In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 298 Our Li Family Has A Boss Who Predicts The Future

Qiao Xiachu kept a cold face.

She didn't want to see Li Mochen, she felt uncomfortable all over, especially his evil smile, he thought he was handsome, but he was greasy and shriveled, just looking at him turned off his appetite.

Until Li Mochen agreed to her to meet Qiao Mobai, her face softened a little: "You'd better keep what you say, otherwise I don't have any good looks for you."

Don't be rude to him.

Neither hypocrisy nor obscenity can do it.

She feels sick.

Li Mochen has never seen a woman as tough as her. It's the end of the world. Who wouldn't be greedy for food and drink, and will always curry favor with him.

This woman is not afraid at all.

Li Mochen sneered: "Then you should be fully prepared."

To cut her back, not to give her food or drink, no matter how bloody a man is, he has to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Thinking of this, Li Mochen didn't worry anymore.

He took Qiao Xiachu all the way through several large houses in the mountains, and each building was built like a fortress, divided into two spaces above ground and underground.

The area is vast and divided into different categories. There are not only office areas, grain and grass areas, but also production areas, as well as indoor water and soil cultivation... everything is available, like a small society.

Every piece of open space in the castle is built with concrete pipe houses, all of which are small and exquisite, with complete kitchen and bathroom, which are much better than the houses in the refugee area.

Li Mochen also deliberately took her around the underground arsenal.

The entire basement two floors are full of firepower from the Li family.

He said proudly: "You probably don't know yet, we bought this firepower from the country, and some got it here through blackmail. In these days, even a few large bases originally got it from the army. Yes, it’s not as good as our Li family, besides, our family is absolute friends with several international arms dealers.”

In the past, the Li family also intervened in the business of several foreign battlefields.

They made a lot of national disaster wealth in other countries.

But these things, in the prosperous age, cannot be said a word.

It's different now.

On the contrary, it has achieved the dominance of the Li family in the last days.

Whether it was Zoucheng, Lixicheng, or the surrounding cities, the leaders of the major survivor bases all shunned the Jinshanzhai of the Li family.

Once the fish is dead and the net is broken, few people can get benefits from the Li family.

Li Mochen proudly showed off again: "You know? There are powerful people in our Li family who predicted that there would be a natural disaster, so let us make preparations in advance, otherwise, who do you think can live so carefree in the last days?"

Qiao Xiachu was shocked.

Is there anyone else who was born again?

Then this person...does he have space?

She glanced at Li Mochen beside her, her tone was light and light, and she pretended to sneer: "Isn't it the meteorological experts from the first base, they also predicted that there would be floods, but the first base also collapsed?"

It was still harvested by them.

Li Mochen saw that she was uttering ugly sarcasm, but he didn't take it seriously. This woman is a prickly person, and she won't be welcomed wherever she goes.

He would have slapped her in the face.

"Hehe, you woman is really short-sighted. Our experts are different. He predicted floods, extreme cold, drought and insect disasters, and even extreme heat was calculated by him... How do you, a frog in a well, know?" retorted.

Qiao Xiachu was horrified.

So, at least this person lived through the extreme heat period...

She pretended not to believe it, her eyes were wide open, like an ignorant beauty: "Cut, how is it possible? Even my younger brother Mobai didn't predict that much. He barely calculated acid rain based on the data. No one can surpass me." younger brother."

Li Mochen exploded.

He couldn't see someone challenging his position again and again, questioning the ability of their Jinshanzhai second head, and immediately said: "Okay, I will take you to see my Uncle Nan in a while, and let you know how powerful he is!"

Frog in a well.

At first they didn't believe it either.

After the flood, there was no peace, but a frenzied cooling, and a large number of people froze to death. It was Uncle Nan who called them up that night to save the Li family, and made Uncle Nan the second shareholder of the Li family.

Look at this woman's clumsy face, she really has a pretty face, she's just a fool.

"Let's go, Qiao Mobai is here."

Li Mochen took Qiao Xiachu around a few turns, all the way to the last fortress, where there are many lines, circuit boards, and all kinds of messy unknown objects.

She followed them into the house, and then stopped in front of a large room. When she looked inside, she found that Qiao Mobai was imprisoned in a room with his hands and feet tied up.

Beside him is Hu Xiaosa who has been very happy to work with him all the way.

Two people, one tiger stool per person.

This posture has a terrifying atmosphere of "if you don't cooperate, you will be shocked".

As soon as Qiao Xiachu came over, Qiao Mobai and Hu Xiaosa also saw her, and immediately exclaimed.


"Sister Qiao."

Jomo's white eyes were red.

He yelled: "You let my sister go, don't embarrass her, she doesn't know anything."

At this time, a figure walked out beside him, it was Li Moting who was arresting him.

Li Moting smiled evilly: "No matter what she knows, we have found out anyway. You are a prediction expert in Feng'e City, you can predict acid rain, and you have to prepare so much in advance to usher in acid rain. Our request is very simple , you serve us, and you let your family go.”

Otherwise, tsk tsk tsk, kill them all!

You can't serve the Li family, and you can't take advantage of others.

No one can get this benefit, it is serious.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes exploded, but she clenched her fists tightly and said nothing.

Rong Huaiyan led the team to Jinshan Village in advance, but he didn't know where they were...

Before, she felt sorry for her weapon, and now she still feels sorry for her.

But the Li family bullies people too much.

Immortal Jin Shanzhai, how could they sleep peacefully.

Qiao Xiachu decided to give it all, took out most of the weapons, let Rong Huaiyan lead the team, and wiped out the entire Li family!

"You guys, don't even think about it!" Hu Xiaosa shouted.

This group of robbers, bandits.

They have ulterior motives, and they are not good people at first sight.

Contributing to the Li family may cause harm to the world.

He didn't want to be an accomplice.

Before at the science and technology station, he lived a miserable life. It was Huang Ben who told him that as long as there was a chance, he would let them leave, and he would not let technological products become a sickle that would cause harm to the world.

"Really?" Li Mochen smiled.

He laughed a lot.

"Look at the women outside, as long as you say one more thing you don't want, I'll ask Mo Chen to slash her in the face. If you say a few words, you'll get two slashes. When the time comes, you'll cut a dozen of his mother's slits in one go. See Are your bones still strong!" He held Qiao Mobai's head down, and put his head against a sharp steel knife.

Hu Xiaosa was speechless for a moment.

He kept his mouth shut and didn't say a single note.

Admit it, it's okay.

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