With Qi Changfeng’s current cultivation level, the strength of his spiritual power in the early stage of a land immortal is the limit he can reach.

If he wants to break through his spiritual power again, he must reach the level of a grandmaster.

Therefore, collecting the missing natural materials and treasures in the fourth level of “Xuantian Holy Body” must be put on the agenda.

Qi Changfeng connected to the sect protection formation and posted several purchase requests on the communication platform under the name of “special chef” to purchase the missing natural materials and treasures. The price was privately chatted.

After waiting for a while without any response, Qi Changfeng had no choice but to leave the post hanging there.

After browsing the communication platform for a while, he found that several months had passed, and the posts about the competition were still very popular. The comments under the pinned scoring post had exceeded 100,000.

It was normal to think about it. After all, there was no time in cultivating immortals, and a few months was nothing in the eyes of practitioners.

He had just been practicing for a short time, and his thinking had not yet changed.

Shaking his head, Qi Changfeng withdrew from the sect protection formation and continued to practice in seclusion.

First, raise the cultivation of immortals to the peak of foundation building.


Two years passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, nothing major happened in Huangting Sect, and Qi Changfeng had been practicing in seclusion in Xiaozhufeng Dojo.

Some friends in the sect estimated that he should be in seclusion to digest the gains of this competition, and did not disturb him.

On this day, the formation of Xiaozhufeng Dojo appeared a wave, and a figure came out of the seclusion room.

“It’s not easy, the cultivation of immortals has finally reached the peak of foundation building.” Qi Changfeng stretched his waist and walked out of the seclusion room.

After walking around the dojo, he found that some of the spirit beast cubs he exchanged when he first came to Xiaozhufeng were already quite large, and they felt they were ready to eat.

“When you have time, you can call Junior Brother Liu Chuan and the others to come to Xiaozhufeng for a gathering.”

Looking at the chubby spirit beasts, Qi Changfeng couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

In the past two years, he practiced hard in seclusion and successfully refined the second level of “The Great Sun Burning Heaven Sutra” to perfection, and his immortal cultivation reached the peak of foundation building.

During this period, he conducted 5 purple simulations, which raised his mental strength to the initial stage of land immortals, and temporarily fell into a bottleneck. The fourth level of “The Great Sun Shattering Sky Fist” has also been refined.

Qi Changfeng estimated that his current strength should be able to easily defeat ordinary land immortals.

In addition, in the 5 purple simulations, a luck plus body (purple) talent was brushed out.

Luck plus body (purple): Your luck increases, your fortune will continue to accumulate, and the possibility of encountering opportunities will be greatly increased.

Qi Changfeng did not say anything and directly replaced the original small luck (blue) talent.

Luck is still very important, and Qi Changfeng is looking forward to a big opportunity.

So far, all of his six talent slots are equipped with purple-level talents.

He also collected the rewards for the true disciples and the top of the Tongtian Tower Grandmaster Realm that he had accumulated over the past two years, a total of 2.4 million spirit stones and 2.4 million exchange points.

After two years of seclusion, Qi Changfeng was ready to stretch his muscles and test his combat power.

Thinking of this, he connected to the sect protection formation without hesitation, chose to consume 100 spirit stones, and challenge the Tongtian Tower.

In an instant, he disappeared in the dojo.

The last time he broke into the Tongtian Tower, Qi Changfeng passed the 47th floor and then chose to exit.

This time, as soon as he entered the Tongtian Tower, he was on the 48th floor. Not far away, a human with the strength of the late Tianren appeared and attacked Qi Changfeng without saying a word.

Qi Changfeng stood still, and his heart swept forward. A wave of invisible and intangible waves passed by, and the enemy who rushed halfway was frozen in mid-air, and then dissipated in the Tongtian Tower.

The same was true for the 49th floor.

On the 50th floor, three demons with peak heavenly strength joined forces, but they were unable to resist the sweep of Qi Changfeng’s mental power and were directly killed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qi Changfeng was very satisfied with the attack range and mowing ability of mental power.

On the 51st floor, the opponent’s strength was upgraded to the realm of land immortals, and mental power alone could no longer solve it. Qi Changfeng cheered up, punched and attacked, sweeping all the way.

Until the 57th floor, the opponent was not his opponent with one punch.

On the 60th floor, three demons with peak ordinary land immortal strength rushed towards Qi Changfeng from three directions. Qi Changfeng was not afraid at all and directly opened the first seven gates of “Eight Gates of Dunjia” and sent them away in a few seconds.

Qi Changfeng found that after successfully practicing the third level of “Xuantian Holy Body”, the damage to the physical body by opening the first seven gates of “Eight Gates of Dunjia” was greatly reduced.

Now he can persist for a long time after opening the seven gates, and his physical body recovers quickly after closing them.

Qi Changfeng nodded with satisfaction. After all, endurance is important to every man.

After passing the 60th floor of the Tower of Babel, he was ready to go to the 61st floor to seeThe means of the great power in the fusion stage.

However, after a few breaths, he was teleported out of the Tongtian Tower and appeared in the Xiaozhufeng Dojo.

Touching his nose, Qi Changfeng smiled helplessly.

The opponent on the 61st floor was a human in the early stage of the fusion stage. Just the momentum made Qi Changfeng feel a strong sense of oppression.

After opening the first seven gates of the “Eight Gates of Dunjia”, Qi Changfeng only lasted one move under his hands, and was slapped out of the Tongtian Tower.

“The great power is worthy of being a great power, and his strength is really terrifying. It seems that my strength is still far from the realm of the great power.”

At this time, the number of floors displayed on Qi Changfeng’s Tongtian Tower ranking list has become 60 floors. Some disciples in the sect noticed it, but no one cared.

More than two years ago, Qi Changfeng’s strength in the competition was enough to pass the 60th floor of the Tongtian Tower. Now he is going to the Tongtian Tower, and everyone thinks it is too slow.

Looking at the list of Grandmasters in the Tower of Babel, the second place Feng Lie is only at the 46th level. Qi Changfeng feels that no one in the Grandmaster realm should be able to threaten his top position.

Now, Qi Changfeng has reached the peak of both immortal and martial arts, and the breakthrough to the Grandmaster level is on the agenda.

Thinking that the post he posted two years ago seeking to buy natural treasures has not received any response, he is a little worried.

“I still have one more chance to go to the first level of the sect treasury to select treasures, so why not go and have a look. If I really don’t get anything, I can only shamelessly ask Master for help.”

Qi Changfeng thought helplessly.

The Huangting Sect’s treasury is different from the exchange list of the sect’s great array. The treasures stored in the sect’s treasury are basically some unique treasures that cannot be mass-produced.

Things like skills and magical powers, spiritual tea and wine, ordinary magic treasures, low-level Taoist tools, etc., these things will not appear in the sect’s treasury. Generally, they can be directly exchanged with exchange points in the exchange list of the sect’s great array.

Qi Changfeng was full of confidence in this treasure hunt in the sect treasury.

Because during the two years of seclusion, he discovered a new use of the Xianwu simulation system.

Before, he exchanged simulation points with spirit stones directly, without paying attention to the exchange process.

Later, one day, he realized that when exchanging treasures for simulation points, regardless of whether they were exchanged in the end, it would display how many simulation points the treasure was worth.

This is simply a treasure hunting artifact. If he found this function at the cultivator exchange meeting before the big competition, he would pick up a leak.

He made up his mind that this time when choosing treasures in the treasury, he would not pick the right ones, but only the expensive ones. Qi Changfeng left the Xiaozhufeng Dojo and set off for the sect treasury.

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