In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 399 Fish that Drinks Milk

Time is like a weaving net, burying all the past invisibly.

The changes of the fourth return day are already a story of the past.

Some people are born, some die, and in the blink of an eye, the Theia plane has ushered in a hundred years of the rebirth era.

Countries and forces are separated and merged, and finally a new pattern is formed.

Rodinia continent is still a few powerful countries coexisting, and there is not much change.

In the past hundred years, wars led by ordinary people mainly occurred outside Rodinia continent, and the disputes within the continent were mainly resolved in the form of negotiations and transactions.

After all, these countries have a common prime minister, Roland.

When he was busiest, he served as the prime minister/cardinal minister/CEO of Sussex, Golden Kite, Vladimir, Pruden, Tyrol and the Magic Empire. He was also the most trusted honorary knight of the Pope of Light.

His resume is so rich that Lu Bu has to call him brother when he sees him.

Since they are all countries governed by him, there is no reason to fight to the death.

They are all internal conflicts, so we can sit down and talk slowly. If they really can't reach an agreement, then go to the Arena of Truth and speak with strength.

Under Roland's leadership, the major powers have obtained a territory that is not 100% satisfactory but 90% satisfactory through territorial exchange and the development of overseas provinces.

Not perfect, but better than before, that's enough.

The war mainly broke out in the New World and the South Continent.

The South Continent is a three-way battle between the Dark Elves, the Magic Empire and Nubia.

As the number of Dark Elves descended increased, they had the upper hand in the war, but the combined strength of Nubia and the Magic Empire should not be underestimated.

After the discovery of a rare super magic crystal vein in the northern desert of the South Continent, the Magic Empire's strength expanded rapidly, and the two sides returned to the same starting line again.

After several brutal wars, the three parties were exhausted and could only accept the existence of the other two parties.

As for the natives of the South Continent, they were spoils of war.

The opposition voices of the spoils of war were fierce, but no one cared.

The situation in the New World was originally very simple. The two sides reached an agreement, the traditional colonial countries gradually withdrew, and the maritime forces came ashore, and everyone was happy.

The opinions of the local natives were also ignored.

But the expansion process of the New World did not go as expected.

The mobile island of Lisenburg suddenly descended, and the God's Punishment Corps landed in the New World to expand its sphere of influence.

Perhaps the annihilation of the Sixth Corps made them feel a survival crisis, or perhaps there was an oracle from the God Realm. In short, they came.

The strength of the 345th God's Punishment Corps is by no means comparable to the Sixth Corps.

After they descended, they quickly dealt with the indigenous slave owners and the monarchs of the primitive countries in front of them, and spread the glory of the Lord on this fertile land.

To be fair, although the God's Punishment Corps is full of arrogance and prejudice, and is also very cruel to the enemy, compared with the New World, which is still in a slave society or even a primitive tribe, they are as civilized as saints.

There is no harm without comparison. The natives of the New World live a life worse than cattle and horses under the double oppression of local slave owners and foreign colonists. The God's Punishment Corps suddenly descended, bringing them civilization and freedom, and spreading the glory of the goddess by the way. How can they not accept it?

If the center of the New World had not been cut off by a narrow land bridge, the glory of the three goddesses would probably sweep the entire New World in a short time.

The new continent south of the land bridge belongs to the Sea King Palace and marine life.

Marine life shouted the slogan "landing, landing", rushed to the beach with wet steps, and embraced the sunshine and fresh air they had longed for.

Unlike those races that landed for the first time, the sea demons were going home.

They finally landed on the land that countless generations had longed for and thought about.

The sea demons also have their own territory, and many wetlands and lakes have become their new territory.

Here they can not only retain their original basic life form, but also trade with humans conveniently, which is the way of survival summed up by pioneers such as Munina.

The seafood that landed was very excited, and then they were sunburned.

They gradually found that the land was not beautiful. Or it was beautiful but not suitable for them.

Because they have adapted to the humid underwater world, their residence cannot be far away from the water source, so they prefer to live in large lakes, rivers and wetlands.

After several years, the sea demons and sea demons who have experienced countless tosses finally stopped to re-examine the world, and the mystery finally emerged from their hearts.

What on earth are they doing?

The seafood that landed finally realized that they were just moving from a larger body of water to a smaller one.

Billions of years of obsession, countless generations of hard work, the sacrifices and blood of the warriors, in exchange for moving from the ocean to the pond?

Some things cannot be thought about in detail, the more you think about it, the more confused you become, and they fall into contemplation.

Some people even want to return to the ocean, to their hometown that is dark but extremely familiar.

There are high winds and rough waves, there are dangers everywhere, there are no delicacies and tall buildings.

But there is the pace of life they are used to.

These old sea demons and sirens who miss the ocean are ridiculed by young people, saying that they are old dogs who cannot adapt to life on land.

Young people have strong adaptability. They can adapt to relatively dry land and city life.

Many people are confused. They don’t understand why the younger generation and the older generation are so separated.

"Because once the fish lands, it is no longer a fish."

Roland calmly answered questions for the beautiful guest sitting opposite.

As a leader of knowledgeable people and a disseminator of knowledge, answering questions for guests is also part of the service.

Katerina, who was sitting opposite him, had strange eyes and looked at Roland in disbelief.

Roland was right. Although the two generations looked the same, their thinking patterns were different from those of fish and humans.

Although the older generation of sea demons and sirens did not like being called fish, their essence was fish that could speak.

The younger generation was different. Most of them had very vague memories of the ocean. They had eaten the delicacies of the human civilization since childhood, lived in buildings made of concrete and steel, and even took trains and cars when they went out.

This was only the first generation of people who came ashore. Their living habits still retained the fishy smell of the ocean to some extent.

The second and third generations of the sea were even more outrageous.

Hearing that cow's milk could help children grow up healthily, many wealthy sirens bought milk for their cubs in a very fashionable way.

Even Roland, who had a strong ability to accept, felt magical when he saw this scene.

The ovoviviparous ocean people fed their children with cow's milk.

Non-mammals fed their offspring with mammalian milk because they heard that it was good for children.

Mammals and non-mammals were silent when they saw this scene.

However, this magical and absurd scene is just a small reflection of the various strange current situations in the seventh era.

As more and more strong people win the resurrection game, they return to their familiar hometowns to find that things have changed. Roland still has many problems to face.

Not only the strong people of various races won the resurrection game, but also the technology tree.

Originally, due to the depletion of oil, the industrial technology tree had a huge gap between steam engines and electricity.

Although Roland pointed out the development direction for scientists, that is, steam engines directly jump to electric motors, his imagination was sneered by scientists, and he was banned from participating in high-level natural science conferences.

In the second year after the Academy of Sciences banned Roland, the magic crystal veins in the Death Desert were discovered, and scientists were surprised to find that magic civilization could fill this gap.

The gap in the internal combustion engine was filled by magic crystal technology, and mankind finally entered the electric age.

Looking at the first light bulb that only glowed and heated for five minutes and then went out, Roland was very excited.

Others don’t understand the value of these five minutes of light, but he understands it too well.

The Age of Gods is an era in which technology and superpowers develop in parallel and a hundred flowers bloom.

Although the ascension of the three goddesses to the gods has nothing to do with technology, Roland believes that only a brilliant civilization can breed the opportunity to ascend to the gods.

Under Roland's guidance, people in the new era are moving towards a broad road that has a detour but the same destination.

However, the remnants of the old era came back with the medal of the winner of the resurrection match.

The time when they won the resurrection match was roughly the opposite of the time when they left.

The strong men of the sixth era returned first, followed by the fifth and fourth eras.

The strong men who returned in the sixth era were not the many powerful monarchs in the history of the Magic Empire, but their enemies.

The warriors called barbarians by the Magic Empire.

When they returned to their hometown, they were shocked to find that the earth was still the familiar earth, but their countries were gone.

Their home countries fell on the road of conquest of the Magic Empire and became the cornerstone of magic civilization.

After escaping from hell with great difficulty, they wanted to bring their hometown elders to enjoy a good life together, but found that all their people were gone. This feeling was not good.

If that were all, they might be in a bad mood, but they would not lose control.

But they were soon pleasantly surprised to find that the Magic Empire still existed.

Although the New Magic Empire and the previous Magic Empire are strictly speaking two countries, they don't care, they want revenge.

Their people and country have become the dust of history, but the Magic Empire is still prosperous. Why?

The returning strongmen of the Sixth Era united under the impetus of a common enemy and formed the Lawbreaker Alliance. They called on a group of marginalized small countries to start against the Magic Empire.

In order to appease these emotional Lawbreakers, Roland tried his best to mediate, but was flatly rejected by the Lawbreaker Alliance.

"Have your country and people been destroyed by the Magic Empire? If so, please join us. If not, please shut up."

Facing the righteous questioning of the Lawbreaker Alliance, even if Roland was thick-skinned, it was difficult to refute.

Don't persuade others to be kind without experiencing their suffering.

Roland also hated the behavior of talking without any pain, so he had nothing to say.

Since there was nothing to say, he could only stand firmly on the side of the Magic Empire.

In a harmonious society, people can help those who are right rather than those who are close to them, but this is a chaotic world, and everyone helps those who are close to them rather than those who are right, and he is no exception.

Fortunately, the homeland and ethnic groups of the Lawbreakers Alliance have disappeared. They cannot destroy the Magic Empire through secular wars, and can only try with their personal strength.

After several years of tug-of-war, the Lawbreakers Alliance finally realized that if the current Magic Empire has a combat power of ten, at least half of it is in their emperor.

They suddenly realized and changed their fighting style.

The final battle between the Lawbreakers Alliance and the Magic Empire was carried out in the form of a wheel ring battle.

Each of the seven Lawbreaker Alliances sent out a strong man to represent the country and ethnic group they once belonged to.

On the side of the Magic Empire, the Magic Emperor and the Executive Officer went to the battle, and the number of people must be equal.

This world-renowned duel took place in the ruins of the Truth Arena.

In the heyday of the Magic Empire, this Truth Arena had buried countless celebrities.

At least four emperors, more than fifty central executives, hundreds of scholars and even more generals passed away in this arena.

This arena also saw off hundreds of barbarian kings and chiefs.

It was appropriate to hold a "truth debate" here.

She looked up at the wall clock and saw that the "truth debate" was about to begin. With the movement of Catalina's fingertips, the real-time picture of the arena appeared in the shadow.

While waiting for the opening, her thoughts drifted far away and she fell into deep thought.

In the past few decades, the world outside the Rodinia continent was in chaos.

A super magic crystal vein larger than the heyday of the Magic Empire was discovered in the Death Desert in the north of the Southern Continent, and it was not difficult to mine.

Magic crystals are the cornerstone of magic civilization, and are more important to industry than oil.

Without oil, there is still the deformed technology tree of coal directly jumping to electricity.

Without magic crystals, magic civilization cannot exist.

These magic crystals have turned the Death Desert into a cradle of life and the northern part of the Southern Continent into the back garden of the Magic Empire.

Magic civilization has filled the gap from steam engines to electricity, allowing magic and technology to blend together in an awkward but harmonious manner.

Ugly and exquisite technology tree.

This is Roland's evaluation of this rapidly developing world.

Of course, he could only keep these words in his heart. He would speak seriously in front of others.

Having been the prime minister for so many years, he would speak in official language.

The dispute between the Magic Empire and the Lawbreakers Alliance has existed for too long. It has long been a mess and cannot be resolved.

No one can persuade them.

Even if they want to trace the source, people don’t know when to start.

From the large-scale conquests of the surrounding areas by the Magic Empire? Or from the rise of the Magic Empire? Or earlier, from the Seven Kingdoms War in the pre-Magic Empire period?

Their dispute is very similar to this world.

The hatred has lasted for so long that people only remember the hatred, but forget where the hatred comes from.

There are too few people like elves and earth spirits who have to give up hatred because they have declined to the point where they can only maintain their ethnic groups.

Most of the time, they can only forget it physically.

Lisa accepted the duel invitation from the Lawbreakers Alliance, but she did not look for helpers. Instead, she publicly announced that she would take on no matter how many people the Lawbreakers Alliance had.

Her arrogance angered the top leaders of the Lawbreaker Alliance, and they vowed to kill her during the truth debate.

Although they had thought so before, Lisa's provocation made them no longer hesitate.

"Can we win?"

Watching the two sides of the debate, Catalina frowned slightly.

Her fingertips pointed at the strongest Lawbreaker.

"He is immune to almost all magic and can increase the caster's consumption through mental attacks. Is Miss Lisa okay?"

"Guaranteed to win. People can be immune to magic, but the environment cannot. As long as the environment is destroyed, the magic immune can be killed. This is the basic operation of the magician."

Roland's lips rose slightly, and Lisa finally appeared.

It was indeed an interesting battle for the magician to fight against the magic nemesis, the Lawbreaker. (End of this chapter)

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