Qiao Xiachu took a closer look and found several figures rushing in from the outside.

One, two, three... more than a dozen people ran in one after another, all of them were sallow, emaciated, with sunken eyes.

But the appearance of the first person, Qiao Xiachu always felt very familiar.

She seems to have seen it somewhere, but she can't remember it for a while.

"Wow, this rain is poisonous. Look, the newly grown red grass on the ground has been dyed black by the rain and withered directly."

"Yes, look at the plastic bags on the ground, they are all melted as if they were burned by fire."

"Look at the broken wooden bench over there, it's turning black little by little..."

What's even more frightening is that there was a mouse that came out of the ground and was scurrying around, but after the heavy rain fell, it was directly blocked by the rain on the road.

The hair on the mouse's body fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body gradually softened, falling directly to the ground, and then the body seemed to be corroded and carbonized by rainwater, deformed a little bit, and changed color...

It all happened so suddenly.

Everyone was caught off guard.

They had never seen such heavy rain.

But no matter how you look at it, isn't this just ordinary rain?

In the past, they were all looking forward to the rain. They all hoped that God would rain and give them some water so that they could fill their buckets.

"Ah, it hurts—"

Someone didn't believe in evil, and directly stretched out his hand to test the rain.

Unexpectedly, he stretched out his hand, and after being hit by the acid rain, he withdrew his hand suddenly, covered the wound, and screamed in pain.

Acid rain is so powerful, and its corrosion is terribly powerful.

The surface will no longer be able to grow crops for a long time.

Soil acidification is no small problem.

Although Feng'e City had made sufficient preparations for this acid rain, it still couldn't withstand such a large area of ​​rain.

Moreover, Qiao Xiachu vaguely remembered that acid rain can become a disaster because the rain does not stop just once, but many times, sometimes big and sometimes small.

Right now, the rain is heavy enough to make it impossible to travel. Even if you have rain gear against acid rain, once you enter the rain, it is still difficult to avoid being splashed by the rain.

Qiao Xiachu didn't dare to take any chances.

She could only wait for the rain to calm down before going out.

"I said, Miss, you must have studied in Zoucheng No. 1 Middle School, right?"

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stared at Qiao Xiachu intently, wishing to see through her face and see the depths of her soul...

Qiao Xiachu looked disgusted.

She said coldly, "Who are you?"

The man laughed wickedly.

"Hahaha, it really is Qiao Xiachu from Zoucheng No. 1 Middle School. I remember you. You used to be the monitor of Class 9 and the school belle of No. 1 Middle School. Are you so forgetful that you don't even remember me? My surname is Li." The man smiled with a meaningful expression on his face.


Qiao Xiachu racked his brains and thought for a while.

Suddenly, she remembered a figure, and her face was filled with hostility.

This surname is not common in life, but Zoucheng's surname is Li, not an ordinary person. In the prosperous era, the Li family was a super rich family in Zoucheng.

Not to mention the money in the family, several elders in the family are involved in the political circle, it can be said that the scenery is infinite, no one dares to provoke...

Li Mochen was the only one who went to Zoucheng No. 1 Middle School with her and was her age.

He is a ruffian.

The first time I saw Qiao Xiachu, I moved my hands and feet, and she stepped on her toes, and then he not only didn't bark, but smiled like a disgusting boss: "Woman, you managed to attract my attention... "

Attention to riding horses.

Without further ado, Qiao Xiachu swung his schoolbag and hit the man hard on the back. The schoolbag threw him to the ground, knocked him to the ground, and knocked out a tooth.

Li Mochen went to inlay a big gold tooth.

From then on, if he wanted to be the domineering president in the novel, it would be too vulgar.

Therefore, he was furious by nature, and as soon as he saw Qiao Xiachu, he led a group of gangsters to chase and block her, almost committing a murder in public.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Qiao Dongliu several times to transfer her to another school, but Qiao Dongliu instead forced her to go to Li's house to apologize, and asked her to kneel and kowtow at Li Mochen's feet in public.

She didn't want to, and then Qiao Dongliu was relentless, and directly asked her to tie up her daughter and hang her in a small dark room for three days and three nights, without food or water...

Someone whipped her and sent the video of her being whipped to Li Mochen's cell phone.

Qiao Xiachu hated Li Mochen for poisoning him, and also hated Li's family members.

It's just that when the end of the world came, the Li family entered the first base with a group of people early, and there was no news after that. Even if she went to the first base, she didn't see a single Li family. She thought the Li family had gone west.

Unexpectedly, Li Mochen actually appeared in Feng'e City, standing alive and kicking in front of him.

Qiao Xiachu said indifferently: "Li Mochen, don't come here without any problems."

Li Mochen nodded with a smile.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the big gold tooth in his mouth was long gone, and there was only a dark gap, which looked a little funny.

"Qiao Xiachu, my home is in Jinshanzhai outside Feng'e City. This time, I'm here to visit Feng'e City. If you want to marry me, I can consider disregarding your rudeness to me in the past." He laughed. .

The end of the world is coming, and their Li family already had enough supplies, and they went to the base to make a batch, enough for the entire Li family to survive the end of the world for twenty years.

But that's the case, he eats very sparingly, he is so thin that he doesn't have the handsomeness when he was young. On the other hand, Qiao Xiachu is radiant and beautiful. If he marry her home, he will not be so boring every day. Come out to have fun and make me bored.

Isn't it enough to play with her?

At the thought of this, Li Mochen's eyes lit up.


Qiao Xiachu regretted drawing the gun, it was too late.

Before she could move, she saw more than a dozen people walking towards her, blocking her at 360 degrees without any dead ends. Once she took the gun, she would be exposed to everyone's sight.

And there was another person on the other side holding a camera and filming the whole process...

Qiao Xiachu gritted his teeth.

"Qiao Xiachu, follow you, Brother Li, and take care of your delicious and spicy food. You will never be bored. Our Jinshanzhai has already set our sights on Feng'e City. If you are sensible, be smart, otherwise, with the strength of a woman like you , no matter how strong he is, he won't win, hahaha—" Li Mochen laughed.

Jinshanzhai is a force they established in the last days.

Originally, they wanted to annex the technology station.

But I didn't expect that the two station masters were useless, and they were defeated by a group of rangers in Feng'e City in a few strokes, and they were directly looted, which is too ridiculous.

Therefore, the Li family has already contacted several super mercenaries from abroad, asking them to come to Jinshanzhai against all odds, join them, and take Feng'e City together.

"Qiao Xiachu, I know you have a husband, if he dies, would you like to live with me?" Li Mochen smiled wickedly.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes darkened.

There was a thump in her heart.

Rong Huaiyan couldn't activate the small Q, and couldn't take out the weapon at all. If this group of crazy people found him, and there was acid rain outside, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

Thinking of this, she bit her lower lip, thinking about a good strategy, how to leave safely, and give Rong Huaiyan some weapons...

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