister, brother-in-law, that's great. The mushroom caterpillar is gone. It's really rare. It's rare in the world. This time we won't be afraid of acid rain—" he yelled.

What a gift from God!

The combination of animals and plants will always produce a different flavor, which is really amazing.

Upon hearing his words, Qiao Xiachu strode out and said in shock, "How to say, how to say? What effect does it have, is it that you won't be afraid of acid rain if you eat it?"

After the red mist, large-scale acid rain followed... Many people died in the acid rain, and it caused even more indescribable damage to the earth.

People were wailing everywhere, and the residents were unable to go out for a long time. After people were drenched, their skin was burned and there were black scars. If they stayed in the acid rain for a minute or two, they would be completely drowned.

The concentration of this acid rain is astonishingly corrosive.

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