Qiao Xiachu closed his eyes silently, and read the rules silently: The owner of the contract cannot be changed in the middle of the calabash space, unless the owner dies, the body manifests itself, and is picked up by other predestined people. Lord and die.

After a while, she slightly opened her eyes.

"It's okay, as long as I'm safe, it's safe." Qiao Xiachu said.

Rong Huaiyan took a deep breath: "You must not reveal its existence, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

The secret of guarding the space is to guard her safety.

Once people know about Hulu Space, they may attract people with ulterior motives, which is very detrimental to Qiao Xiachu's safety.

"When you have time, you must carefully consider the system and see if it can be restored." Qiao Xiachu said.

She felt more and more that what Mo Bai and Hu Xiaosa discovered was Rong Huaiyan's system body, and it might have been driven into his body with the thunder and lightning.

Rong Huaiyan walked up to her, hugged her waist lightly, and said, "Don't worry, it might be all right after I recover my memory."

Gradually, he accepted the fact that he was half Rong Huaiyan, and no longer avoided Qiao Xiachu to mention his past, and sometimes even asked her to talk about it...

Every time he hears those things, he feels incredible.

What kind of person is he?

For several nights, Rong Huaiyan couldn't sleep, thought hard but couldn't get any results, and rolled over and over on the bed like a pancake.

Qiao Xiachu advised him not to rush.

As long as people are safe, other things will always come slowly.

Rong Huaiyan agreed, thinking in his mind how to find out some other useful information from other people, to see if he could stimulate his brain and help him retrieve his lost memories...

Qiao Xiachu didn't have that much time, and he didn't care about him. He pushed away a layer of snow in the courtyard, set up a support, and then stretched the plastic film to start planting greenhouse vegetables. Although the area is relatively small, it can still be used anyway. .

Vegetables are planted, on the one hand, for eating, and on the other hand, they can be kept as seeds.

Lao You used all the remaining plastic film in Feng'e City early in the morning to build several greenhouses.

Since Qiao Mobai and Hu Xiaosa formed a team and led a group of scientific and technical personnel, they predicted that there would be a high concentration of acid rain, and the people at the base began to make various anti-acid rain tools.

Even the greenhouse has been coated with a layer of anti-acid crystals.

A batch of anti-acid raincoats, shoes, and umbrellas were also made, but because there are too few tools, they are basically recycled from old garbage, so the items are very limited.

Qiao Xiachu’s space has a batch of good umbrellas, rain boots and raincoats. She asked Qiao Mobai for the production method, and made a batch by herself. She prepared a backpack in advance, stuffed a set of each in it, and put it at home. , as long as anyone goes out, take it with you at any time.

The exact timing of acid rain is uncertain.

You can only prepare in advance.

Rong Huaiyan is not hypocritical, naturally wherever he goes, he will always carry the backpack prepared by his wife.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

The insects and fungi in the mountains have all been picked, and those who can smear the crystals in the city are basically smeared with a layer. As production resumes, everyone has stockpiled a batch of food.

Even vegetables that are not easy to store are also made into dehydrated vegetables, and each household is allocated a certain amount, and the carbohydrate crops such as sweet potatoes, taro, and potatoes are still the most grown.

Coarse grains such as pumpkin and corn are dried in the sun, ground into powder, washed with water, and can be used to satisfy hunger.

deep winter.

It has snowed several times, and many people dug up the snow and put it in various containers at home, waiting for the snow to melt into water, whether it is used for home use or boiled for drinking, it is not a problem.

At this time, there is nothing to be particular about.

It's a hundred times better than not having a sip of water in a drought.

After a heavy snowfall, the residents of the city cut down on food and clothing, and finally felt that the weather was getting warmer. When the sun came out, one by one, they took out the tattered cotton wadding they had mended at home to bask in the sun.

People are also basking in the sun.

More and more people, their skin color is getting darker, like soy sauce color, there are always various ugly spots on their cheeks, and even young children have grown them.

Naturally someone went to the doctor.

Dermatologists are also at a loss. For this situation, we can only guess that natural disasters have changed people's genes and changed people's skin.

In this regard, everyone has no idea.

As long as it is not a serious illness, there is nothing to pay attention to.

One morning, the sky was dark.

A group of people suddenly came from outside the city, one by one carrying their luggage, dragging their families, and running towards Feng'e City in ragged clothes. As soon as they entered, they almost quarreled with the patrol team.

"This is my home. I have a house in Feng'e City, and the real estate certificate is still there."

"Yes, I am also from Feng'e City. I used to work in other places and finally returned to my hometown. You bandits stole my home—"

"Bastard, get out of Feng'e City!"

"Bandits and bandits, leave our homeland!"

A group of people picked up the poles on their shoulders one after another, and were about to fight Hu Feng and Liu Wei of the patrol team.

When Lao You came over with Erhei and his party, as soon as they saw Lao You and recognized him as the leader of the patrol team at a glance, they shouted angrily.

"Are you the leader? Feng'e City is my home. We lived and worked abroad and finally returned home. You robbed our house and didn't let us go home. What do you mean?"

"Yeah, that means—"

"We are the masters of Feng'e City!"

They persisted and insisted that Lao You leave Feng'e City with his team and return their home to the real owner.

Lao You's face was dark.

He stood up, met their provocative gazes, and said, "I know you may be the old residents of Feng'e City, and it's true that you have houses here, but the entire Feng'e City was blown up by the two station managers of the technology station." All the houses on the flat land were looted, and these stone and brick houses were built by ourselves."

Without reinforced concrete, all stone houses cannot withstand a larger disaster at all.

But it's the best situation right now.

"Yes, Feng'e City used to be yours, but now it's our home!" Erhei said loudly.

Upon hearing such words, a middle-aged man jumped out immediately.

He yelled: "This gentleman is also a reasonable person at first glance. There are many natural disasters. It is not easy to live until now. But if we can come back, we have come back a long time ago. How can we delay until now? It's all in the doomsday." Survivors, how can you have the heart to drive away the owner of Feng'e City? Isn't that an act of banditry?"

Lao You looked at a group of people, old and young, and a group of pregnant women with their bellies...

He looked at them coldly, and said indifferently: "You can come back if you want. The library building in Feng'e City is not down. If you want to go there, we won't interfere."

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