[Simulation starts.]

[0 years old: You were born into a merchant family, a boy. Your family is quite well-off.]

[1 year old: You could talk and walk soon after you were born. People in the surrounding area thought you were a rare scholar, and your parents were very happy.]

[After all, in this world, the human race is ruled by scholars with literary spirit.]

[3 years old: You grew up very quickly, but you had no interest in studying.]

[6 years old: You started to practice boxing and exercise your muscles. Your parents were very worried.]

[10 years old: You are no shorter than an adult, and your parents have given up on letting you study. People around you think that your performance as a child was just precocious, but now you are just like everyone else.]

[16 years old: You have made some progress in boxing, and your body has been well polished. The first level of “Great Sun Shattering Sky Fist” has been successfully refined. With the blessing of many talents, your strength has reached the early stage of land immortals.]

[17 years old: You bid farewell to your parents and prepare to travel. After you showed off your skills, your parents let you leave your hometown alone.

【20 years old: You practiced boxing along the way, and by the way, you saw the customs and customs of this world and tasted many delicious foods.

【21 years old: You traveled to the border of the human race, where many monsters appeared.

【The monsters are divided into soldiers, generals, commanders, marquises, kings, emperors, semi-saints, sub-saints, and saints. The strength of semi-saints is similar to that of the great masters in the fusion stage.

【22 years old: You encountered monsters attacking a small city in the border, led by a king-level monster. When the city was broken, you took decisive action and used the rising sun to turn all the monsters into ashes.

【For the first time, the world saw the power of human martial arts.

【23 years old: Your strong strength attracted the attention of the human Saint Academy. A great scholar came forward and invited you to join the Saint Academy, and you readily agreed. ]

[24 years old: Someone in the Saint Academy mocked you as a crude warrior who could not read a single word. You did not argue with him, and wrote 10 peerless poems in one hour, shocking the world with your literary spirit, and shattered that person’s literary courage on the spot. ]

[All the saints in the Saint Academy regretted that you did not follow the path of literature, otherwise you could become a saint in one day. ]

[You settled down in the Saint Academy, practiced boxing every day, went to the border to find some monsters to practice in your spare time, and occasionally wrote some poems for the Saint Academy, all of which were famous works. ]

[With the help of your peerless poems, the human race has made great progress in strength, and the situation on the border has improved. ]

[35 years old: You have mastered the second level of “Great Sun Shattering Sky Fist” – Sunshine, and your mental strength has reached the middle stage of the Heavenly Man Realm. In the same year, you announced that you would stop writing because you had run out of poems to recite. ]

[The saints in the Saint Academy felt very sorry, but they also respected your decision. ]

[36 years old: You left the Holy Academy and returned to your hometown to accompany your parents. Because of your strong strength and military exploits in killing monsters on the border, the Holy Academy gave you your hometown as a fiefdom, and you also had the title of Marquis. ]

[40 years old: practiced boxing. ]

[50 years old: practiced boxing. In the same year, your parents died of old age. ]

[55 years old: You practiced the third level of “Big Sun Shattering Sky Fist” – Fiery Sun Shining, and your mental strength reached the late stage of the Heavenly Realm. ]

[60 years old: practiced boxing. ]

[68 years old: This year, the monster army pressed on the border, and twenty semi-saint-level monsters led countless monsters to the city, and the border was in danger. ]

[The Holy Academy summoned the human race to rush to the border to resist the monster attack, and you were also on the summoning list. ]

[When you arrived at the border, the human and monster races launched a shocking battle, and you used all your strength to fight the enemy bravely. ]

[Relying on your strong body, you rushed to the front and killed eight emperor-level monsters in a row. ]

[Your performance attracted the attention of the monster half-saint. A monster half-saint attacked you. You opened the first seven gates of the Eight Gates, but you were no match for him. ]

[In desperation, you opened the Death Gate, and your vitality instantly burned up. You held off the attack of the monster half-saint with one punch, and then the human half-saint rescued you. At the same time, the Half-Saint War began. ]

[Knowing that you had no way to survive after opening the eight gates, you rushed into the monster army and used large-scale attacks to slaughter the monsters. The emperor-level monsters who came to stop you were not your enemies. ]

[In this battle, you killed a total of 100,000 monsters and 50 emperor-level monsters, making a significant contribution to repelling the monsters. ]

[You eventually died of exhaustion. After the war, the human race set up a tablet for you in the Holy Courtyard, and you will enjoy the incense of the human race forever. 】

【You are dead, this simulation is over. 】

Choosing to keep the Concealment (purple) talent, Qi Changfeng exited the simulation.

He closed his eyes tightly and spent an incense stick of time to digest the gains from this simulation.

The first pink simulation yielded a lot. Not only did he openHe activated the sixth talent position, raised his mental strength to the late stage of the Heavenly Man, and completed the first three levels of the Great Sun Shattering Sky Fist.

Moreover, in this simulated world, Qi Changfeng discovered a pattern.

The speed of his boxing practice in this pink simulated world is much faster than that in the blue and purple simulated worlds before, and it is almost the same as the practice speed in the real world.

“It seems that the higher the upper limit of the simulated world, the faster I practice. The lower realm where I am now is estimated to be pink in the system’s evaluation.”

Qi Changfeng thought.

Before, Qi Changfeng often spent hundreds of years to break through the boxing in the low-level simulated world. Sometimes he would doubt whether the effect of “Eternal Boxing Saint Talent” to increase the speed of boxing practice was effective in the simulated world.

Now I understand that it was the low level of the simulated world that limited his boxing practice speed.

“It seems that I have to lock in a pink simulated world that is suitable for me to go to frequently in the future.”

Qi Changfeng thought.

Just now, this pink-level Wenqi world was directly excluded by Qi Changfeng.

The power system is not compatible, there are no secret magic powers that can be obtained, the life span of the human race is too short, and only the sub-saints can live for 2,000 years. The training conditions are not good and it is easy to die in battle. . . . . . . Various reasons make Qi Changfeng not choose to enter this world again.

Unless he is randomly refreshed again.

In this simulation, Qi Changfeng faced the power of the great power for the first time.

Facing the attack of the demon clan semi-saint, even if he opened the “Eight Gates of Dunjia” death gate, he still felt powerless and estimated that he would be defeated in two or three moves.

And the cultivators in the fusion realm will only be stronger than the demon clan semi-saints and have more means.

Entering the realm of great power is a leap in the level of life.

After practicing to the peak of the land immortals, even the geniuses can hardly be the opponent of the great powers in the early stage of fusion.

Not to mention anything else, the method of moving one hand makes it difficult for cultivators below the fusion realm to resist.

“I still have a long way to go. Only when I reach the realm of great power can I gain a foothold in Xuanhuang Continent.”

Qi Changfeng sighed in his heart.

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