Hu Guang's feet turned black.

The shoes on the soles of the feet also fell off, and the ankle was swollen, like a fat carrot, and it looked shockingly ugly.

He looked surprised and said: "Rong sir, is this acid rain sulfuric acid? It directly corroded my feet like this, and I said why my feet hurt so much."

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

He said seriously: "The acid rain is too heavy outside, and the ground is full of water. Look outside, where can you go?"

Outside the broken building, as long as it is in contact with the acid rain, whether it is weeds, or various human constructions, residues...all are corroded.

Someone was picking wild vegetables. At first, he had no time to run back and fell into a puddle. He was soaked in acid rain and fell directly to the ground. His whole face melted away.

Not long after, that person's body began to slowly turn black...

After a few more days of rain, the ground will become clean. There will be no second color except black, and even the grass and trees will be directly melted and carbonized.

In the mountains and forests, there are still trees that are directly drenched by acid rain. After they get hot, they start to burn, and the fire is instantly ignited.

Rong Huaiyan could have rushed into the rain and returned directly to the city, but Hu Guang was different. Once he entered the rain, there was only one dead end.

He found a clean place to sit down, closed his eyes, and said calmly: "Let's wait for the rain to subside before going back to the city. Anyway, we can't go, so let's take a good rest."

After speaking, he began to close his eyes and meditate.

But not long after, a voice was heard outside the door.

"Amu, Amu, where are you?"

A man in the room suddenly stood up and said to the people around him: "My wife is here, how could she come, she is about to give birth."

Surprised, he ran towards the door.

Not long after, a woman with a big belly ran into the door, and when she saw that her man was healthy, she burst into tears, and said quickly: "Amu, you are still alive, it's really great, great, I thought Never see you again."

The man put a blank face on his face.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you say that you should raise your baby at home? How did you find this place? Do you know it's dangerous outside?" the man blamed.

The pregnant woman looks worried.

She hurriedly said: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you won't be around, and I'm also afraid that I will give birth at any time, and there will be no one to watch, and my life will be in danger."

Having a baby is a walk before the gate of hell closes.

But in the last days, no one cares about other people's life and death, even if they die in front of them, no one will take a second look, let alone help.

Except those close to you.

Therefore, as long as Amu leaves for too long, she will start to become restless and restless.

Only then did she find the abandoned house step by step...

The man patted her thin arm helplessly, and comforted him: "Okay, I'm fine, what's going to happen? Besides, you're about to give birth. Didn't I come out to find something to eat? Do you want to eat? I have mushrooms here."

As he spoke, he took out two poisonous mushrooms from his pocket.

The woman is a little tangled.

Every time I eat poisonous mushrooms, my stomach hurts a little. What if something happens to the child and a freak is born?

Thinking of this, she pushed the poisonous mushroom back and said to the man, "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

When the baby is born, you don't have to worry so much, you can eat whatever you want.

Rong Huaiyan couldn't listen anymore.

He shuts off his flow.

At this time, refugees basically have nothing to eat, especially if they are pregnant and have children, it is even more terrible, and the children may not be healthy.

The three of them sat together, and when they saw Rong Huaiyan and Hu Guang in the corner, they just nodded slightly, and then discussed acid rain together.

Acid rain has a great impact on refugee areas.

The wild vegetables they brought are almost eaten up, but the acid rain has melted everywhere outside, and now they don’t even have this little room for survival, and they don’t know how to live...

Several people were discussing, and suddenly the pregnant woman's stomach began to hurt.

"Amu, Amu, my amniotic fluid broke, it's not good, I'm about to give birth, what should I do, what should I do?" The woman was sweating profusely.

She usually heard Api talk about giving birth.

At this moment, I was flustered for a while, but I couldn't remember for a while, and I just yelled.

The man was even more panicked.

He said to the man beside him: "Wang Can, do you know how to deliver a baby? My wife is about to give birth, what should I do?"

Wang Can is a bachelor.

How did he know, when he was asked, he scratched his head anxiously: "I, I don't know—"

One by one, they all screamed in bewilderment.

Hu Guang couldn't take it anymore.

He said loudly: "It's useful? A pregnant woman is going to have a baby. You are a big man, don't you know how to check your wife's situation first? If you panic, isn't your wife even more confused?"

It's really frustrating for a man to look like this.

His wife was about to have a baby, and he screamed like an idiot.

The man was calmed down by a roar.

He hurried over, took out a piece of quaint jade from his underwear pocket, knelt down in front of Hu Guang with a plop, and begged, "Please save my wife, this piece of jade is my only treasure, give it to my elder brother." -"

The man's family property was originally considered rich, but in the last days, it was consumed little by little, and now there is only such a valuable piece of jade left.

But this thing can't be eaten, no one wants it.

But if it can be exchanged for a little kindness to help, it's nothing...

Rong Huaiyan frowned.

He heard Qiao Xiachu say that as long as there is a valuable treasure, her space can be upgraded.

"Give it to me, I'll give you the last piece." Rong Huaiyan said lightly.

He has a Snickers bar in his trouser pocket.

Before going out, Qiao Xiachu grabbed a handful for him, and he ate two pieces before going out, but it was too sweet, so he took a piece with him for Hu Guang.

Originally planned to save it for dinner.

As soon as Amu saw the Snickers bar, his eyes straightened immediately, and he said a little guilty: "I'm just a piece of jade, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I can't exchange it with, do you really want to?"

He was reluctant to give up this opportunity.

Rong Huaiyan pretended to be reluctant and said: "I only have this piece, but my wife likes shiny things. If you still have some, you can give me more when you see me later."

Amu was overjoyed.

He nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I'll go back and ask, who still has Jade Gold and Silver, I will definitely keep it for this knight..."

The joy in my heart was almost uncontrollable, it was about to overflow.

Rong Huaiyan threw the Snickers bar to the man.

Amu sent Yujue to Rong Huaiyan again and again, fearing that Rong Huaiyan would regret it, he picked up the Snickers bar, hurried to his wife, carefully tore off the outer packaging, broke off a piece in pain, and brought it to his wife's mouth , Said eagerly: "Eat a piece, Api said that it takes strength to give birth to a child, and only when you are full can you have the strength to give birth."

The woman burst into tears instantly.

She had long forgotten the taste of sweets, and even her memory was almost wiped away. As soon as the sweetness of Snickers poured into her mouth, tears flowed from her heart.

So happy……

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