The two of them were very happy.

"Rimuru, you didn't really fall off the back, did you? No way, there's no way someone would fall off a wolf!"

As soon as he saw Rimuru's angry look, he teased him first, and Rimuru, who had a lot to say, immediately became silent.

" happened. It's just too fast..."

Rimuru blushed and stammered.

"Haruna, since Rimuru is back, let's hold the banquet we prepared before! Remember to notify everyone to be there!"

Gulansat said to the goblin assistant on the side. Haruna was the name given by Rimuru.

"Yes, my Lords! I'll do it right away."

Haruna bowed to Gulansta and Rimuru, and left the ice castle.

"Hold a banquet?"

Rimuru looked at Gulansta with some confusion.

"Of course it's to celebrate everyone's evolution, and this is our first gathering, and of course you, the boss, have to come out and give a speech."

"These were prepared a long time ago, but Rimuru, you've been sleeping all the time, so I'm waiting for you."

Gulansta looked at Rimuru unhappily, you just slept for a few days, these days everyone's food, clothing, housing and transportation are arranged by him, and he doesn't want to be a social animal after reincarnation.

"Oh, is that so, but I have to go on stage to give a speech, which is embarrassing."

Rimuru was also a worker in his previous life, and it was a bit difficult for him to speak on stage in front of so many people.

"You are the leader of this group. If you don't go, do you want me to talk?"

Rimuru's eyes lit up and he looked at Gulansta expectantly.

Gulansta sneered directly.

"No way. And this is the group you are going to form. You are the core of this group! Take up your responsibilities, Rimuru!"

Rimuru's expression was immediately stunned and became very serious.

"Gulansta, you are right. I will definitely take up my responsibilities."

Gulansta looked at Rimuru who was inspired by him and nodded with satisfaction.

But in his heart,

"Yeah, I can rest assured and fish in the future."


"Master Gulansta, and Master Rimuru, the banquet is ready, and everyone is waiting for the two masters."

"We are all looking forward to this banquet."

Ligurud and Haruna also entered the ice castle to notify at this time.

"Okay, you guys go wait first, our Rimuru needs some time to prepare."


The two were a little confused. Isn't it just a banquet? What do we need to prepare?

After they left.

Rimuru came out from behind Gulansta, but there seemed to be something strange on his face.

"Gulansta, do you think I look more majestic like this?"

Rimuru also showed Gulansta the finished product he had prepared for a long time.

Gulansta looked at the two white beards made of Lan Ya's wolf hair, and his face turned black.

"Uh, Rimuru, you... I can't tell... Anyway, you will know if you try it."

Gulansta held his forehead. How can a slime wearing two big beards look strange? And majestic? Are you acting in a skit?


There is a vacant space outside

It is filled with many food tribes, and in the middle is a high platform made of ice sculptures.

Around the platform, there were rows of goblins and frost fang wolves standing side by side. They looked like a cavalry formation.

Standing in the front was the former village chief of Ligurud, with explosive muscles that were very eye-catching.

This was what Gulanstar asked them to do. Although they didn't understand it, they all did it.

Under their gaze, their two adults finally appeared.

"Well, why is Gulanstar so grand? I'm a little nervous, what should I do?"

Rimuru was nervous when he saw such a big scene, even though he was a little prepared in his heart.

"Just walk up to the platform slowly, say a few words and return it."

Gulanstar didn't care, the protagonist today was Rimuru.

Instead, he walked to a pile of food and sat down casually, picked up a fruit and started eating, and looked at Rimuru quietly.

Rimuru could only move slowly to the platform, but he silently put away the white beard he had prepared.

"Ahem, everyone... everyone~"

Faced with the expectant eyes around him, Rimuru didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Uh! Actually, I don't have much to say. Let's celebrate the evolution, the end of the battle, and my recovery. Let's start the party!"

Anyway, there is no serious opening speech, so it's better to start the party directly and leave the problems to be solved until tomorrow!

With everyone cheering happily, the party lasted until late at night.

The next day,

Everyone was called together.

Although the problems in the future are piled up like a mountain, there are several important things that must be communicated before that.

That is, the rules of living in this village!

This kind of thing must be determined at the beginning.

After the banquet last night, Rimuru and Gulansita had an in-depth discussion for a long time.

It was all about the future development direction of the village. After all, they have to support a large group of people.

The rules of collective life are indispensable. For them who come from the modern world, this seems to be a matter of course.

These so-called rules are actually used to protect us, not for us to guard them rigidly.

Rimuru pondered for a whole night before he came up with these three rules.

I hope they can abide by these three rules no matter what, and as for the other details, they will handle them by themselves.

Rimuru jumped onto the platform again, and the goblins and frost wolves below also quieted down.

"Is everyone here? Then, Gulanstar and I will announce the rules! There are three in total, and I hope you can abide by them."

"Well, these are the main three points."

"First, you cannot attack humans. Of course, if humans hurt themselves, we can fight back."

(This was added by Gulanstar at Rimuru's request.)

"Second, we cannot have internal strife. Remember that we are a whole and we must face difficulties together."

"Third, your strength has evolved, right? You can't look down on other weak races just because you are strong."

Rimuru said a lot in one breath, looked at the people below, and said habitually.

"Do you understand everything? If you have any questions, you can ask them."

At this time, the village chief's son Liguru stood up and said puzzledly.

"Rimuru-sama, why can't you attack humans?"

But he was immediately glared at by Liguru. It was like saying how could you question the will of Rimuru-sama and Gulanstar.

Rimuru sighed as he watched the scene.

In fact, he hoped that others could communicate more actively and more easily like Liguru.

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