In the Name of the Queen

Chapter 400 No One Can Be Left Behind

Magic is not omnipotent, but it is very close.

Lisa intends to use this publicly broadcasted "truth debate" to show this to the world.

A duel that breaks people's cognition.

Seven warriors of the Lawbreaker Alliance and one magician of the Magic Empire.

No matter how you look at it, the warriors have the upper hand, not to mention that these warriors are fully equipped with anti-magic equipment and have undergone strict special attack training against magicians.

Their specialized combat methods are for nothing else but to fight against the Magic Empire.

It is not surprising that Lisa dares to accept the challenge. After all, she is the emperor of the Magic Empire. In this country that advocates strength, the emperor must be the top magician.

But her choice of one against seven has puzzled many people.

Is she crazy?

Of course she is not crazy, she just unlocked the third level of the Garden of Eden.

The projection is coming.

No matter where you are, as long as you are still in this plane, the functions of the Garden of Eden can be provided to users.

In the eyes of the Lawbreaker, her equipment is a sequencer robe, a crown of order, an emperor's scepter, and an arcane ring, but Roland knows very well that Lisa is not much different from sitting in the Garden of Eden at this moment.

Even if he takes action himself, it is difficult to force the defense against the protection of the super artifact.

Of course, the Garden of Eden is just a trump card, and Lisa definitely wants to win without triggering the protection mechanism of the Garden of Eden.

Catalina is also a little curious, how does Lisa plan to defeat the enemy?

By burning and draining the oxygen in the air, or directly destroying the venue space?

It is indeed a good idea, but the process of death of a level 4 strongman due to lack of oxygen and suffocation is very long.

The eighth-level extraordinary is just an enhanced version of the body of an ordinary person. The body of the seventh-level and sixth-level extraordinary begins to evolve, and the body function is close to the limit of ordinary people's imagination.

The body of the extraordinary above the fifth level is as hard as special materials, and it is difficult to be injured by swords and swords, and it is not invaded by water and fire. It has some characteristics of the Warcraft in myths and legends.

If they can surpass the third rank, the bodies of the extraordinary will gradually possess divinity. They can fly in the flesh, go up to the sky and the sea, and call the wind and rain. This stage is also called the Holy Domain.

The Holy Domain is the peak of the mortal world and the ladder to the divine world.

When this endless long ladder reaches the end, the mortal body will eventually transform into a divine body.

The attack methods of the material plane can hardly hurt the divine body.

The hard power of the seven lawbreakers is roughly equivalent to the peak of the fourth rank, and they are only one step away from the Holy Domain.

In fact, they have already acquiesced that they are the Holy Domain in their hearts, but the day of return has not arrived, and this world cannot bear the destruction of the strong in the Holy Domain and is forcibly suppressed.

Seven Holy Domain lawbreakers fighting a magician is not a casual fight?

This is an unfair contest.

The Lawbreaker Alliance even feels that it is a bit unfair.

But they don’t know that they are the ones who are being tricked.

The duel in the Arena of Truth begins as scheduled.

As we all know, the truth can never be argued out. You can never convince a person who is full of paranoia, unless you use a fist as big as a sandbag to defend the truth.

The Arena of Truth is a place where you argue with fists.

Since you are unwilling to listen to my reasoning, I also know a lot about sword magic.

This makes sense.

Lisa's dress is very formal, which is the standard dress of the previous emperors of the Magic Empire when participating in the truth debate.

When she handed the scepter and crown to the attendants in a chic manner and threw her cloak to the subjects who supported her outside the arena, cheers resounded like thunder.

In the past, she has proved her strength with practical actions and laid the foundation for the establishment of the New Magic Empire.

She went against all odds to seize the Death Desert, which was originally considered an expedition that was not worth the loss, but after the discovery of the super magic crystal vein, no one dared to oppose it.

Her decision became a strategic and far-sighted vision, and those who once opposed her became clowns.

The subjects of the New Magic Empire are full of confidence in her, and their fanatical worship of her is comparable to their belief in God.

Our emperor can do everything!

This is the consensus of the subjects of the New Magic Empire.

There is only one exception, Lisa's fellow apprentice Sura.

He watched Lisa grow stronger from a magic apprentice step by step, and finally reached the peak.

He knows Lisa, and her outstanding talent and relaxed mentality are her greatest advantages.

She is not invincible, and magic is not omnipotent. Sura can guess that Lisa must win the duel by destroying the environment, but he is still worried.

The Arena of Truth has gone through countless years, buried several magic emperors, and witnessed more than one battle between the Holy Wizard and the Level 2 Transcendent.

This level of battle can easily destroy a city, but it cannot shake the moss-covered blue floor stone of the Arena of Truth.

No one knows who built the Arena of Truth, and no one knows its origin.

There are many legends about it, but they are all speculations, without any reliable evidence.

But this does not prevent it from being a good place for truth debate.

Queen Lisa, representing the Magic Empire, and the chiefs and kings of the seven enemy countries of the Magic Empire held the most solemn truth debate in the Arena of Truth.

There is right and wrong, as well as life and death.

The war between the Magic Empire and the Barbarians lasted for tens of thousands of years. In the long bloody battle, the cause of the war has long become insignificant, after all, the previous war has been decided.

The Magic Empire, which represented the advanced productivity at the time, won.

Even if the Barbarian leader resurrected, he could not change anything, but hatred drove them to be enemies with the Magic Empire.

Since I can't build an ideal country, you can't think about it either.

Their idea is so simple and direct.

When they stepped into the Arena of Truth and the bell of truth rang, the two sides skipped the pre-match trash talk and started fighting directly.

Lisa took the lead. She threw down a row of illusions, teleported to the corner of the venue, and began to arrange the venue magic.

From the outside, the Arena of Truth is about the same size as an ordinary arena, majestic but not exaggerated.

But the participants in the center of the arena understand that the arena is an independent small space, and no matter how big the body is, they can fight here.

For magicians against warriors, distance is life.

Once the warriors get close to him, the wizard can only use various life-saving skills.

As a mature magician, Lisa certainly won't give the seven barbarian heroes a chance.

After all, she is an "orthodox magician", and it is dangerous to be close to the warriors.

This is a duel broadcast live worldwide, and countless people are watching. If the barbarian leader can't cut her at close range, the secret of the Garden of Eden will be exposed in advance.

If you can only win by relying on the Garden of Eden, what's the difference between losing?

Lisa also has her own pride.

Those who can afford tickets to watch the crystal ball live broadcast must be rich or noble, and Roland and others must be among these viewers.

She didn't want to be laughed at by Sif, Alina and others.

While flying and shuttling, she caught a glimpse of the black ring on her right ring finger shining brightly.

This is her magic weapon for winning today, the Destruction Ring.

This ring has no special effect, it just can continuously reduce the enemy's resistance to magic.

Magic immunity?

This is the most outrageous joke Lisa has ever heard.

Magic immunity is like insulation, it is not an absolute rule.

Any insulator has a breakdown voltage, as long as the potential difference is large enough, the insulator will be instantly broken down.

The same is true for magic immunity.

The essence of magic immunity is to absorb the damage and additional effects of magic through various equipment and skills, visually creating an effect equivalent to magic immunity.

There is no absolute magic immunity.

As long as the difference in strength is large enough and the magician is strong enough, he can still be powerful enough to fly.

Unlike the orthodox magicians who fight against magic immunity and high magic resistance enemies by destroying the venue space, she never planned to do so.

She was not worried about destroying the flowers and plants. The Arena of Truth can be restored no matter how much it is destroyed. This is a place designed for people to fight. She just didn't want to win in this way.

What kind of skill is it to win by splitting the space and squeezing the air?

What wins is the law of space, the core weakness of carbon-based life, not her.

She wants to smash the last hope of the barbarians openly, crush their psychological defenses, and let them understand how the Magic Empire won the past wars.

This is very important.

Roland has said more than once that war is bloody politics and must serve politics.

She is practicing Roland's ideas.

What she wants is not to win, but a crushing victory that allows the people of the New Magic Empire to raise their heads, hold their chests high and cheer loudly.

Digging holes, smashing walls and sucking air is of course not an option.

After Lisa arranged all the venue enhancement magic, the nearest barbarian leader had broken through the illusion and appeared less than 30 meters in front of her.

This distance is very dangerous.

A strong warrior can reduce the distance to zero in a very short time, and start the killing chapter with a fearless charge.

And the magician's mental power can hardly support multiple consecutive flashes and teleports.

What's more, the seven barbarian leaders can disperse their positions and catch Lisa's landing point.

She can only deal with it head-on.

The barbarian leader laughed wildly and picked up two giant swords, his whole body was red and warm, and he went directly into a bloodthirsty and violent state.

Bloodthirsty and violent can sacrifice the already poor IQ in exchange for the killing ability that obeys the instinct of creatures.

In simple terms, it is to sacrifice IQ in exchange for control immunity.

The barbarian leader, wearing heavy anti-magic armor, launched a charge.

His wild laughter not only boosted his own momentum, but also sent a signal to his companions that the damn magician had been caught, and they were going to hunt him!

This is a killing feast, and no one can be left behind.

Katarina stood up nervously, looking at Lisa who was about to confront the berserker head-on in disbelief.

"Roland, she, she."

"She has grown up."

Roland smiled with satisfaction and couldn't help but applaud Lisa.

She chose the most difficult way to play, but it was also the most profitable way to play.

In fact, this is the only solution.

The emergence of the new magic empire is too abrupt, and even its citizens are from the Kingdom of Talia.

The old generation of imperial citizens still can't get rid of the shadow of the Kingdom of Talia, and the younger generation lacks recognition of the empire.

The glorious history of the magic empire? The powerful strength of the successive magic emperors?

Please, it's too far away, it's all past events many years ago.

Is the magic emperor powerful? Our emperor is the same!

The mentality of young people to admire the strong is so simple.

The new magic empire is built on powerful strength and convenient magic civilization, without much recognition and belonging.

Lisa wants to use the heads of these seven reckless men to lay the foundation for the shallow foundation of the magic empire.

The idea is fine, and the next step is to see the execution.

Roland is also a little curious, how does Lisa plan to break the magic immunity?

Of course he knew that Lisa had a ring of destruction that could reduce the enemy's magic resistance, but this was far from enough.

The ring of destruction could only work on an enemy that was attacking, and it had to be stacked.

Will the enemy give her time?

The battle between a warrior and a magician was all about time and space.

Distance was the lifeline.

Although Catalina didn't know much about magic, she knew these basic principles.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to a magician if seven Red-Warm Berserkers in magic immunity got close to her.

Just as she stood up and clenched her fists unconsciously, Lisa made a move.

To be precise, her feet were moving at the same time as she made the move.

Moving casting? !

This time it was Roland's turn to stand up.

His understanding of magic far exceeded that of ordinary people, and of course he knew the shortcomings of orthodox magicians.

Fragile skin and short legs, casting spells requires chanting to guide, and being close to them is a dead end.

Fragile skin can be compensated by various equipment and magic shields, or you can go the muscle magician route like Anthony.

Short legs can be used to distance by flashing teleportation.

These are all easy to solve.

The only Achilles heel of magicians is the chanting of spells.

In order to shorten the casting time, magicians have spent their lives studying how to chant quickly and how to reduce the syllables of chanting.

Every millisecond improvement may be the difference between life and death.

The trick to cast spells quickly is the magician's ultimate skill, and even disciples will not teach it easily.

In the long history of the Magic Empire, countless sages racked their brains to solve the problem of spell casting and chanting.

In the end, they explored three solutions.

The first is the radical school. Since it is troublesome to chant spells, don't chant, just cast instantly. This school of magicians even draws inspiration from the magic patterns of the elves and demons, and constantly tattoos magic patterns on their bodies, with rune war gods per capita.

But no matter how hard they try, they can only cast low-level and medium-level magic instantly, and instant magic cannot be released continuously, and there is a cooling period.

The second is the strange school. Since it is easy to get beaten when casting while standing, cast while moving. No one stipulates that casting must stand still, but it is just a rule that people have explored when mastering magic.

Imagination is combat power, and this school of research has indeed achieved fruitful results.

They successfully developed the walking casting skill before the demise of the Magic Empire, but unfortunately the walking speed is very slow, probably about the same as a baby crawling.

With this level of mobile casting, the enemy will most likely not be killed, but laughed to death.

Theory is fine, but practically equal to zero.

The third type is conservative. Since instant and mobile casting are unreliable, the chanting time should be shortened as much as possible. As long as the words are clear, the spirit can be concentrated and the casting can be tolerated.

This faction eventually became the mainstream.

Their speaking speed is jaw-dropping. Compared with them, the song "Disappearance" sung by the virtual singer Hatsune Miku in another world is clumsy.

The most powerful magician can finish what others can finish in more than ten seconds in one second.

As the last emperor of the magic empire, Lisa's choice is of course.

All of them.

She thinks these three are not contradictory.

Low-level magic instant casting requires a strong spirit, which she can do; high-level magic fast chanting requires a flexible tongue, which she naturally has no problem with; mobile casting requires strong magic coordination ability, which she is better at.

So, the barbarian leaders are facing a monster that can cast elementary and intermediate magic completely instantly, high-level magic storms, and can also cast spells on the move.

What shocked them even more was that Lisa's moving and casting speed was so fast that she was running.

Is this still a magician?

The barbarian leader, who launched a charge but rushed into the air, stared blankly at the ground in front of him. Where is the magician? Where is such a big magician who is chanting a spell?

Of course the magician is there, more than 30 meters in front of him.

The barbarian leader looked up alertly and saw a wonder he had never seen in his life.

Countless huge fireballs the size of bathtubs connected in a line in the air and smashed towards him.


The foundation of fire magic, commonly known as the big fireball,

Condensing the surrounding fire attribute elements, gathering them into a huge fireball, and smashing them down fiercely.

The advantage is that it has strong lethality, and the disadvantage is that it has only strong lethality and nothing else.

Ordinary magicians must prepare in advance, concentrate their spirits, and do their best to release the Pyroblast, and they must slow down after releasing it.

The big fireball is the dream of magicians, but in actual combat they prefer to use fast magic such as burning and scorching.

How many magicians dream of having an enemy who is willing to stand there and eat a big fireball.

Lisa's fifteen consecutive fire blasts broke everyone's cognition.

She first used the sequencer stored in advance to instantly release three fire blasts, and then her tongue vibrated like an electric motor, releasing fifteen more fire blasts quickly.

The threshold of the upper limit of magic immunity was punctured.

The magic resistance armor became scrap metal.

The seventh fire blast broke the magic immunity of the barbarian leader, the eighth fireball severely damaged him, and the ninth burned him on the spot. Five of the six fire blasts were whipping the corpse, and the last one was forcibly controlled by Lisa to fly into the sky, exploded, and turned into a fireworks.

Under the fireworks, it was the gorgeous funeral of the barbarian leader.

This is a feast of killing, and no one can be left out. (End of this chapter)

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