Three days passed since William's force defeated Kharak's Warband and rescued two royal family members from converting the chaos. With the death of Sir Dolven and his order of knights, William stepped forward and took charge on an escort mission to the capital. Before leaving the ruin of Greenhill, William summoned additional troops and left a small group of 50 Cadian Shock Troopers, 10 Catachan Jungle Fighter, and three Black Templar Space Marine with one happens to be Techmarine.

William's forces comprise 50 Stormtroopers, 100 Cadian Shock Troopers, 20 Catachan Jungle Fighters, 8 Balck Templars and one Techmarine from the Black Templars. The food wasn't much of an issue since they managed to regain their supplies from the Kharak's storage after purging remains and corrupted equipment. Unfortunately, Prince Benton's guns and volley cannons weren't recoverable, but William managed to bury fallen knights and soldiers, including Sir Dolven's body.

Four Space Marines led the formation on the road while the rest of the troops followed and the remaining four Space Marines covered the flank. All 20 Catachan Jungle Fighters went on scouting missions since they are the master of stealth and jungle warfare. Sometimes, some jungle fighters return to the army with big games such as wild boars, giant red deers and bears. These were processed by the same soldiers and placed on supply wagons William's force managed to repair before departure.

"With our current speed, we will arrive in the first city by this evening. The city is called Draphia and governed by Viscount Zachary Lindver, a strong supporter of my father and the royal family. They were expecting us two days ago, but I'm sure they will welcome us and we will have an opportunity to send a message to my father about what happened to Sir Dolven." Prince Benton informed William that Duchess and Mia were riding on the back of a wagon while William walked next to it.

"The viscount will have one hell of a shock when he sees this much unknown military force entering his doorstep. I recommend encamping outside of the city while us three and few selected soldiers enter the city." The Duchess adds information to William as she is somewhat familiar with Draphia. Hearing this, William agrees to it as he tries to avoid potential conflict between his military force and Viscount Lindver's defense force.

"I will have one of my battle-brothers take charge when we arrive in Draphina. Please make sure viscount doesn't get any idea when we stay in his city since I don't want to have the second city burn to the ground." William said to Prince Benton with a bit of joke added, which made two commanders scorn William for dark humor.

"You have to tell us how in the world your fellow brothers and small army end up appearing right when we need them." The Duchess said to William, to which he gave a simple answer.

"Miracle from the God-Emperor," William said to the Duchess and Prince Benton, which two immediately gave a dirty look at William as if they didn't believe William at all. This only made William chuckle silently as he told the truth, not to mention William himself doesn't know where all these game items come from. William was also glad Prince Benton and Duchess are back to their old selves as they were somewhat depressed and shocked by the death of Sir Dolven and the experience they went through with Kharak, the Chaos Marine.

After burying the dead in the Greenhill, Prince Benton and Duchess weren't doing well mentally. The loss of a teacher and old friend to the family was too much, not to mention the harrowing experience they had to go through with Chaos Marine's Warband. Physically, both of them are fine as medics gave proper treatment and enough medication to knock them out for most of the day. When they woke up from the well-rested sleep, they were already on the road to the capital with Mia staying next to them on the wagon.

It took the whole day and a half for the Duchess to regain her posture back to warrior commander, but for the Crown Prince, it took near the end of the second day, where he finally accepted the loss. William was glad they were strong-minded as facing brutal acts from the follower of chaos will only bring either death or eternal suffering as a follower of the Chaos. For now, William will make sure there is no sign of corruption and maintain his awareness of chaos's influence. From hounds of Khorne, Greater Daemon of Slaanesh to World Eater in this world concerned William as he believed this is just a beginning of the invasion of chaos force.

'I have to build and grow enough fighting force to counter them. I hope there is enough time before those Chaos Gods send their main force,' William once again made his mind and prepared for future events that could bring destruction to this world. For one thing, there are no other factions such as Orks, Tau, Elder, or Tyranids, but that doesn't mean they won't end up finding this place through warp or interference from the Tzeentch's eternal schemes.

By early evening, William's force made it to the Draphia. The city is famous for its production of clothing goods such as clothes, dyes of all colors, and even the finest craftsmanship of armors in the entire kingdom. For this reason, Draphia is also known as City of Colors for its unique products and specialty when it comes to clothing. Prince's tailors are from this city as many skilled people practice their craftsmanship in this city (Prince left most of his noncombat personal back on Deron to provide support to two armies).

As William's army approaches the city wall, many defense forces from Draphia position themselves to defend potential invaders. But they didn't attack and began opening the main gate when they saw one of the banners William's army was carrying. The royal family's flag, the Crown Prince's, ease the tension of the Draphia as they realized the military was part of the Crown Prince's escort.

"Crown Prince, we expected your arrival with Sir Dolven and Duchess Beckett two days ago. May I ask where Sir Dolven is and who are those men escorting you?" Viscount Lindver welcomed Prince Benton and the rest as he came out of the city wall to greet members of the royal family.

"There are many things we have to discuss regarding my delays, but for now, let me introduce you to a man who helped us. This is William, Paladin of the God-Emperor and commander of the finest army. William, this is Viscount Zachary Lindver; he governed Draphia and four other towns as his family did for many generations." Prince Benton introduced Viscount Lindver to William. But to the prince's and other's surprise, the viscount wasn't fazed but welcomed William as if he already knew who he was.

"Ah yes, William the Giant. I heard of your achievement through my uncle, Tom Lindver. You saved my uncle from the bandit's ambush and escorted his entire merchant convoy to Greenhill. You have my thanks, and I welcome you as my guest of honor, including Crown Prince and the Duchess. Welcome to Draphia, the City of Colors.." Viscount Lindver welcomed William and everyone as citizens of Draphia gave heroes' welcome with cheers and flower petals in the air.

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