The entrance to the Huangting Sect’s treasury is located near the holy land where the great elders practiced in seclusion, and it is some distance away from Tianquan Peak.

After flying for a long time, Qi Changfeng finally reached the entrance of the treasury.

At the entrance is a hall. After entering the hall, there is an old man in black who is resting with his eyes closed.

Qi Changfeng knew that this was the rotating great elder who guarded this place, and his cultivation was unfathomable.

“Disciple Qi Changfeng greets the great elder.” Qi Changfeng saluted respectfully.

The old man in black opened his eyes and looked at him.

“Are you Qi Changfeng, who is known as the number one pride in the southern region? I can hear your reputation even when I am here. You have done a good job.” The old man in black said.

“I don’t deserve it, I don’t deserve it. It’s all thanks to my fellow disciples.” Qi Changfeng said hurriedly.

“Okay, don’t be modest. I know you have a chance to take treasures from the first floor of the sect’s treasury. Bring me your true disciple token.” Qi Changfeng heard this and presented his true disciple token. The old man in black took the token, verified it, and returned it to Qi Changfeng. “Okay, you can go in. Remember, you can only take one treasure from the first floor. Don’t be clever. You can come out within three days.” After saying that, the old man in black robe waved his sleeves, and a space channel appeared in front of Qi Changfeng. Without hesitation, Qi Changfeng stepped in and disappeared in an instant. The next second, he appeared in the first floor of the sect’s treasury. Qi Changfeng was stunned for a moment by the dazzling array of treasures. He expanded his mental power and roughly sensed that there were tens of thousands of treasures on the first floor. After all, it was the accumulation of countless years of Huangting Sect, so it was normal to have so many. Huangting Sect did not introduce the treasures, so it all depends on your own eyesight. After all, there are many treasures that Huang Tingzong himself can’t figure out what they are used for.

Qi Changfeng doesn’t recognize most of the treasures.

But he didn’t panic. He connected his mental power to the Xianwu simulation system and scanned the nearby treasures one by one.

[Ding, can be exchanged for 8,000,000 simulation points. ]

[Ding, can be exchanged for 10,000,000 simulation points. ]

. . . . . . .

Although I don’t know what the treasure is, I can see its value.

After scanning for more than an hour, more than half of it was completed.

Basically, all the treasures scanned are worth between 5 million and 50 million simulation points.

Occasionally, a few treasures with more than 50 million simulation points appeared, and they were all silently recorded by Qi Changfeng.


[Ding, can be exchanged for 20 billion simulation points. ]

Qi Changfeng was stunned and stunned.

He confirmed again that he had not heard wrong.

The treasure in front of him, which is worth 20 billion simulation points, is a red, black and gold token. There is no recognizable pattern or text on it.

Picking up the token, it feels warm, and I don’t know what material it is made of.

A token worth 20 billion simulation points? Qi Changfeng smelled the smell of a great opportunity.

He hurriedly scanned the remaining treasures on the first floor and did not find other treasures that were too valuable.

Without hesitation, Qi Changfeng chose the token.

Then he activated his true disciple token, and the next moment, Qi Changfeng left the treasure house and appeared in the entrance hall.

Seeing Qi Changfeng come out, the black-clothed Supreme Elder was slightly stunned.

“You came out so soon, have you chosen?”

“The disciple has already chosen.” Qi Changfeng said respectfully.

The Supreme Elder sensed the treasure house slightly and found that Qi Changfeng had chosen a token.

“I have some impression of this token. I don’t know how many years it has been stored in our Huangting Sect. I heard that many great masters studied it and tried various methods, but they couldn’t make it react at all.

“Because of its special material, it was later placed in the sect’s treasury.”

“I don’t know what material it is made of. Even a Mahayana cultivator can’t hurt it at all. It should be a thing from the upper realm.”

The black-clothed supreme elder said.

“My disciple is not very knowledgeable and basically doesn’t recognize the treasures in the treasury. I just saw that this token has a good eye, so I chose it.”

Qi Changfeng smiled bitterly.

“Instead of choosing randomly, it’s better to choose one that you like. And my disciple doesn’t lack any treasures now. ”

After listening to this, the Grand Elder felt that it made sense. No wonder Qi Changfeng came out so quickly, it turned out that he didn’t know the treasure and chose it randomly.

Thinking about Qi Changfeng’s more than two years of practice, it was also normal, after all, he was not an old monster.

No more questions, waved to send Qi Changfeng away.

Without staying too long, Qi Changfeng went directly back to the Xiaozhufeng Dojo.

He came to the retreat room, took out the token, and prepared to study it carefully.

Even if he couldn’t figure out any tricks, exchanging it for 20 billion simulation points would be a big profit.

The token was obtained, stillThere was a sense of warmth, and vaguely, Qi Changfeng seemed to feel a trace of the power of the sun.

After looking over and over for a long time, there was no sign on it except for the irregular pattern composed of three colors of red, black and gold.

Close your eyes and use your mental power to perceive, you can’t feel the existence of the token at all. Only when you open your eyes can you see the token in front of you.

Qi Changfeng even probed the mental power of the “Huangting Sutra” into it, but there was no reaction at all.

Gradually, he wanted to give up.

Finally, with the mentality of trying everything possible, he forced out a drop of golden blood and dripped it on the token.

Unexpectedly, the token directly absorbed the blood.

Qi Changfeng was stunned. What happened? Didn’t the Supreme Elder say that those great powers tried countless methods and there was no reaction? Doesn’t absorbing blood count as a reaction?

The next second, the mysterious token turned into a stream of light and sank into Qi Changfeng’s eyebrows.

Qi Changfeng suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes and lost consciousness instantly.

Then a space vortex appeared out of thin air, swallowed him in, and then disappeared.

What was even more surprising was that the spirit of the sect protection array had no reaction at all, and did not notice that Qi Changfeng had disappeared out of thin air.


After an unknown period of time, Qi Changfeng gradually regained consciousness.

As soon as he woke up, he held the life-saving trump card given by his master in his hand and looked around vigilantly.

There was no one around, and the environment was also very unfamiliar. It was pitch black, with no sunlight, as if deep underground.

Qi Changfeng’s mental power moved slightly, and he found that the sect protection array could not be connected, and his heart gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.

It’s bad, I may not be in the Huangting Sect anymore!

Suddenly, the surroundings lit up, and a figure appeared not far away.

“Human boy, are you awake?” A voice came from the figure.

Qi Changfeng looked carefully and found that it was a middle-aged man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, who looked very majestic.

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