The reason is simple, because I like humans! That's it. "

"I see, I understand!"

Eh? Understand...? No no no, is it that simple?

However, looking around, no one seems to be dissatisfied. I thought there would be more people to refute, this is a good place for simplicity and clarity.

"After all, humans act in groups. If we act at will, it is very likely to cause a large-scale sweep. If we go to war with them, we will be powerless to resist. In short, it is forbidden to act at will. Besides, it would be more beneficial to live in harmony with them..."

There was no choice but to say the excuse he had thought of before.

Needless to say, it was natural for Rimuru to like humans. After all, Rimuru and Granstar were once humans.

Faced with Rimuru's explanation, Ran Ya nodded deeply, and seemed to empathize.

It seemed that it also had a profound reason not to attack humans easily.

It was an expression that was more understanding than those goblins.

"Are there any other things to pay attention to?"

"Don't look down on other weak races... What does that mean?"

Another goblin said weakly, and Rimuru cast an admiring look.

"After all, you have become stronger through evolution, right? This doesn't mean you can get carried away and bully other weak races."

"Even if you only become a little stronger, don't mistakenly think you are so great. You have to know that the other party will become stronger one day, and if you are counterattacked at that time, it will be more trouble than the gain! "

This time it was Gulansta who came out to explain. He knew better than anyone how dangerous this world was, and they were still too weak.

Everyone listened more carefully when they saw that it was Lord Gulansta's explanation.

It should be fine, after all, it was just advice, and there would always be people who would not listen. However, of course, the fewer problems the better.

"That's it, everyone should try to abide by it!"

With this sentence as the starting point, the new rules of this village were set.

Everyone nodded, obviously approving and supporting this decision.

Thus, a new journey of living together began.

Gulansta returned to his ice castle and went to sleep comfortably when he heard that there was nothing for him to do.

Now that the rules have been formulated, it is naturally time to divide the work clearly and perform their duties.

Everyone must take on their own responsibilities to make this big family run more harmoniously and orderly.

After all, only by working together and uniting as one can we overcome the difficulties in the future.

Those who shoulder the responsibility of protecting the safety of the village;

Those teams that focus on preparing food resources;

Those teams that rush around collecting production materials;

And those goblins who devote themselves to construction.

Everyone is busy in an orderly manner with their own duties.

Considering that the security work of the village is of vital importance, Rimuru decided to entrust this task to the Frost Wolf Clan who can use the lurking ability of [Shadow Movement].

However, during the team formation process, since [Rasya] always pesters Rimuru, the remaining six extra Rasya wolves can only take on the security responsibility.

As for the specific details, this requires the wisdom and experience of the former village chief Ligurd.

It will definitely complete the task excellently.

"Ligurd, from today, I officially appoint you as the [Goblin King]! I hope you can go all out and live up to my trust."

Having said that, in fact, Rimuru already wants to throw all the problems to Ligurd to deal with.

Rimuru also wanted to learn from Granstar to leave all the work to his own men.

"Thank you for your trust, Lord Rimuru. I will definitely complete the task excellently."

When Ligurd heard this, he immediately trembled all over and excitedly used his muscles to make a look at me gesture.

Rimuru stared at Ligurd in front of him, his heart full of doubts. He vaguely remembered that when he first met Ligurd, he was like a candle in the wind, terminally ill, and dying.

However, at this moment, his muscles bulged like a hill, and he was completely a strong goblin.

Maybe his strength is even stronger than his son Ligur.

What is going on... The contrast is too big. The world of monsters is really hard to understand.

"By the way, Ligurd, do you know where to find someone with house technology, forging technology, and clothing making technology?


Rimuru also asked at this time. Last night, Gulansta had told him that in order to do a good job in construction, we must have talents in this area.

"Rimuru, you want...Oh, we have been trading with them before, they should have them."

Ligurud quickly got into the role and responded to Lord Rimuru's words.

"Oh, they are?"

"It's the dwarves."

The dwarves! That's the legendary forging master tribe! We must go and see them!

"Gulansta and I should want to go and take a look. Ligurud, you will take care of the preparations for these things, okay?"

"! ! You can relax! Everything will be arranged in place today during the day! "

Ligurud promised without hesitation.

In the ice castle

Gulensta, who had just laid down to rest, heard Rimuru calling in his ear.

"Gulensta, let's go to the dwarves tomorrow. Do you want to go there? There are the technical talents you mentioned."


Gulensta opened his eyes and murmured thoughtfully.

But he closed his eyes again and turned his head to the side.


"Ha, what do you mean, are you going or not? That's the dwarves! Don't you want to see it? "

The next morning

Anyway, I always feel that one day I will definitely go to the city where humans live.

After all, before that, if I can go to the city where the dwarves live to learn, it should be a very good experience.

Although they are both sub-human races, I heard that the city where the dwarves live is quite large.

Not only that, they even have their own king!

However, an insignificant existence like a goblin may not have the opportunity to meet the king...

Just as Ligurd said, he had arranged everything in the early morning.

The selection of members to go to the Dwarf Kingdom also went very smoothly.

Finally, five groups were selected, and the leader was Liguru's son, Liguru.

The remaining two were Rimuru and Ranga.

Rimuru walked towards Ranga and looked at its majestic appearance.

Then, Rimuru couldn't help but dive into Ranga's furry body.

This furry feeling was beyond imagination!

Before leaving, Rimuru took out a square thing, which was given to him by the lazy guy Gulansta.

He said that as long as he injected magic power into this thing when he arrived at the Dwarf Kingdom, Gulansta would appear in front of him.

Rimuru was very curious. Does this thing really have this effect? ​​He resisted the urge to try it.

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