"Hahaha, this is the backbone. Is this the backbone of you? If you have the ability, then shout!" Li Moting shouted.

Every time he roared, Qiao Mobai's head got closer to the steel knife.

Qiao Xiachu's fist was about to be crushed.

She didn't want to bear it anymore.

Just when she decided to draw out her weapon, Li Mochen yelled: "Brother, don't mess around, we managed to catch him, and Uncle Nan didn't even look at him."

Upon hearing this, the arrogant Li Moting barely stopped his hands that were about to get out of control, his manic emotions slowly fell to the ground, and then he calmed down.

"Where's Uncle Nan?" He asked.

"It should be here soon, I have already sent someone to invite you."

As soon as Li Mochen finished speaking, he saw someone stepping on the end of his voice, walking in from the outside, and walking to the front of the big glass cover step by step.

A hint of surprise appeared in Qiao Xiachu's heart.

She vaguely remembered this man.

Big beard, thick curly hair, like a foreigner, hooked nose, it should be a Chinese and foreign mixed race, there is a big black mole with a hair under the eyes.

His full name is... Zhou Nan.

In his previous life, Zhou Nan was at the first base, and he always said that he had the ability to dream, to dream of natural disasters, as long as it fell into his dream, it could come true.

Qiao Mobai mentioned this person to her, but he left the first base during the extreme cold period, as if he didn't gain Yang Zhenshan's trust, so he had to leave.

He could predict it in his previous life, so this shouldn't be rebirth.

Then she can't figure out what's going on with Zhou Nan.

Zhou Nan's eyes were sharp, with a hint of hostility, and when he swept towards Qiao Xiachu and the others, his eyes were full of vigilance and vigilance.

He said to Li Moting: "You guys go out first, I want to have a chat with the sisters of the Qiao family alone."

Chat alone?

Qiao Xiachu froze for a moment.

Not only her, but even the brothers of the Li family were stunned.

Could it be that Uncle Nan wants to monopolize the information of the two brothers and sisters?

Li Mochen was a little unhappy.

He immediately showed his displeasure on his face, "Uncle Nan, my dad hasn't come yet, do you want to invite him to come with you?"


Zhou Nan slapped Li Mochen on the face, causing him to thump and fall to the ground.

"I want to say a few words to them. Why are you so anxious? Is it possible that I can still eat them? The two brothers and sisters just predicted an acid rain. What's the matter? I predicted it all the way, let you seriously The family is full of glory, all the way to become the overlord in the last days, if you talk nonsense with me, I will crush you to death!" Zhou Nan had a bad temper.

Li Mochen was still a little scared.

Not to mention Zhou Nan's bad temper, he often beats people to death. No matter who has been beaten by him, no one is afraid of him.

He even said to his father: "Old man Li, I, Zhou Nan, don't want to work so hard, otherwise with my ability, a mere golden cottage will still be in my eyes."

This kind of person doesn't make sense at all.

Li Mochen was stared at fiercely by him, and turned around silently, not daring to confront him anymore.

Li Moting was not much better.

Seeing the third brother leave, he came out of the glass cover, sent Hu Xiaosa directly to the next room, and then left the building without looking back.

After the two brothers left, Qiao Xiachu looked at the man in front of him, frowned and asked, "Who are you? What do you want?"

Zhou Nan has a full beard.

His eyes were piercingly sharp, as if he wanted to see through Qiao Xiachu.

In the next second, Zhou Nan turned off the switch, walked to the computer console on one side, and turned off all the surveillance cameras, and the whole room instantly became pitch black.

Qiao Xiachu has been vigilant.

She held a saber in her hand, and if anyone dared to hurt her, she would attack immediately.

"Don't be nervous."

In the darkness, Zhou Nan's soft voice came.

"If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it long ago. I won't talk nonsense with you at all." He said lightly.

Qiao Xiachu discredited him, walked up to Qiao Mobai's side step by step, then touched the iron ring on his brother's wrist, found that it had been opened, and put him down from the chair.

After their eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, Zhou Nan moved a chair and sat in front of them.

Zhou Nan crossed his legs and propped his head with one hand. He was not at all vigilant, nor was he afraid that Qiao Xiachu would hurt him.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I'm not afraid to tell you a secret, a secret that concerns the whole world. I've never said a word to anyone."

In the darkness, Zhou Nan's voice was faint, like a manjusawa blooming in the dark night, exuding a sense of desolation and death.

He changed his position, put his hands on his lap, and bent over.

"You, what do you want to say?" Qiao Mobai hesitated.

Zhou Nan's black eyes became darker in the night.

He said indifferently: "I'm tired of living. I have been reincarnated twice since I came to this world. I don't want to die again and start again."

"!!!" Qiao brothers and sisters.

What does it mean?

Could it be that Zhou Nan was reborn twice?

Is there such an operation?

Zhou Nan said boringly: "If you tell me, you won't believe it. In fact, you are all paper people in the book. This world is a fictional country. Don't you realize that there are so many natural disasters that science doesn't work?"

"!" Qiao Xiachu.

how is this possible?

She's not a cardboard person, she can't be.

She can clearly remember all the experiences, the pain she suffered, the disaster she endured, and the characters she meets every time are real people, how could they be paper people?

This is not true.

"I know you don't believe it, but let me tell you, you are living in a book, a book about natural disasters at the end of the world, and the hero is called Rong Huaiyan—" Zhou Nan said.

Believe it or not, the two of them have the closest relationship with Rong Huaiyan.

If they can gain the trust of the two, perhaps, a new ending can be automatically generated.

"Unfortunately, this book has been discontinued. The author wrote about earthquakes, seawater flooding, and there is no land in the whole world. After writing about the male protagonist being disabled, he abandoned the article. I just sent a box of blades to the author and asked for two hundred. A bad reviewer, if you give him a bad review and curse him, you will pass through the book inexplicably..."

Zhou Nan smiled wryly.

Isn't he just unsatisfied in reality, extremely agitated in his heart, read a novel to vent, unexpectedly pursued a book that was abandoned halfway, felt very aggrieved, and stabbed the author in a moment of excitement.

Who would have thought that he would be sent to this book and become a nameless cannon fodder...

For the first time, he lived to the extreme heat, but because he didn't have enough resources, he died in the desert in the end.

I thought I could finally return to reality.

What is depressing is that he actually went back to the last days and experienced it all over again!

Experience the apocalypse again and again, life after life is endless.


Absolutely the worst curse ever.

At first, he just wanted to live a good life and experience a more peak life.

With his back to the Li family, Zhou Nan experienced the beauty that he had never experienced in his previous life, but all the way to the present, the final ending of the last days made him not want to just end the existing wealth empire.

No one can resist a big earthquake.

The sea water flooded back, and a large area of ​​land was submerged. There is not a single piece of intact land on the earth. He thought that he would not have a good life for a few years, and his mood was getting worse every day.

No matter how delicious things, no matter how enchanting women, no matter how sophisticated weapons are, they are all boring.

He didn't want to be trapped in this time reincarnation station, repeating the end of the world again and again.

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