"Rong sir, what exactly do you want to say?" Hu Guang said in shock.

He finally accepted the reality slowly, and then forced himself to empty his head, not to think nonsense, so as not to let Rong sir hear his inner voice.

Even so, from time to time, he would still mutter a few sentences silently in his stomach, and then Rong Huaiyan would dictate them accurately, which was called a social death scene.

Rong Huaiyan patted him on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, it's not that I'm not mean enough. This is what I'm talking about. You should slowly accept the reality, the reality that Miss Zhou Jiaomei left, and don't take this word for granted. Sprinkle your grievances on irrelevant people, in the last days, there are not so many people who really care about you."

If you go one, you will lose one.

Don't look at Qiao Linmei's big thoughts, as if she would never be sad, but this girl was really angry just now, and what she was thinking in her heart was: If I disappeared, Hu Guang would never be so angry...

As soon as Hu Guang heard Rong Huaiyan convey Qiao Linmei's heartfelt feelings, he took a breath that was in his body and disappeared suddenly.

His body seemed to be severely shortened and collapsed.

He had never experienced this indescribable feeling of earing of the soul, and he didn't know why it happened, and it dissipated in one breath.

"Brother, since you survived, live well and set a new goal. Don't think about staying with someone for the rest of your life, that's only for young people." Rong Huaiyan said.

Only young people think that this life is inseparable from a certain person for the rest of their lives. If she leaves, they will no longer be able to love and live.

There is no such catastrophe in the world of adults.

Even if the sky falls in the next second, you can breathe when you have to breathe, and live when you have to live. Facing the new life, it is still like the first time, and it starts again.

Hu Guang's footsteps were stiff.

He let out a deep breath, and realized at this moment how much he had gone too far, and vented his irrelevant emotions on Qiao Linmei.

"Sorry..." he said.

Rong Huaiyan kicked him: "I accept your apology, but you should be clear that the one you should really say sorry to is not me, but another person."

After finishing speaking, he urged: "Okay, what's the matter with being sad? These days, survival is enough for us to be busy. How can we have time to grieve the spring and autumn, and live like a fool."

Hu Guang turned his gaze to Rong Huaiyan.

He said dumbly: "Okay, then listen to you."

After the two finished talking, they continued to pick the fungus. Hu Guang also thought to himself, go back and find an opportunity to apologize to Qiao Linmei and explain that he is a jerk...

At the same time, in the depths of the bamboo forest, Qiao Xiachu also comforted Qiao Linmei. The two picked insects together, and waited for the three teams to collect all the things and send them to the laboratory together. Everyone was almost exhausted.

The road in the mountains is far away, and it is difficult to walk without saying that it is cold and hungry.

The days of not having enough food for a long time made everyone physically impatient, had no energy to work, and was prone to fatigue, so as soon as they returned, they quickly moved to the fire and started to keep warm. Take off the boiled water, pour yourself a glass of boiling water, and drink it in small sips.

Qiao Xiachu returned home, cold pot and cold stove, dead silence everywhere, she took out a cooked hot pot directly from the space, took out a pickle from the glass jar and threw it in, then lit a fire, set it up and it was ready ate.

It was a cold day, and everyone was planting a while ago, and started to raise a group of big rats in captivity, so from time to time someone could smell burning meat from their door.

Qiao Xiachu didn't shy away so much anymore.

When the strong wind blows, the smell is quickly blown away, so after closing the door, she and Rong Huaiyan started to eat mutton hotpot, which made them feel comfortable.

Rong Huaiyan looked at the short-haired woman in front of him, with a trace of joy in his eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?" she asked suspiciously.

Rong Huaiyan took a bite of sour radish, it tasted real.

He said: "You are destined to be my wife, this is arranged by God."

"What are you feeling?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

During the day, she originally wanted to find Hu Guang, but she met Rong Huaiyan who was teaching Hu Guang, but she heard him say, the end of the world, don't be fooled by love.

This has no memory, can't even change the lining?

Rong Huaiyan looked at her deeply, under the white light, his eyes were burning: "I can hear everyone's voice, but I can't hear you alone. Isn't this arranged by God?"

Qiao Xiachu chewed the mutton hard, the gravy filled his mouth with fragrance.

She took a bite of the meaty bone and joked: "That's not true. If you can hear everything, I will kick you. I don't want to be a transparent person."

No matter how much she loves him, she still doesn't want to see everything in front of him.

That was horrible.

The corners of Rong Huaiyan's lips curled up slightly, and he said lightly: "So, it's best if I can't hear it. Recently, I have learned how to live with it peacefully. As long as I don't listen to it, I can close this special hearing."

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, she immediately became excited.

She said with joy, "That's really great, but, can you still activate Xiaoq?"

Little q?

Rong Huaiyan was stunned.

He has no memory, so he doesn't know what Qiao Xiachu said.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiachu told him about the contract he had signed with Xiaoq.

Rong Huaiyan had a strange look on his face.

There is such a miraculous thing in his body?

So, he closed his eyes and tried to communicate with Xiaoq.

But to his disappointment, this so-called weapon system did not appear...

"No way!!!"

Qiao Xiachu was shocked and broke.

Did he lose his memory and he didn't know how to do it, or did Qiao Mobai and Hu Xiaosa perform surgery last time, which broke some system in his body?

Could it be that the thing with tentacles that can flow in the blood and enter the position of his heart is Xiao Q's body?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu flipped her wrist, and the gourd jade pendant that had been integrated into her body suddenly appeared in her palm. After this thing made a contract with her, unless she summoned it intentionally, it would basically not appear in its initial form.

"Is this your secret?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Qiao Xiachu retracted her wrist, and the gourd jade pendant disappeared again.


"Then if someone snatches it, will it contract with someone else?"

Rong Huaiyan's question shocked her severely.

Qiao Xiachu never thought of this possibility.

After all, she has always felt that the space belongs to her alone, and after making a contract with her, she will not have any relationship with other people again.

But Rong Huaiyan's soul torture made her curious about this question for a while.

She wanted to ask Little Gourd.

Can other people sign contracts with the space? Once the main body is taken away, will the materials stored in it disappear, or be robbed along with it...

Just when she had doubts, a rule in the space silently appeared in her mind.

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