The library building in Feng'e City was built outside the city, away from the center of the city, and not in the war zone between the two sides. Instead, the houses in that area remained.

It's just that the houses in that area have been in disrepair for a long time and no one has maintained them. It can be said that they are dilapidated.

Lao You selfishly does not want outsiders to enter Feng'e City, but once a riot occurs, letting them slaughter innocent survivors is no different from animals.

"Okay, then give us the library building—"

The middle-aged man should be quite prestigious among this group of people. Seeing that there is no need to fight or shed blood and sacrifice, the tense faces of a group of old people and children relaxed.

They put down the pots in their hands one after another, and slowly followed the leader, Old Pi, towards the direction of the library building.

After the group of them left, Lao You said to the second gangster: "In the future, we should arrange a team to be stationed on the demarcation line to prevent the other party from crossing the demarcation line."


Erhei agreed.

They guard the border well, so naturally they are not afraid.

The opponent's team didn't have hot weapons, they were basically pots and pans, and there were a few sharpened wooden stakes with blood stains on them, which should be cold weapons for fighting.

With the blessing of hot weapons, if this danger cannot be resisted, there is still a long way to go in the future, how can we continue down?

When Qiao Xiachu got the news, he didn't take it seriously.

The people in the shantytowns, during the red mist period, damned to die, those who survived by chance, the shantytowns are basically scrapped, and they are not suitable for human habitation. Many things in the houses are very dirty, with a thick layer of knots. The mud, eroded by the red mist, became very toxic.

So many refugees have flowed up.

They moved towards the major bases and urban areas, trying to find a new habitat.

The first choice is naturally the periphery of the base.

Even if you can't enter the base, it's better than retail investors wandering around.

Once there are armed forces stationed, it is the place where all the refugees compete for.

If there is a building to live in, it is simply a fairy place.

Qiao Xiachu said to the underworld: "The lethality of this group of people is not in other places, but there is one thing. They have lived in shantytowns for a long time, and the virus on their body is particularly serious, more poisonous than the body of a mouse, so once they get close to the residents of the city, they must Be careful and try not to have physical contact with them."

The residents of Feng'e City, under the leadership of Lao You, have endured hardships, but compared with the refugees, they are only one in ten thousand, and they are not their opponents when they confront or fight.

"I know, I will arrange for people to go down and open special courses." Er Heifei said.

Recently, the network has been opened, and many people have installed receiving devices in their homes. As long as they are activated, they can receive the broadcasts from the main station and can hear them at home.

At that time, it should be no problem to play a safety knowledge course directly.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

This morning, Qiao Xiachu discovered that there was a hole in the shed outside, and there was a gully on the ground extending all the way from the front of his house.

Look carefully, the hole is dug by manpower.

She picked up the backpack from the house, and walked out of the gully without saying a word, trying to find the source.

Something is clearly wrong.

To be on the safe side, before she set off, she asked Rong Huaiyan not to pick fruits and vegetables in the greenhouse for the time being, and she took a few boxes of compressed biscuits, canned food and instant noodles from the space, and let him eat first.

Then, she went out.

Rong Huaiyan naturally agreed.

Last time he went to Zoucheng with Erhei.

Erhei said that Zoucheng was hit hard, and the red mist had a great impact on them. There were dense graves on the ground, and many people should have died in the fifth base.

Production has not yet resumed.

He took Rong Huaiyan to find Wang Yinghui, the leader of the fifth base.

Wang Yinghui told them that they had heard the news before that the dungeon had been being built, but it was still a step too late, and some people were transferred in, but many people were poisoned to death by the red mist.

They have lost a lot.

After the fifth base was hit hard, its vitality was severely injured, and it was already on the verge of collapse.

He heard from Erhei that he was willing to exchange a batch of canned rats and coarse grain powder in exchange for some poultry with the Fifth Base, and Wang Yinghui agreed immediately.

The fifth base has a large breeding farm, which has been in existence since the beginning of the end of the world, and has been operating very well, so they basically didn't go hunting in the mountains.

Many people in the base can eat eggs, canned chicken, and various meat products...

On the eve of the red fog, his wife moved the farm to the air-raid shelter ahead of time, and raised chickens, ducks and geese separately, so they stored a lot of eggs.

After the exchange between the two parties, Feng'e City started to build its own breeding farm again.

In view of the fact that the acid rain will come this time, the chickens were moved to the underground city, and Rong Huaiyan was in charge of it alone. He planned to take Hu Guang to feed the chickens.

Since helping him open his heart knot last time, Rong Huaiyan felt the trust between brothers, this is a kind of beauty that the body still has perception even if there is no memory.

He could hear Hu Guang's heart every time.

This brat can be funny sometimes.

Raising chickens with him is not boring.

When Hu Guang heard that he was going to find worms for the chickens, he immediately laughed at himself: "If there is protein, I want to eat it myself, but I have to allow the chickens to eat it. It's not fair."

Rong Huaiyan kicked him.

"Isn't it delicious to eat chicken? What kind of worm to eat, if you want to make it, you can reincarnate as a chicken in your next life. I will cook you and eat it myself." He sneered.

"..." Hu Guang.

Well, he was not as good as Sir Rong at first, but now he can't even scold him in his heart.

This day is really frustrating.

"Okay, don't hold back, let's go to the field to vent in a while." Rong Huaiyan threw a backpack to Hu Guang, and the two came to the foot of the mountain in the city together, and began to look for bugs.

At the same time, Qiao Xiachu slowly searched along the tunnel, and came to an abandoned life insurance building on the edge of the city.

Half of the building was bombed, and half remained.

Lao You didn't want to waste explosives, so he just abandoned the damaged buildings in this area, letting them weather and collapse naturally.

Qiao Xiachu recalled the golden age, when she was tricked by her roommate into going to an insurance company at a young age, and then paid back a life insurance... Unfortunately, after the scam came in the end of the world, the money from the life insurance ended blatantly.

She was about to take out a gun from the space and go deep into the building to explore.

Pat, clack.

Suddenly, a drop of rain fell on his shoulders.

It hurts--

Qiao Xiachu turned her head suddenly, looked over her shoulder, and found that her coat had been pierced by rainwater, and it landed on her skin, emitting a smell of meat.


Acid rain is coming.

She still remembers the pain of being hit by thick acid rain.

Qiao Xiachu took a big stride and rushed into the abandoned house.


A series of screams came from around the corner.

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