
A howl like a long cry in the middle of the night.

Rong Huaiyan held the explosive package in one hand, once the fuse was pulled, everyone present would die, and died together with him in this vast sea.

Murderous intent.

His eyes were as cold as a tiger, and when he glanced at everyone, especially the two sneak attackers, it was a bone-chilling coldness.

A gun was pressed directly into the back vest of one of the attackers.


Killing one attacker, just when the second attacker wanted to take the opportunity to snatch the explosive package in his palm, he saw a flash of cold light like a star, and before the second attacker had time to react, he straightened up and threw himself on the ground .

Jing Zhe in the crowd was stunned.

He didn't expect that the two people he brought with him turned out to be idiots, and after a few reincarnations, they were killed by Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan.

"Hmph, do you dare to blow it up? If you blow it up, everyone will die together, including yourself!"

In the crowd, Jing Zhe yelled leisurely.

The others echoed one after another, and within a short while, swallowed his voice.

Pan Zhou was also in a hurry.

He was poisoned, but his mind was still clear. Seeing that Rong Huaiyan was hiding a bomb, he was both happy and anxious, for fear that he would blow up the rescue number on impulse.

In this situation, there are not many intact cruise ships in the world.

Refugees who were a little bit worried at first were the ones who were least afraid when they heard Jing Zhe's bewitching. The ship wasn't theirs and the manager wasn't theirs. If they win this battle, they can get a fortune out of it. Maybe you can turn yourself into the owner and become the decision maker and owner of the cruise ship.

"Mr. Rong, don't worry, let's think of a way. With the tonnage of your explosives, you must blow up the Rescue Ship to pieces. There are storms at sea from time to time. Such powerful explosives may cause a tsunami. At that time, no one will be able to escape." " Pan Zhou said anxiously.

The captain also nodded weakly again and again, advising him not to be impulsive.

The other persons in charge of the rescue number were also in a hurry, but they didn't dare to approach, for fear of offending Rong Huaiyan and making him agitated, they pulled the lead wire.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited—"

Hou San was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.

He had seen the backpacks of Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu before, but he hadn't seen them hiding explosives, and he didn't know how to take out a bomb. If he had known that he was carrying dangerous goods, he should have paid attention.

Rong Huaiyan winked at Qiao Xiachu.

Qiao Xiachu understood in seconds.

While the crowd was negotiating with Rong Huaiyan, she mingled in the crowd calmly, and then released Sisi secretly.

As soon as Sisi came out, she let out a bright pig cry, which instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, and then Qiao Xiachu threw stones at her buttocks and hooves, and Sisi ran around.

The back thorns on its body, as well as its fangs, kept pushing through the crowd, running towards the direction of Jing Zhe.


"There's a wild boar, quick, quick catch it."

Some people are drooling.

At this time, there is nothing more attractive than meat, especially a small fat piglet, which looks really amazing.


Someone jumped at Sisi.

Boom boom boom.

How could Si Si let them succeed, her footsteps were sloppy, she almost didn't give them the slightest chance, and rushed to Jing Zhe's feet in the blink of an eye.



Qiao Xiachu dropped a meatball by Sisi's mouth.

Sisi squatted down to eat, her sharp fangs pointed at Jingzhe, making him dodge quickly.

And Qiao Xiachu took this opportunity and swung out a palm.

Jing Zhe is different from refugees, he is also wearing clothes.

When Qiao Xiachu patted him, he turned his palm sideways and threw a handful of rice bubbles.

The white rice foam flew up and landed on the people around.

"Wow, wow, Mi Pao—"

"This man has rice bubbles on his body. I smell the aroma of oranges. He has food on his body."

I don't know who yelled.

Accompanied by more and more people, the crowd kept trampling and pressing wildly. When Jing Zhe wanted to rush out, he realized that he had been tricked.

I don't know what method Qiao Xiachu used to stuff a wet thing in his coat pocket, and someone grabbed it out, and the smell of oranges spread everywhere.

As the fragrance diffused, a group of refugees seemed to see supplies that could be robbed, especially in this chaotic scene, the entire rescue number also lost order.


Jing Zhe wanted to use force to push away the person in front of him.

But he didn't expect that the power of people pushing and pressing people was far beyond his ability, and he was directly grabbed by the head, feet, and hands, and swallowed him whole.

He couldn't even move.

He wanted to take out the pistol at his waist, but at this time, let alone moving, even moving a finger was an extravagant wish, let alone bending his own hand.

"Ah, don't hold my hand."

"Go away, go away—"

"I can't move, I'm suffocating."


The crowd kept shaking, like sea water, shaking, but the inside was imprisoned, unable to move at all, people outside wanted to squeeze in, and people inside wanted to come out.

But you can't get in, and you can't get out.

Human despair, human pain and howling, all burst out at this moment.

One after another screams, like tumbling waves, are rendered layer by layer.

But even if Hou San and his party forcibly dragged the people in the outer circle, the refugees in the inner circle had already suffocated...

Taking advantage of the moment of confusion, Qiao Xiachu entered the space with Sisi in her arms.

No one paid her any attention.

After all, at such a time, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, he couldn't stop the refugees' desire for food, and directly pushed them down again and again...

"Go away, go away—"

Hou San led the team to keep cleaning up the surrounding people.

Rong Huaiyan was not in a hurry.

He knew very well that the people in the crowd were doomed. As for Qiao Qiao, he must have hid well.

He calmly waited in the rear for the crowd to disperse.

When Hou San cleared the inner circle, he found that Jingzhe, the core, had been trampled to death on the spot.

He is not breathing.

The clothes on his body were in tatters, there were knives on the shoes at his feet, and guns at his waist. Several parts of his body were emptied by the refugees.

His eyeballs were pulled out, and his body was bloody.

None of those who approached him escaped, and the whole army was wiped out.

For a time, there were heavy casualties.

The picture is really unsightly.

Rong Huaiyan walked over and said indifferently: "Okay, you take the others out first, and I will discuss with the captain's mate here to see where this person came from."

Hou San staggered in fright.

Although I haven't seen any scenes in the last days, but this kind of picture is still a bit unbearable to look at directly, but Rong Huaiyan was indifferent the whole time, and didn't even move his eyelids.

It's cold-blooded enough.

Hou San subconsciously obeyed his order, took his own people, and cleaned up the refugees on the scene.

The accident happened too fast and suddenly, and the casualties were so serious that those who survived did not dare to do it again. The rebellious bones of their bodies were completely hollowed out during this event.

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