In The World Of Sword And Magic As Space Marine

Chapter 51 - Imperial Guards VS Orks Part One

Night before,

After William killed the Eversor Assassin and collected his reward, he decided that there will be a battle the next day. After finding a destroyed Mindshackle Scarab from the Eversor's dead body, William decided to summon Commissar Cain to ensure a higher chance of victory.

So, imagine his surprise when Commissar Cain was summoned with his personal Chimera tank and Jurgen as a driver. At first, William was hesitant because he expected to meet Cain alone, but he welcomed the Hero of the Imperium and gave instructions, including command of his troops.

As for Cain, he was surprised to see a clear night sky and giant Adeptus Astartes standing tall in front of him. From his own experience as Commissar and access to numerous files within Imperium, Cain knew this Space Marine wasn't a normal one as he was clad with advanced armor and numerous symbols within armor including two distinguish purity seals.

'Calm down Cain, you talk to Adeptus Astartes before. Well, I wouldn't say talk but clearly, he is a member of the Black Templar and a servant of the Emperor.' Cain, with his legendary composure and quick thinking, hides his surprised face and kneel before alone Space Marine as Jurgen did the same.

"Commissar Ciaphas Cain reporting. Who do I serve and what is my mission?" The Hero of the Imperium humbly asks a question to Black Templar while the palm of his right-hand starts to tingle which indicates coming danger.

"I'm William, member of the Black Templar and chosen champion of the Emperor. I call upon you, Ciaphas Cain for an aide against forces of Chaos and Xenos invasion on this New World." William did his best to stay in character as he knew Cain have a keen sense and sharp intuition when it comes to bullshitting.

'Emperor's Champion? This must be serious if the champion is fighting both Xenos and Chaos at the same time. At least this time we have Black Templars in this campaign.' Chain thought to himself as sighs of relief and concern rush him at the same time. From his experience with Chaos and Xenos, there are sure to be casualties on the battlefield and he prefers to stay on the side to ensure his higher chance of survival.

(This usually backfires at Cain's face every time whenever Cain attempt to do a 'side mission' to avoid frontline battle. From the discovery of the Necron tomb to uncovering the Genestealer cult conspiracy, Cain managed to survive each deadly encounter and somehow appear to everyone as a selfless hero willing to fight for fellow man, woman, and Imperium)

"As you command, Lord William. I serve the Imperium and God-Emperor," Cain said to William which William accepts. William began to explain the current situation and political issues they are about to face. Clearly, William has an advantage against the natives of this world but Necron is another story since no one is certain if Necron was here before or came through warp portal like other Xenos.

"My lord, if you are right, we need more than a hand full of Space Marines and few platoons of guardsmen. From my personal experience, Necrons are hard to kill since they usually come back to life within few minutes." Cain gave his insight and knowledge to William after understanding the situation. Worst case scenario, William's force would be outnumbered and outgunned, which not even Hero of the Imperium could do against.

"Good point, but that is why I'm going to request additional help from an old friend. For now, you need to join my main force and prepare for the upcoming battle tomorrow. You, Commissar Cain, will lead the charge personally." William said to Cain and began to make a new strategy while Jurgen prepares two bowls of Tanna tea in the back.

Morok the Darkstampah, the member of the Ork clan Goffs, stood tall while signaling his warbands to charge forward. The first wave of his Orks bullrush with their melee weapons in their hands while shooting their range weapons (Most end up missing their target as Orks are bad at proper aiming) as Clan Goffs are known for being the most brutal Orks in the combat.

"Dakka Dakka Dakka! Need more DAKKA!" One of the heavily armed Ork shouts his lungs out as he continues to fire his slugga (The most common Ork range weapon), which suddenly blows up from his hand. But this didn't stop other Orks as they continue their ȧssault with no concern for their own safety or show any battle tactic.

With heavy projectiles coming from sluggas and shootas, William's force starts to have wounded, and casualties as a few of the lucky shots end up hitting troops. Still, no one from William's side pulls back as each troop is an experienced soldier and veteran of the grim darkness of the far future.

Cain didn't like the idea of charging ahead but being protected by his personal heavy vehicle gave small safeguard from certain death by Orks. Also, having Black Templars on the battlefield gave Cain security as Orks prefer to fight Space Marine than guardsmen.

"Jurgen, fire at will!" Commissar Cain said to his loyal aide as he fires his heavy bolter from the top hull. Cain didn't have to aim with his mounted weapon since a wave of Orks is just coming without any show of formation.

"Yes, sir." Ferik Jurgen, a most loyal aide to the Commissar Cain, Melta weapon specialist, and a Blank (Null), pulls the trigger of the heavy flamer inside of the Chimera. The promethium-fueled flame soaked the first three lines of Orks as powerful flame burn the walking green mushrooms like a bbq.

The heavy flamer kills the Orks in large numbers and cleanses Ork spores from escaping from the battlefield. Usually, Ork infestation is impossible to remove altogether, but because these Orks are introduced at the battlefield, the chances of Ork spores spread out of control are very slim. If it is done right, Orks won't set root on this World unless Trayzn decided to release more in large numbers.

Meanwhile, William's troops changed their target the moment Trazyn unleashed his Orks onto this world. Three dozen lasguns fired while Black Templars fired their bolters accurately at larger Orks within rank. The Cadian shock troops and Tempestus Scions focused front line with their lasguns while Catachn Jungle Fighters set up heavy weapons in the back to support troops in the front.

Even though William's troops were ready to fight and well equipped, the Orks continue to push forward, with most of them giggling and smiling. The Ork's primal instinct to fight and physical ability to absorb multiple wounds made them difficult to kill. Lucky, Orks didn't possess any heavy equipment or vehicles, but their sheer number is enough to push guardsmen and Space Marine.

"kill all 'umiez an' Space Marine! All we need iz dere scraps," Morok the Darkstampah gave his command as eight large Goff Nobs (Most prominent and stronger Ork) armed with choppas began to walk forward. Before Goff Nobs got into the firing range, they grab smaller Orks or Gretchin (Ork version of the goblin) and use them as meat shields.

"Focus all your fire on them! Those Orks could be trouble," Cain instruct Catachan Jungle Fighters, which they turn their heavy bolters at incoming Nobs. The rounds of heavy bolters shredded Nobs' meat shields and injured a few of them with direct shots, but the remaining elite Orks continue to push on.

Coming close, the Black Templars change their weapons to face Nobs in close combat. Armed with chainswords, the Black Templars charge head-on as their chainsword engine roar in full power. The clash between giants from two sides became the center of the battlefield as skilled swordsmanship of Space Marine rip Ork flash into pieces while a brute force of Ork's strength breakthrough power armor and heavily injuring Space Marine.

The melee combat eventually came to the point where some of the Nobs use nearby Gretchins as a throwing weapon while Space Marine uses their combat knives to dual wield to have a little more advantage.

The battle between Space Marine and Nobs didn't stop the guardsmen or Orks forces as two main forces eventually clash into their close combat.

"Prepare for the close combat!" The senior member of Cadian Shock Trooper gave the command as most of them prepare to use their bayonets while Catachns continue to fire heavy bolters now much faster firing rate.

When two forces finally clashed against each other, the battle turned into a one-sided bloody slaughter as Imperium forces are getting hacked and slashed by Goffs Warband.

The brutal slaughter got so bad that Commissar Cain retreated inside of the heavy vehicle and ordered Jurgen to just run over the small group of Orks with Chimera. Because of possible friendly fire, Cain couldn't fire either heavy bolter or heavy flamer but having a ten-ton tank is enough to ram approaching Orks with ease.

"Do not stop. Continue to run over the Orks until we reach the Warboss. If we can beat the Ork Warboss, we could reduce their momentum." Cain orders his aide while reloading heavy flamer. If he could kill the Warboss, the Orks within ranks will start to fight each other to take command, making them lose command structure once and for all.

When Cain's Chimera is about to reach the middle line of the Ork force, Cain saw something he wishes he never encounter again in his life. A large single squig (A two-legged creature with a large mouth) covered with bombs and TNT in its mouth ran towards Cain's Chimera, intending to blow itself up. Cain took a side bolter mount and fired everything he got at the incoming bomb squig, seeing the approaching danger.

"Come on, come on! By the Emperor's throne." Commissar Cain said to himself as he continues to fire bolter rounds at the bomb squig. Near his end of bolter rounds, Cain finally hit the bullseye as one of the bolter rounds hit the TNT in the squig's mouth before it could reach the Chimera. The explosion and destruction of the squig killed the Snotlings riding it and Orks nearby at that moment.

"Yes! Praise the Emperor," Cain celebrates his kill and escape from certain death when suddenly explosion from the opposite side flip the Chimera 180' degree, damaging it inoperable.

While Cain was focused on the incoming bomb squig, a second bomb squig reached the opposite side of the tank and detonated, pinning lynchpin of the Imperium unit a sitting duck behind the enemy line.

'What just happened?' Cain thought to himself as he regains his composure and picks up a fallen commissar hat from the ground. The explosion knocked him out of breath for few seconds but it wasn't enough to bring down Cain and Jurgen out from the fight. Now, Cain's palm began to tingle more than usual as he moves quickly to find his aide.

"Jurgen, are you ok? We need to get out of here," Commissar said to his aide and was about to move to check on him when the main hatch open and Ork armed with shoota aim his weapon at Cain. Due to the injury from the explosion, Cain couldn't react fast enough to draw his laspistol. Just as Cain was about to accept his death and join Emperor's fallen warriors, multiple lasgun shots killed the Ork with two in its head.

"Sorry sir, it seems we lost the Chimera for now," Jurgen appears from the corner with his lasgun in his hands and said to Cain apologetically.

"It's ok, Jurgen. I'm sure Lord William could spare few cog boys to repair after this." Cain smile as best he could and pull out his laspistol to join the fight outside. Cain isn't an expert marksman or possesses the superhuman ability, but no one can surpass him when it comes to his survival instinct, and he isn't planning to die in the New World.

"Let's get out of here before more Orks comes and start causing problems." Commissar said to Jurgen and approached the opened hatch with his weapon ready. Just before Cain pop his head outside, he heard something heavy drop from above as his damaged Chimera and ground shake for a second.

"What in the Golden Throne?" Cain said to himself and step outside, using Chimera as a shield since the bottom of the Chimera is now facing Ork's main force while the hatch was towards Imperium forces.

When Cain sneaks his head to see what caused the ground to shake, his heart and hope brighten as Dreadnought from the Black Templar engaged Ork rear rank of Warbands alone.

Above Dreadnought's head, two Valkyrie airborne ȧssault carriers drop 30 additional Imperial Guardsmen while additional reinforcement from the ruin of Greenhill arrives with vehicles running over Orks from the right side of the battlefield.

Seeing the hope, Cain opened his vox device and gave hopeful words to encourage the remaining troops and pull them from despair.

"Emperor watch over his faithful servants. For the Emperor!"

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