Qiao Xiachu was carrying his own bag, pretending to take something from it, and then transferred two boxes of vitamins from the space, and said to Pan Zhou: "This is from the killer's backpack when he attacked me last night. It is for you and me." Uncle Captain."

Although there is a boat, the captain also has fresh water, and can catch fish for food, but without vitamins, it is a big problem after all.

"Miss, you can't do it, you can't do it—"

The captain kept pushing back.

With such a precious thing, no matter what, you should keep it for yourself.

This is a life-saving baby.

Qiao Xiachu smiled and said: "Don't be polite to me, the toxins in your body haven't been completely cleaned up, these are just vitamins, they don't have much effect, I hope you two take care of your health and take good care of Wu Pingpo. "

After yesterday's battle, the survivors on the ship were all obedient like dogs. Even if they saw Qiao Xiachu hugging pigs, no one dared to change their minds.

Pan Zhou also realized that force is very important, and training must be strengthened in the later stage so that Hou San and the others can be alone, and there will be a guarantee when maintaining order.

Before going out, Rong Huaiyan gave Lao Tong the explosives he had on hand.

A big ship, empty of ammunition, is really a headache.

However, he would not take out so many weapons for nothing, this is something that only fools can do.

Both had guns.

Hou San, who was in charge of the body search, didn't know where the gun came from, but felt that the two of them were mysterious and nothing was revealed.

Presumably there must be extraordinary means to hide the weapon.

But the end of the world has some secrets that people don't know, which is also reasonable.

They have the ability to hide, and only then can they use it.

The strong have their own way of doing things.

Unknowingly, the people headed by the old fellow Pan Zhou felt very sorry for missing such strong people as Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu...

After the two got off the boat and boarded the assault boat, they said goodbye to the crowd.

Assault boats burn oil, and when the fuel runs out in the later stage, everything can only be dictated by fate.

Lao Tong didn't have any extra oil for them.

This is the most important reserve.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan didn't bother to mention this, they knew each other well.

The two parties drifted away, and slowly, they faded out of the range of the Rescue, and the two of them drove the assault boat on the boundless sea.

Qiao Xiachu has plenty of space to reserve oil.

Don't worry about this.

It's just that she doesn't know which direction to go.

There are many corpses floating on the sea surface, many of them are naked, even if there are clothes on, not many, most of them are horrible.

I just wish the sea was a little calmer.

"Let's drive in the direction of the water flow. If Mo Bai was floating in the water, it should be driving like this. After all, the body doesn't have that much strength. Let them go against the direction." Rong Huaiyan said.

You can't see the current at sea level, but you can still feel it when you enter the sea.

The assault boat sailed slowly all the way south.

I don't know where I'm going and where I'm going to stop.

There is no margin.

There is no direction.

three days later.

Qiao Xiachu felt like she was going to throw up.

It has been driving endlessly, moving forward, the speed of the ocean current is still very high, and there is no sign of weakening at all, which is really embarrassing.

On the sea, hurricanes sometimes pass through.

Every time when a strong wind and a big wave hit, they would enter the space together to hide. After bypassing the storm, before being ejected from the space, Qiao Xiachu brought Rong Huaiyan into the space again.

After several rounds of cycling, I finally got through the storm safely.

At this moment, sitting on the assault boat again, the two of them felt eyesight fatigue after eating something, they couldn't hide the contents of their stomachs, and vomited several times.

Rong Huaiyan was driving the assault boat, and joked: "Fortunately, there are no sharks, whales, etc., otherwise it would be quite troublesome."

Encountering giant beasts in the sea is also full of thrills.

Neither of them is big enough for a monster to get between their teeth.

Qiao Xiachu took out the mineral water bottle, took a sip of water, cleared the soreness in his throat, and said weakly, "Stop it, don't be kidding, it's better not to experience this kind of thing."

If you encounter it, you can only hide in the space.

It's better not to fight with this giant beast in a field that you are not familiar with.

While the two were talking, a vortex appeared on the surface of the sea.

A small mountain peak moved crazily on the sea surface, coming towards the two of them.

Qiao Xiachu was not familiar with what was going on.

But still watching TV.

She yelled, "Maya, the shark—"

Without thinking, she stood up, took out the anesthetic, and poked Rong Huaiyan's ass.

Before Rong Huaiyan could react, he was hit.

He stared, turned his head and said: "You, you—" Don't worry.

But before he finished speaking, Qiao Xiachu grabbed the space.

When that thing drifted over, Qiao Xiachu put away the assault boat and dodged into the space without saying a word.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Qiao Xiachu was also in a hurry.

If an hour passed and the shark still hadn't left, wouldn't they be swallowed by the shark's bloody mouth when they went out?

Qiao Xiachu has been carefully observing the movement outside.

But at this time, she didn't dare to let Si Si out.

Although the little pig is very spiritual and good at water, even stronger than her, but it also has a big body odor. If it disturbs the breath in the water, won't it easily attract giant beasts in the water?

Qiao Xiachu was helpless.

Seeing that the hour was approaching, she threw a ball directly.

There is also a little fish she tied up on the ball.

If sharks are dormant in deep water and smell the smell, they should come out to look for food.


There was a splash of water.

The ball remained motionless on the surface of the sea.

About ten minutes passed, but it was still not eaten.

Qiao Xiachu slowly relaxed.

The moment the hour arrived, she and Rong Huaiyan were ejected together and fell into the water.

Qiao Xiachu grabbed Rong Huaiyan.

Just when she was about to throw Rong Huaiyan into the space again, a small cruise ship was driving in the distance.

Qiao Xiachu was a little speechless.

She couldn't take out the assault boat in front of the cruise ship.

Just wait for them to pass.

Fortunately, the shark that swam towards them just now should have gone to other places to find food after seeing that there was no food here, so it was still safe for the time being.

Qiao Xiachu quickly pierced Rong Huaiyan's acupoints with silver needles, and quickly woke him up from his deep sleep.


As soon as Rong Huaiyan woke up, without noticing, he swallowed a few mouthfuls of seawater and coughed for a while. If Qiao Xiachu hadn't supported him, he would have fallen into the seawater.

When he was fully awake, he glared at her faintly: "Before you attack next time, please let me know, well, a surprise attack is unbearable."

If it was someone else, he would have shot with all his might.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't hold back, burst out laughing, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Rong Huaiyan also saw the small boat not far away, he saw through Qiao Xiachu's avoidance at a glance, and slowly swam with her in the water, waiting for the small boat to go away.

On the ship, the bald Fang Xiaoyu was speechless: "Why are there two more? These two are so powerful that they even swam to this area of ​​the sea."

Old Xu said: "Shall we go around?"

Fang Xiaoyu nodded.

She is not a Bodhisattva, saving people is of no benefit, and she will never do it.

The ship circled the two of them and drove away quickly.

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