In The World Of Sword And Magic As Space Marine

Chapter 52 - Imperial Guards VS Orks Part Two

Morok the Darkstampah is having a bad day. A tin boyz somehow captured him and his boyz which is disgrace enough, but now he ends up fighting the tin boy'z battle. At least Morok is fighting humies which he is ok with that. After all, everyone knows humies got best scraps than pointy-eared gits or fishies, not to mention they also have more numbers to be krumping by Morok's boyz.

"Keep fight'n' or else I will be da wun krump'n yer all!" Morok shouts his command as his boyz are getting pushed by the Dreadnought. Morok's victory was sure when he successfully blew up Chimera using squigs. That was until Dreadnought suddenly drops from the sky and starts demolishing his troops with his 'shootas' while two Valkyrie hovers above and start shooting and sending more human troops.

"Dis isn't ova yet! Send out battlewagon!" After hearing Morok's command, a large red truck armed with ramming spikes, various shootas and loaded with Ork troops push through unfortunate gretchin foot soldiers in the battlefield and went straight for the Dreadnought.

"Ere we go, ere we go, ere we go!" The Ork driver and the rest of the Ork front passengers yell as if they are celebrating someone's birthday.

"Bracing for the impact." The honorable Battle-Brother Raduriel was already prepared for this encounter since he overheard the Morok's very loud command on the battlefield. With his quick ability to switch his weapons, Randuriel immediately changes from range weapons into close combat fists with few short-range weapons such as heavy flamers and power fist attachments.

The red-painted battlewagon struck the Dreadnought head-on and pushed the 12-ton killing machine backward, but this didn't last as the Dreadnought regain his ground shortly. The clash between two factions' heavy units continues as the battlewagon, and Raduriel's engines produce black smoke from the exhaust pipe.

"Shot it!" The driver of the battlewagon shout and every Orks within the truck aims their shootas at the Dreadnought. But before they could pull their triggers, a large flame blast reaching thousands of degrees hit the top side of the truck, killing all Orks and turning them into smoking ashes.

"Nicely done Jurgen," Commissar Cain said to his aide as he stands tall above Chimera and aims his laspistol at the Ork driver. With a single shot, Cain hit the diver's head and disable the vehicle for a moment.

"Thank you, sir," Jurgen, who is kneeling next to Cain reloads his meltagun and fired again to destroy the rest of the top side of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, Commissar Cain stood tall, posing with chainsword and laspistol in his other hand while the Dreadnought steps forward to block any incoming projectiles, protecting Cain unintentionally.

"Push forward and burn them all!" Cain gave his command, and immediately 30 Imperial Guardsmen and the rest of the troops who defeated Nobs charge ahead with thundering voices and new inspiration.

"For the Emperor!"

"Follow the Commissar Cain, the Hero of the Imperium!"

"Bring victory and honor!"

Soldiers of the Imperium, now drunk with inspiration and near victory, rush forward with every kind of weapon hot and ready to kill. The volley of lasguns stopped the Ork's advance while heavy bolters carried by jungle fighters slay them. The soldiers armed with flamers unleash red hot flames as Dreadnought joins the BBQ to wipe every living lifeform on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Black Templars once again armed themselves with bolter guns and flamers to eliminate any greenskins who managed to escape guardsmen's front ȧssault to maintain the control of the battlefield.

"Spare no one, let them experience Emperor's might!" Cain once again gives inspiring words while emptying his laspistol.

'Thank the Emperor. I hope Lord William is doing fine just as we are," Cain thought to himself when suddenly, an Ork warboss jump out from the flame of walls with dead Ork in his power klaw.

"Dis isn't over, 'umiez" Morok the Darkstampah uses one of his underlings as a meatshield and charges the first line of guardsmen while swinging his big choppa in another hand. The Ork warboss's carnage began as each swing of big choppa killed four guardsmen. Seeing this, Dreadnought went to a melee stance and was about to attack the warboss, but a sudden sneak attack intercepted him by Ork tankbustas's rockets (Ork version of rocket launchers).

While this is happening, Morok continues to charge as he swiftly slaying any humans blocking his way. His main target was clear, Morok was aiming for the leader of human troops, a man known as Ciaphas Cain the Hero of the Imperium.

"Continue your fire! Takedown that Ork!" Cain gave his order while maintaining his posture on top of now destroyed Chimera while inside of his head, he panics as an oversized Ork didn't slow down for a second 'Shit, shit, shit!'

Warboss didn't seem bothered by the lasgun injuries, and when he was finally about to reach fallen Chimera, Cain jumps out from the top with his chainsword cracked up. When Cain landed safely, he quickly rolled to keep his distance away from the warboss.

"So, you want to fight me directly. I guess I have to kill warboss for the second time," Cain said to Morok and ready his duel stance just like he practiced million times.

"I will have yer teef if 'dat iz 'da last fing i have ta do" Morok shouts and proceed to throw his meatshield, but instead of throwing at Cain, Ork warboss threw it at incoming guardsmen and prevented them from firing their weapons at him.

"This iz duel, no interference," Morok said to Cain and swing his big choppa, aiming for Cain's head. Seeing the giant metal ax coming for him, Cain quickly dodged to the side due to the significant difference in strength. From his combat experience against Orks, it is best to dodge instead of blocking it.

Right after dodging the powerful Ork attack, Cain quickly swings his chainsword at Ork warboss's head, but just as Cain is an experienced fighter, Morok is also an experienced fighter on his right. Morok, use his power klaw to block the raging chainsword and push Cain with his monstrous strength. The incredible force made Cain flew backward in few inches high and made him redirect his attention to his landing.

The Ork warboss once again charged his big choppa up high, but before he could swing again, a meltagun blast hit Morok's left side, which burned the entire left body, including the left hand holding big choppa. Morok managed to survive the deadly blast thanks to his heavy power armor but it wasn't enough for him to stay standing which he ends up on his both knees. Ork usually tolerates pain and injuries that could kill an ordinary man. Their biological makeup was designed to endure pain and lethal injuries thanks to the Old Ones.

"Sir," Jurgen said while his meltagun barrel smoke comes out. Cain's loyal aide came to his rescue and blasted his weapon when Cain wasn't close to the Ork warboss.

"Ah!" Cain shouts as he raises the chainsword high and brings it down with all his might at the Ork's head. Just as chainsword was about to hit Morok's head, the Ork Warboss blocked it with his power klaw and got back up on his two feet. Morok raises his power klaw to his eye level while holding active chainsword and Cain, holding on to his weapon with both hands.

"WAAAGH!" The Ork warboss gave his faction's signature warcry when a human's face reach the same eye level as his own.

"AAAAH!" Cain counters Ork's shout with his own and immediately let his left hand go and drew his laspistol from his hoister. Before Morok could do anything to Cain, Cain aimed his laspistol at the Ork's mouth and empty his weapon before Ork could close his mouth.

Morok, who is badly burn, couldn't move an inch as his brain is cooked from inside. The power klaw slowly open which Cain quickly retrieve his melee weapon and land safely which he proceeds to do what he previously meant to do.

With the Ork warboss frozen for a moment, Cain jumps high and strikes the greenskin's head. The chainsword's teeth ripped the Ork's skull and tear everything without stopping as Cain use all his weight to push down his weapon all the way. By the time Cain finish the Ork warboss off by cutting him in half, Morok was no more as he was already dead when Cain ripped and crushed Ork's entire head.

The covered in Ork's blood, Cain put his chainsword back in his sheath and walk away from the body so Jurgen can burn the body once and for all. Commissar Cain's victory engulfs everyone with the motivation to increase their fire rate and much more deadly.

'I miss my retirement,' Cain thought to himself and was about to drop to the ground from exhaustion, but his iron will help him stay on his feet as he needs to maintain his appearance as a hero and a leader.

With the Ork warboss dead and the rest of the Orks without leadership, Imperium Guardsmen quickly exterminate every greenskins using lasgun and holy fire. As the last greenskin burns to death, a sudden green burst of energy knocks everyone down. When the dust cleared, everyone saw battle-tattered William on his knee while Trazyn holds the Duchess as a hostage with a big smile on his face.

"As I said, Champion, you will be part of my exhibit for an eternity."

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