Let's go.

Gulansta always comes up with some strange things, maybe it really has this effect.

Let's go now

The road to the Dwarf Kingdom will take two months for Goblins to walk!

There is an Amerudo River in the Jura Forest, you can walk along it.

Go to the end, and then go to the mountains. The end of the mountain is the Dwarf Kingdom!

The Kingdom of the Armed Varagon

There is a great empire in the Eastern Sea, right next to the Jira Forest.

There is also the Kanato Mountains in the middle, and the roads in it can divide the trade route into three.

The first is a straight road through the Jira Forest. The second is a dangerous road over the mountains. Finally, there is the sea route.

Originally, passing through the forest was the shortest and safest route, but for some reason, few people took it. (Maybe it was because of the storm dragon in the past)

So, crossing the mountain became the mainstream.

Rimuru and his friends went north along the Amerudo River as planned.

Because there was a river, they were not afraid of getting lost. Rimuru also opened a map in his mind and remembered the given route just in case.

The one who led the way was a goblin who had been to the Dwarf Kingdom to trade. His name was Gobta. He was now walking in front of the team to lead the way for everyone!

Only Rimuru knew how boring this day's journey was.

No wonder that guy Gulansta didn't want to get up. He was such a cunning guy!

So, what should we talk about... It's okay to relieve boredom!

"Liguru, by the way, who gave your brother's name? I haven't heard of it before?"

Rimuru suddenly said to Liguru, the son of the Goblin King, who was behind him. He seemed to have heard that his brother was given a name.

When Liguru heard that Lord Rimuru was asking him a question, he rode on his Garo and came to Rimuru's side at an accelerated speed.

"Lord Rimuru, my brother was indeed given a name by a passing demon."


"Yes, about ten years ago, a high-ranking demon called [Krumit] of the Demon King's Army was full of amazement at my brother's potential."

"Oh! Didn't he take your brother away?"

"Indeed. My brother was still a little immature at that time, and Lord Krumit promised that he would visit him again when my brother became stronger in a few years."

"Oh? Is that so? Then the next time I come, I will definitely amaze them."

"You are right, but now I am a servant serving Lord Rimuru and Lord Gurensta. Even the Demon King's Army finds it difficult to make me obey orders--"

Rimuru looked at Liguru's determined eyes and did not talk more about this topic.

However, let's just remember this guy [Krummit] for now.

Then, the next topic.

"Ran Ya, I should be your father's murderer, right? Do you really not care about this?"

Rimuru said to Ran Ya under his seat again.

"Lord Rimuru, it's just the revenge for the murder of your father! How dare I have resentment towards Lord Gulansta and you."

"Besides, it is you two adults who gave us a new life. We will be grateful and willing to serve you two adults for life!"

Ran Ya answered directly without any hesitation.

Uh! Just the revenge for the murder of your father?

The monster's thoughts are really direct. Rimuru mourned for the previous Garo leader for a few seconds.

Rimuru then dealt with it casually and passed the topic over.

The next night, when he was having dinner before going to bed, he asked Gobta about the matters of the Dwarf Kingdom.

"Yes, yes! Well, then, the official name of the Dwarf Kingdom is Armed State Dovarug. The Dwarf King is known as the Hero King--"

Looking at him reply, Rimuru couldn't help but worry whether he would accidentally bite his tongue.

Combining Gobuta's description, the general situation is as follows:

The current king, Gazeru Dovarug, is the third-generation monarch. He inherited his grandfather's kingly spirit when he was young, and is a wise king who governs the country justly.

He can be said to be one of the heroes of the present age.

A thousand years have passed since the founding of the country by the first generation of the Dwarf Hero King, Gulan Dovarug. Inheriting the will, history and culture of the first generation, and guarding the inherited skills, the country has been able to continue to develop.

The place ruled by that wise king is the Armed State Dovarug. Ah, it must be a very beautiful country to be governed by a long-lived hero king.

Just like that,

It took two days since the departure.

It may be because of the influence of Gulansta's name that Ran Ya is stronger than in the original book

It took three days to get there, but now it only took two days.

At the foot of the Kanato Mountains is a vast grassland.

A beautiful city transformed from a cave in the mountains, a natural fortress created by nature, and the armed country of Dovarukon.

Finally, we arrived at the kingdom of the dwarves.

There was a long queue in front of the city gate.

It was a big door that could cover the entire natural cave.

Unfortunately, it was closed at the moment.

Below the door, there is a small door for general access, which should be used for normal entry and exit.

It is worthy of being under the rule of the dwarf king. This door is really spectacular. ”

“Look, the equipment that the soldier is wearing. It feels like we can hardly buy it even if we work for ten years…”

“That’s natural, right? After all, even the East Empire dares not cause trouble here. If it is equipped like that, it is reasonable. ”

“No need to say more, anyone who dares to provoke the dwarves will definitely not have a good result. No matter which country it is, it will eventually suffer tragic devastation and revenge! "

While observing the queue on the left, such a conversation suddenly came.

When Rimuru saw the dwarf for the first time, he couldn't help but sigh that the dwarf didn't seem to be as gentle as he imagined?

Hey! Don't think about it, let's try what Gulansta gave us! Is it really that magical?

"All of you get out of the way, I'm afraid this thing is a bit dangerous. "

Rimuru asked Ran Ya and the others to retreat a safe distance, but his worry was a bit unnecessary.

Under the curious gaze of Ran Ya and the goblins, Lord Rimuru took out a square block-like object.

Rimuru carefully injected magic power into this strange block, and saw that the block slowly opened and emitted a blue light.

After a while, the block flew out of Rimuru's hand, spinning at high speed in the air, and finally formed a blue vortex half a meter high.

A blue little human figure flew out of the vortex and greeted Rimuru as soon as he saw him.

"Hey, Rimuru, you guys are really slow. It took two days to go to the dwarf kingdom. "

"You cunning guy..."

Rimuru came back to his senses from the shock, and gnashed his teeth at the guy in the air.

Ran Ya and Goblin Yizhen were watching from the side until Lord Gulansat suddenly appeared. Wasn't Lord Gulansat staying in the village?

They all looked like they had seen a ghost. It was too strange. It was not until Lord Rimuru explained that they came back to their senses.

Gulansat was also staring at the block in his hand, no, to be precise, it should be the permanent item [Teleportation Block].

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