When the crowd dispersed, someone suddenly muttered, "Hey, where did Miss Qiao and Zhuzhu go?"

Just when everyone was wondering, they saw a figure standing at the door, holding a little piglet in his arms. Looking carefully, wasn't it Qiao Xiachu?

"You, why are you here?"

Hou San asked doubtfully.

He clearly remembered that in the blink of an eye, Qiao Xiachu disappeared under his eyelids, as if he was chasing the little piggy.

At that time, he thought that Qiao Xiachu was just gone.

Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She stretched out her snow-white hand, brushed the pig's back lightly, her fingertips lingered on the pig's spines, and said lightly: "I smell the smell of food on that person, but I'm not interested, I just want to catch him. This piggy that popped up out of nowhere."

These people boarded the ship suddenly.

Judging from the things they were carrying, this piggy might have been brought aboard by three bad guys.

Who let her aim precisely, staring at the pigs and chasing after them... Or, she originally deliberately led this out, causing the crowd to riot and causing such a chaos.

Hou San shivered.

He doesn't know the truth, if it is true, this woman is really scary, extremely scary.

He underestimated her a bit before.

Right now, he felt that the one he couldn't offend was the smiling woman standing in front of him.

Qiao Xiachu didn't care what he thought.

She hugged Sisi and walked towards the room step by step.

When the crowd was dispersed and Rong Huaiyan walked up to Jing Zhe, he deliberately blocked it for a while. After Qiao Xiachu witnessed everything from the space, he secretly released Sisi again.

Taking advantage of the confusion, she attached the space body to Sisi, left the hall without anyone noticing, and came directly to the deck...

At this time, after she came back, there would be no problem at all.

After she walked into the cabin and felt the pulse of Pan Zhou and the captain, she knew that the two of them had been poisoned, and the poison was very serious. Even if the two red feathers were eaten, the two of them could barely stay awake.

In this case, long-term conditioning is necessary to improve the bones of the body.

Qiao Xiachu didn't have that much time for them.

She gave Rong Huaiyan two red feathers. He had been baptized by poison for a long time, but under the coordination of the red feathers, he recovered instantly.

"Captain and first mate, you two can come over and have a look. I found this from the three intruders." Rong Huaiyan said.

With that said, he threw the things away.

There was a pile of shooting things on the floor, as well as several bottles of unknown pills, plus a pile of small tools, almost all of which existed for assassination.

Most importantly, every tool is engraved with the ns logo of Tripod Star City.

These two letters are very eye-catching.

When Pan Zhou and the first officer saw it, they suddenly understood.

He was surprised: "This, this is the killer of Cauldron Star City?"

"En." Rong Huai slowly got up.

He kicked Jing Zhe, looked at the three cold corpses, and said in an indifferent voice: "You two, in this situation, once you enter Tripod Star City, you may be able to go, but you may not be able to return."

The captain and first mate looked at each other in silence.


This trip is definitely meat buns beating dogs.

The eyes of the two were serious and complicated.

"Then, according to what you two think, what should we do?" Pan Zhou asked.

Qiao Xiachu also looked at Rong Huaiyan.

Indoors, the lights are dim, and the smell of sea water rushes into the cabin door, making it a little stifling.

Rong Huaiyan said indifferently: "Why don't you two turn back, use Wu Pingpo as your base, combine it with the refuge on the island, and become the first batch of original residents."

I don't know if the sea water can fade away.

Can the earth regain its former territory.

But in this situation, Wu Pingpo may be the only one who is safe.

Qiao Xiachu nodded when she thought that Qiao Linmei and her party were still on the island: "Yes, ordinary people can't go to Sifangyu. Going there may be more dangerous."

"Oh, that's all." The captain sighed.

He wanted to go to Tripod Star City wholeheartedly. Originally, he wanted to find the survivors in the city, and if they could reach an agreement, let them settle in Sifangyu, so that they could coexist peacefully.

In the current situation, there is no room for them to breathe.

Pan Zhou also persuaded: "Old Tong, let's go to Wu Pingpo, Mr. Rong and Ms. Qiao are also experienced people, it can be seen that they must have a certain understanding of Dingxing City, so they made such a suggestion. "

The old captain nodded in agreement.

There is no way, it can only be like this.

God originally did not give human beings a choice, and now that the tripod star city has blocked the remaining passages, there is no way...

"Then turn the rudder and let's go back to Wu Pingpo." The captain said.

He adjusted the rudder and began to shift direction.

At this time, Rong Huaiyan spoke, and said to the two: "Thank you, Qiao Qiao and I plan to say goodbye and set off to find our younger brother."

Pan Zhou was stunned for a moment.

He grabbed Rong Huaiyan's hand and exclaimed: "Don't be impulsive, the safety on the sea is not sure yet, what if there is a sea storm or a tsunami, what should we do? The weather at sea is bad, even if it rains for a long time, It’s choking enough. It’s not suitable for individual combat.”

Although he agrees that the two of them are very capable, but in the current situation, natural disasters are also unpredictable, who knows if there will be danger.

Anyway, on the same boat.

They have been persuading Rong Huaiyan, hoping that the two of them can join the Rescue, even if they are captains.

But Rong Huaiyan politely refused.

He said several times that he was suitable for land combat and knew nothing about sea affairs, and this captain was not suitable for him.

Even if you don't agree to join the rescue number, there's no need to leave.

Qiao Xiachu also wanted to leave.

According to what Pan Zhou told her before, the rescue ship is not too far from Dingxing City.

They didn't find Qiao Mobai all the way, so they didn't hold out hope.

This time in chaos, I don't know if Jing Zhe and the three sent a location to Tripod Star City, if they knew they were on the Rescue Ship, they might send more killers, it would be strange if they didn't blow up the ship.

"How about this, I see you are determined to go, I will send the rescue boat to the two of you." The old comrade of the captain said.

Otherwise, how can the two of them travel together?

Rong Huaiyan did not refuse.

He said: "Then thank you, Captain. If no one is found, we will return to Wu Pingpo, and we can return it at that time."

You can't swim directly in front of them.

It doesn't matter that there are assault boats in Qiao Xiachu's space.

Encountering strong winds and waves, the two could only find a way to hide in the space for a while.

Although reluctant to give up, parting has become doomed now.

After dawn, Pan Zhou took them to the deck, and a group of people stood behind them, watching them leave.

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