In The World Of Sword And Magic As Space Marine

Chapter 53 - Assassins and Choice

"Look what you made me do. Those orks were my early collection of Warband during War of the Beast and now I have to find suitable replacements worthy of my ork galleries." Trazyn said to William as he hold the Duchess in his arm while holding his staff.

While Commissar Cain and William's troops were fighting the orks, William fought Trazyn with everything he got in his inventory. From bolter pistol to heavy flamer, none of the weapons made any dent on Trazyn's energy shield while old Necron Overlord made yawning expressions to mock the Champion.

While this was happening, Rana arrived on the battlefield with her sword in her hand, intend to help William in any way possible. Still, in her dress back in the throne room, Rana rushes forward to attack Trazyn with her blade in her hand, but Trazyn quickly disarmed Rana with a single-hand motion and captured her using Necron technopath.

"You know, I originally came here to capture her and bring her to being called 'Mother'. For some reason, she is very interested to meet the Duchess since three years ago. But you, you are a bonus." Trazyn said to William while holding his evil laugh as he remember his loss of a few collections. Still, for Trazyn this is a small loss as his reward will be much greater when he turns the Duchess to the 'Mother' and get one of the rarest items for his collection.

"What can you possibly get from Legellan's deity? With your technology, you can just take it like you usually do? What? Almighty Trazyn can's steal it from primitive god?" William said with a mocking tone to buy himself more time and gather more information from Necron Overlord himself.

"You seem to know me more than my friends, dear Champion. But as you said, I did make multiple attempts to steal what I was looking for from Legellan and their pompous temple where their goddess resides. Unfortunately, I couldn't even step one foot into the temple without getting myself disintegrated by an unknown defense mechanism." The last part made Trazyn shiver as if he relived a bad memory. This makes sense since high-ranking Necrons have the most advanced body and perfect memory. Trazyn continues.

"So, I decided to capture the Duchess and make a trade with 'Mother' since she is looking for this little human. I won't get everything I want but this is the most unique situation which I'm willing to comprise. For this reason, I infiltrated two nations' highest ranks and acquired everything I could including Archbishop and King Benton, not to mention the vast number of historical items for my exhibit." Trazyn finishes his last sentence with pride and excitement as he recalls a few of his rare treasure hunting including native beasts which will require temporal cages.

"That is why you were disguised as Prime Minister Waylon. He has extensive knowledge of local politics and influence to achieve your goals." William quickly catches on as it starts to make sense. Behind the scene, Trazyn made noble factions against each other while he unleash native orcs within Alderim to enforce the ever-growing infighting between nobles. Adding Legellan's demand for Rana would just pour gasoline to a house fire which two nations will go back to another war.

This all seems overplanned and unnecessary for powerful Necron Overlord but this is Trazyn we are talking about. He once declares a decade of war against Salamander Space Marine just to have the opportunity to steal the Spear of Vulkan which he failed.

By having war between two nations, Trazyn will have all the opportunity to steal anything he wants including something from the 'Mother'. After all, war is good for business and looting riches if you know where and when to look for it.

Rana, who was standing still without any words finally move with inhuman speed and body twists. Pulling a weapon from her dress, in her hand, the Duchess was holding a plasma pistol and aimed right at Trazyn's chin which she immediately fired her weapon.


The energy blast from the plasma pistol hit Trazyn's face in a point-blank range which his energy shield couldn't do anything as weapon fire was too close. Even Necron advanced body couldn't withstand the plasma blast as half of Trazyn's face melted and few critical systems are damaged which will take few hours to repair. Trazyn was lucky to survive the sneak attack and quickly put himself at a distance as he cover his face with his hand.

"I didn't expect you to share your weapon with native, Champion. When did you give her your pistol?" Trazyn said with irritation as his body start to regenerate his damaged face.

"I gave it to her last night after I killed the Eversor ȧssassin you sent. I have to thank you, as you gave me an opportunity to ȧssemble ȧssassins for today." William said as he stand up and armed himself with a black sword. With Trazyn damaged, the Necron Overlord won't be able to show his full power including his energy shield.

While this is going on, Rana Bassilo Beckett the Duchess of the Argus begins to twist and reshape herself as if she is made out of flesh mud. The chemical known as Polymorphine allows the person with Rana's face to return to its original form. A half-minute later, Rana was no more, and instead, a woman in a dark black suit stand next to Champion with a plasma pistol in her hand. The Callidu Assassin simply waves her hand as she once again aims her weapon at Trazyn.

'That darn shapeshifter. I knew something was off about the Duchess the moment I held her hostage. Too quiet and very calm unlike Prime Minister Waylon. Wait, ȧssassins? A plural?' Trazyn thought to himself and immediately raise his staff to teleport but before he could complete his teleportation, something hit him as his energy shield show multiple cracks and began to weaken.

From two miles away, a Vindicare ȧssassin from Officio Assassinorum fired his second shield-breaker round which shattered Trazyn's energy barrier and burst into pieces. Half a second after the destruction of the energy shield, a third bullet hit Trazyn's right arm which separate Necron Overlord from powerful staff.

"Two ȧssassins. Well, this is a bit overkill don't you think?" Trazyn said to William who is now standing in front of him with a giant black sword ready to strike. Trazyn smiled even though he can't express it due to his robotic face as he knows this isn't the end.

Just as William finish off the Trazyn, the real Duchess, and Prince Benton came out with knights behind them. In front of them, the entire courtyard burns as Space Marines and guardsmen scorch ork remains using promethium-based weapons while medics help any survivors with medical ȧssistance. Witnessing the purging with extreme fire paused natives of this world as Rana approach William without taking her eyes away from the fire display.

"So, what did we missed?"


Meanwhile, behind one of the dark sides of the moons

The conscious mind of the Trazyn arrives at his backup body which begins to power up from sleep mode. Sitting up from his chair, Trazyn waves his hand to activate screens of multiple monitors, and the light of the command room came to life. After a quick status check, Trazyn opens the dimensional pocket to bring in additional ȧssistance as Necron warriors enter one by one.

"Now, let us take this world one more time," Trazyn said to himself as his tomb ship emerge out from the moon and begin to hover above the ground.

While this is happening, far away from the moon where Trazyn is, a large warp tear can be seen from another dark side of the moon as something evil and feeble exits from the warp dimension.


From defeating Trazyn the Infinite,

[Black Templar Veterans x30: An elite Space Marines of Black Templar with each member served more than 100 years for the God-Emperor. Each veteran is armed with a standard bolter gun but has unique melee weapons of their own such as lighting claws, power sword, or thunder hammer.]

[Blood Angel Assult Squad x1: Fast and deadly Space Marine from Blood Angel chapter. These five Blood Angels can strike with precision and effectively accomplish critical objectives before moving to the next objectives.]

[Salamenders Space Marine x 20: Salamander Space Marine are known for their famous flame weapons and giant status even for Space Marines. Covered with green armor and bright red eyes, Salamanders are fearsome warriors of Primearch Vulkan and forge master craftsmen equal to none.]

[Ultramarine Space Marine x 30: Consider as one of the strongest and honored Space Marine chapters of Imperium of Man. From the homeworld of Macragge, Ultramarine has a long history of victory against enemies of mankind and battle experience above other Space Marines. With a warcry of 'Courage and Honour,' Ultramarine can accomplish any mission no matter how deadly it is.]

[Magos of Tech-Priests x 6: Masters of tech and science divisions. Previously captured by Trazyn while exploring the unknown Necron world, these tech-priests are armed with advanced war gears provided by Archmagos and STC data from the Adeptus Mechanicus vault.]

Must pick one:

[Astra Militarum, 334th Death Korps Siege Regiment x 1: A siege specialist regiment of the Death Korps of Krieg and master of trench warfare. The regiment is composed of 1500 Krieg troops each armed with a lasgun, trench shovels, gas mask, and other critical equipment. The regiment also comes with heavy vehicles, various artilleries, and supplies for logistics.]


[Lord Ursarkar E. Creed: Last supreme commander of all Imperial forces of Caida and master strategist during Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade, Ursarkar E. Creed is 50 years old military commander with a long history worthy of heroes and legendary leaders of Imperium history. Captured by Trazyn near the end of the Fall of Cadia, Creed survive the destruction of the planet but officially went missing in action (MIA). Ursarkar E. Creed is armed with two master-crafted Hellpistols, a power sword, a refractor field emitter, and a 'tactical genius mind'. Additionally, Creed comes with 50 Cadian Shock Troops who stay behind with their supreme commander during the last moment of destruction of Cadia.]

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