Qiao Xiachu looked at Li Mochen coldly, then suddenly showed a gentle smile, and said with hooked lips: "Li Mochen, it's not impossible for you to want me to follow you—"

As soon as she finished speaking, a trace of disdain appeared in Li Mochen's heart.

Women, they really are all of this bitch nature.

It's just a little money, and they rush forward non-stop, even willing to give up their own men.

Cheap enough!

With a cold smile on Li Mochen's face, he said, "Then you—"


Suddenly, a throwing knife swooped fiercely at the man holding the camera in front of him.


The camera is hit by a throwing knife and falls from the man's hand.

In the next second, Qiao Xiachu roared wildly, like a ferocious beast, he flew up and kicked a man in front of him fiercely, quickly pulled out the dagger on the ground, raised the knife and dropped it, and it was over. man on the ground.

Bang Bang Bang.

Qiao Xiachu grabbed the camera on the ground and slammed it to the ground. After a while, one camera was smashed to pieces.

Li Mochen looked surprised.

He widened his eyes and called out, "Qiao Xiachu, are you crazy?"

Without the threat of the camera, Qiao Xiachu was not so scruples.

But just to be safe, she still pretended to take off her backpack, took out a gun from it, aimed at Li Mochen and said, "You bastard, you deserve to die a long time ago!"


One shot fired.

Seeing that the bullet was about to hit Qiao Xiachu, a gunshot rang out suddenly, and a bullet pierced through the rain, forcefully knocking Qiao Xiachu's bullet into the air.

There are snipers!

Qiao Xiachu's eyes turned cold.

Her marksmanship is already very good, but compared to a sniper hiding in the dark, she is still... not safe.

As soon as he thought of this, Qiao Xiachu ran wildly around the room.

While running, she opened the backpack, took out a raincoat from inside, put it on quickly, took out lightweight rain boots, put them on her feet, tightened the drawstring on the raincoat hat, and took out a large coated frame Sunglasses almost covered most of her face.

"Qiao Xiachu—"

Li Mochen roared wildly.

Angrily, he kicked the people around him fiercely, and angrily said: "Didn't I say that we must catch her? You grew up eating shit?"

I made a special trip to Feng'e City.

But his father said that he was only given one chance, and if Qiao Xiachu couldn't be persuaded, he wouldn't be allowed to leave the cottage easily, that's no fun.

The people around him are obedient and dare not speak.

Qiao Xiachu put on a raincoat and rain boots, and she is not afraid of acid rain anymore.

This is unbelievable.

The umbrellas they brought out were directly melted into coke under the acid rain, not to mention the raincoats, which were melted into slag in minutes.

Qiao Xiachu was wearing a raincoat and rainshoes, and went out like this. The most important thing is that the rain gear on her body didn't show any sign of melting...

This is incredible.

"Young Master Li, this woman is not simple. How could she have anti-acid rain rain gear? Did she know that there would be acid rain in advance? If so, either she has high-tech products, or Feng'e City..." A man beside him reminded.

When Li Mochen heard this, his eyes widened.

Makes sense.

The concentration of acid rain is ridiculously high, like God is pouring sulfuric acid.

Unreasonable everywhere.

But natural disasters have been going on for many years, and science can no longer explain them clearly.

He looked at the figure that disappeared in the rain, his eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "Ah Wang is staring at her, and find another person to lurk in the city. We must find Feng'e City, who can predict disasters in advance. Once we find him, we will Just grab it."

Being able to predict disasters is definitely a big killer in the last days.

Not only can they prevent disasters in advance, but they can also spread the news to make people in other bases submit to Jin Shanzhai.


Several people around me responded silently.

They found a few wooden boards and were going to go to the broken building next door, where there was a secret passage leading directly to Jinshan Village, and went back to find the owner of the village.

outer city.

Rong Huaiyan and Hu Guang caught bugs along the way, with a bunch of bugs in the bag, and they returned with a full load. Unexpectedly, acid rain suddenly fell.

Fortunately, I brought rain gear against acid rain.

Rong Huaiyan threw Hu Guang an umbrella, put on his raincoat and rain shoes, and the two hurried back.

But the road back to the city is relatively long.

When Hu Guang went out, in order to bring more things, he left in a hurry and forgot his anti-acid rain backpack. Now he was almost walking, feeling the baptism of acid rain under his feet, and the whole feet were almost not his own.

Rong Huaiyan heard the patience in his heart, and led him all the way into the nearest building.

Behind this building is the refugee area of ​​the library.

They run a little far.

As soon as I entered, I saw several people squatting at the door, and when they saw them coming in, they looked wary and said: "Are you old people?"

Hu Guang and Rong Huaiyan went out to dig worms, thinking about going back quickly, they didn't bring any weapons except a hoe, and when the person in front took out a wooden stick, Hu Guang said a little speechlessly: "We don't want to cause trouble."

Seeing that they were not wearing military uniforms, but their words and deeds were upright, the refugees subconsciously relaxed and said to the two of them, "We also don't want to fight."

Against Lian Jiazi, they have no chance of winning.

"We went out to look for wild vegetables, and it just rained, so we came in to hide from the rain. There are a lot of mushrooms growing in this house, do you want them?" one of the men asked.

The two looked at the mushrooms on the eaves, salivating, wishing they could rush up to pick them and eat them.

Some mushrooms are poisonous, and many people died from eating them at first.

But their bodies are more or less toxic. The reason why Lao Pi can become their leader is that he is an old Chinese doctor and understands medical principles.

Lao Pi mixes several herbs, grinds them into powder, and kneads them into balls. Let them eat one every day. After a long time, they eat poisonous mushrooms growing in the ground, or big roots with a little poison, horse teeth Amaranth and other wild vegetables are no longer poisoned.

Therefore, when they see white mushrooms, they want to eat them.

Go out to find food, as long as you don't bring it back to the refugee area, you don't have to share it with them...

Rong Huaiyan has dry food in his backpack, which Qiao Xiachu prepared for him, including a dozen compressed biscuits, a bottle of water, a bottle of multivitamins, a pack of dehydrated vegetables, and a stewing beaker.

The rain gear is stuffed in the backpack, so I don't put too much stuff in it.

Even so, they don't want to eat poisonous mushrooms.

Isn't that courting death?

Hu Guang shook his head and said, "Eat it, we don't need it."

As soon as they got the reply from the two men, the two men rushed over with all eyes, wiped the poisonous mushrooms on their bodies, and chewed them raw...

This appearance reminded Hu Guang of cows grazing grass.

He and Rong Huaiyan walked to the door and asked, "When shall we go back?"

He's getting a little hungry.

Rong Huaiyan glanced at his feet lightly, and said, "Look at your feet, can you still walk?"

Hu Guang looked down, his eyes suddenly exploded.


what's going on?

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