"Blood for the…" The chaos warrior didn't get to finish his warcry as his head got sniped by one of the Storm Trooper's lasgun. 50 Storm Troopers from the left side slowly approach the enemy as they fire their weapons accurately, while 12 Black Templars from the right bulldozer the warriors of Chaos without restraint. Meanwhile, 30 Catachan Jungle Fighters led by the Emperor's Champion quickly cut anyone attempting to fight back as William decapitated with a single swing of his black sword.

Soon, Kharak realized that he was cornered like a rat as his followers fell to the ground left and right. Still, he is a World Eater Space Marine as he would not fall without killing at least a few royal Astartes, including Champion. Pulling out two grenades, Kharak threw both of them at the Black Templars, but before the grenades could hit the ground and detonate, sharpshooters from the Storm Troopers hit the grenades in the midair, destroying them.

At this point, Prince Benton and the Duchess recovered from the injuries and gathered their strength to escape. Just as they were about to get out of the fighting pit, three chaos warriors jumped in to kill them as Kharak gave the order of executing the remaining prisoners.

"We will collect your heads for our lord and god," The chaos warriors attack two commanders with their crude weapons. Seeing the attack, Prince Benton counters all three with his sword while the Duchess appears from the side and delivers a killing blow at one of the warriors in the neck. Now, with two opponents in front of him, the prince attempts to hold them where they stand, but one of the warriors kicks the prince, and the second turns around to face the Duchess head-on.

Prince Benton quickly recovered and dodged the attack from his enemy. This angered the warrior as he expected this to be an easy kill, but to his surprise, the young prince managed to avoid each attack as if a chaos warrior is a simpleton. With rage clouding his judgment, the warrior swung his weapon wildly, which made him open wide for the prince to stab him.

On the other hand, the Duchess single-handedly killed her opponent with her blade without any problem, even though her previous injuries decreased her fighting ability. With their executioner taken care of, two commanders finally escape from the fighting pit and manage to keep their distance away from their dreaded captors. Dragging his feet, Prince Benton was supported by the Duchess as she didn't stop her pace even a second, even though she had a few broken ribs. Meanwhile, the battlefield is in Chaos as two different military factions are killing each other (More of a one-sided carnage), and sounds of thundering bolter rounds and lasguns could be heard loudly.

Just as two commanders are about to collapse due to exhaustion, 6 Stormtroopers appear out of nowhere and grab them to escape the danger. Stormtroopers quickly escort the two VIPs to safety with incredible strength and speed and have the medic check their injuries. Baffled by effectiveness and unusual fighting style, the Duchess couldn't speak or ask the right question but realized that she was safe. On the other hand, Prince lost his consciousness once again due to pain and injuries, but thanks to the advance medical skills from the Stormtroopers medic, he will fully recover in a few days.

"Did William send you? Where is your commander?" Rana asked with hope in her voice which one of the Scion pointed his finger toward the battlefield. Focusing her eyes, the Duchess saw a giant black-armored knight fighting her captor in melee combat. Each time their weapons clash, the spark can be seen, and the sound of metal grinding can be heard. The duel between loyalist and traitor Astartes began with the intent to kill, and only one will come out as the victor.


"I never expected to meet you here, cousin, still serving that corpse Emperor of yours?" Kharak, who is holding a chainaxe strike at the Champion of the Emperor. William, who anticipated the attack, managed to block with his chainsword, which in contact generated a spark.

A few minutes ago, William reinforcement completely devastated Kharak's Warband, which made Kharak a sole enemy on the battlefield. Kharak fired his bolter at Jungle Fighters with rage, but to his surprise, a single Black Templar blocked the rounds with a storm shield. The battle turned into a duel between two Astartes as William challenged Kharak the Berserker.

Kharak is equipped with a chainaxe and battle-ax while his bolter hangs from the side while William is equipped with chainsword and storm shield. Both fighters are wearing their respective power armor as William's black armor, and Kharak's red blood armor is the center of the attention.

"Your appearance itself shows the corruption of Chaos, traitor. I know all about your legion and how Angron forced the butler's nails on his sons' heads. That explains your stupidity and ignorance of believing you will win this fight." William insults the World Eater and pushes him to have little distance to use the move he learned from a movie he saw not long ago. With the storm shield's gravitic energy field activities, William'ss shield bash Kharak's head which had a powerful impact that staggered the traitor but only for a second. Still, this was enough for William to attack a second time and strike his chainsword at Kharak. The chainsword of loyalists struck the traitor's right arm, which began to rip the armor plate and flesh.

The agonizing pain made Kharak's butcher's nail generate more chemicals to the wearer, which boost physical strength and aggression to the next level, even for Space Marines. Kharak quickly kicked William and prevented the complete loss of his right arm, which is now dangling from his shoulder. With implants blocking his pain and other emotions, the World Eater Astartes charge in full force while wildly swinging chainaxe.

Seeing Kharak gone entirely berserk, William placed his shield in front while quickly switching his chainsword with a black power sword. The clash between two Astartes shook the ground around them while William's small army watched in the distance with weapons still hot, ready to kill with no hesitation.

With William sliding his feet and bȧrėly dodging Kharak's weapon, William slashes Kharak's stomach with his black sword activated. The black sword cut through the World Eater's power armor and his gut, which he immediately began to bleed and internal organs spilled out. Without any hesitation, William stood up behind and cut Kharak's backside with a full strike. The slash diagonal cut the power armor's backpack and its power source; this forced the Chaos Space Marine to his knees as the weight of the power armor and injuries weighed him down.

"I'm not… I'm not done. I will not lose to you who never witness what I have seen. I'm Kharak the Blood Axe, I will ascend just like Primarch, I will…" Kharak didn't finish his sentence as William had enough with Chaos Space Marine. William switches his black sword to a thunder hammer and smashes Kharak's head and entire upper body. The thunder hammer's fearsome impact crushed everything from the bones to the former World Eater Astartes' power armor.

"The Emperor protects, but not you because you are a jackass," William said to the body of the traitor Space Marine and smashed it again with a thunder hammer for good measure. With the death of Kharak, the chaos Warband was destroyed, and William's force quickly moves to the next step of the operation, which is to burn and purge all of the chaos corruption within enemy corpses and everything else. Guardsmen gather the bodies while Black Templars pull out their flamers from their inventory, similar to William's as they also received new weapons.


[Missile Launcher x1: Imperial Guard heavy weapon which could destroy heavy vehicles and even tanks. It comes with ten missiles and can be ȧssigned to one guardsman under the player's command.]

[Summon Order (Cadian Shock Troopers) x1: Summon the full infantry company of the Cadian's best of the best as they stand between Eye of Terror and Cadian Gate for ten of thousands of years. The company comes with 150 troops and ten troop transport vehicles.]

[Land Raider Crusader x1: Armed with heavy bolters, lascannons, and havoc missile launchers, this battle tank/troop transport vehicle is the primary vehicle of the Imperium. Note: Comes with 3 Tech-Priests for repair and to perform Machine Spirit ceremony]

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