The bamboo forest was stained by the red mist, and all of them had turned red. Some of them were cracked, and the cracked parts were also red. The roots of bamboo protruded from the ground, with fine and dense knots, mottled and patchwork.

And between the gaps of the bamboo, there is an ocean of insects and fungi.

In the bamboo forest, the waves and the wind sounded moving, like orchestral music, coming in bursts.

Hu Guang followed closely after one step. When he saw this scene, the surprise in his eyes gradually became sad and low as his gaze went far.

If Jiaomei is still there, he can take her to enjoy the unique scenery in the doomsday.

She must really like it...

"Wow, so beautiful—"

At this time, Qiao Linmei's shocked voice came from behind.

Walking beside her was Qiao Xiachu with a calm face.

Originally, she wanted to stagger with Hu Guang's team, and she also brought Qiao Xiachu here because she saw that Xiangfeng and the others were on the other side.

Who knew, what a coincidence.

Still met.

Qiao Xiachu patted Rong Huaiyan lightly, and said with a smile: "This is really a chance encounter, fate is so wonderful."


These two words deeply hurt Hu Guang.

Hu Guang remembered the first time he saw Zhou Jiaomei under the sunset. He asked her name, but she refused to say it, so she smiled and said, "Look at the red glow in the sky, as long as you see the glow, it's me..."

Therefore, he has been secretly calling her "Xiaxia".

The scene in front of him was like the red glow of the setting sun, just like his coquettishness.

It is also a kind of fate.

The Kesi people have gone and will never see her again.

There was an unsightly woman beside her.

Hu Guang snorted coldly.

"Rong sir and sister-in-law are destined, but I would rather never meet someone in my life. It's really unlucky." He said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked in the other direction.

Upon hearing these words, Qiao Linmei's mind exploded.

She couldn't hold back for a moment, tears streaming down her face.


Qiao Linmei turned around and ran towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

"Linmei, don't run around, be careful there are poisonous snakes in the bamboo forest!" Qiao Xiachu hurriedly chased after her.

Before she left, she turned her head and gave Hu Guang a hard look.

I really don't understand.

A big man who vents his anger on irrelevant people all day long is absolutely magnanimous.

Rong Huaiyan frowned slightly.

He turned around, followed Hu Guang, and came all the way to the north slope of the mountain. Seeing him squatting on the ground picking fungi, he also walked over and picked two flowers slowly.

Hu Guang turned around and shouted, and continued to work.

He gradually became taciturn and hardly talked with others.

"Hu Guang, do you think it's reasonable to say that you are taking your anger out on a girl?" Rong Huaiyan sat down on a rock, and his subordinates continued to operate.

Hu Guang was silent.

He heard this kind of words a lot, especially when Erhei reprimanded him several times.

But he couldn't help himself.

Every time he saw Qiao Linmei and saw her live Zhang Yang, his heart ached.

His coquettishness could have been okay.

"No, I heard that Ms. Zhou Jiaomei is a woman who is good at pleasing others. She is no more cheerful and lively than Qiao Linmei. You can describe her as gentle as water at most." Rong Huaiyan said suddenly.

When Hu Guang heard the first half of his sentence, he got angry and stood up suddenly, but after hearing the second half, the wild fire disappeared again, which made him very embarrassed.

Rong Huaiyan smiled faintly.

He said: "Zhou Jiaomei is your lover, she loves you, so I hope you have someone to accompany you for the rest of your life, but among the women you know, who do you think is worthy of her trust?"

"..." Hu Guang.

he does not know.

Jiao Mei stayed in the house all the time, rarely came out, and few people had in-depth contact with her.

and many more--

Hu Guang suddenly realized a problem.

Jiao Mei hoped that he would be accompanied, only he knew this, how did Rong sir explain the mystery in one word?

Hu Guang's eyes widened, and he suddenly turned to look at him.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?" He asked in a daze.

Rong Huaiyan stood up, paced slowly, walked to his side, knocked his head on his head, and said speechlessly: "I am a ghost, a ghost who specializes in eating fools."


Rong sir is scolding him?

"Isn't it you, the idiot who scolded you? Do you know how pigs die?"


"Wrong, stupid." Rong Huaiyan.

Hu Guang grasped the sack tightly, his heart heaving.

He didn't say anything.

Rong sir seemed to be able to see into his heart, like looking at a transparent person, seeing him clearly and clearly, this is too weird.

"Yes, I'm just looking at a glass man. You don't need to hide your thoughts? Zhou Jiaomei is Zhou Jiaomei, Qiao Linmei is Qiao Linmei, two people, what do you mean by mixing together?" Rong Huaiyan.

He is really lost.

This thing has been poisoned by love and is stupid.

Hu Guang retreated step by step.

He covered his heart and shouted, "Rong sir, you, can you hear what I'm saying?"

Rong Huaiyan rolled his eyes at him, pulled out his ears, and said, "That's not true."


Hu Guang covered his heart, not wanting to let his voice flow out.

"What are you covering for? Let's take a bath with bare butts together? I haven't seen anything about you. Is it possible that I still have a crush on you?" Rong Huaiyan sarcastically sarcastically.

"..." Hu Guang.

Him, he didn't cover his crotch.

"Oh, I said your breasts, where are you thinking?" Rong Huaiyan clicked his tongue.


Hu Guang put his arms around his chest.

He turned pale and said, "I, I'm not good at this, even if the charming is gone, I can't do such a thing."

"..." Rong Huaiyan.

He couldn't hold his forehead.

"Fuck you, even if I'm on a horse, I don't like you as a big and thick guy. Look at you, you want a butt and no butt, you want a chest and a chest, and you only have two ounces of meat in your pocket. What makes me like it? "Rong Huaiyan wished he could kick him to death.

Hu Guang was immediately surprised.

He had forgotten that Rong Huaiyan heard his voice before, and now he was only shocked and disbelieving.

"Are you worthy of sister-in-law? You told sister-in-law that you are a double?" he said.


Rong Huaiyan couldn't bear it anymore, and there was no need to bear it any longer.

He stepped up, kicked Hu Guang to the ground, stepped on his heart, and said angrily: "Remember to tie your head to the top of your head when you go out, I will be straight when I step on a horse."

Hu Guang screamed in pain.

Rong sir's leg skills are too good, the strength is several times stronger than that of Wang Yao and Li Han. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he has not used his full strength...

He patted Rong Huaiyan's leg: "I got it, I got it, it's a misunderstanding, it's purely a misunderstanding, I won't say anything in the future, I promise I won't."

Seeing that he admits cowardice, Rong Huai slowly raised his foot.

He said coldly: "Damn, listen clearly, I can hear what's on your mind, it's best not to scold me in your stomach, I can hear you even if you scold nonsense."

"Oh." Hu Guang agreed.

Fuck you, you shouldn't be able to hear me...

Then, Rong Huaiyan's curses came from the forest.

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