【Just when the “Hua Clan” unified billions of ethnic groups, the energy in the universe changed. 】

【As the only god behind the “Hua Clan” and the master of the gods, you feel it the most deeply. 】

【The “Hall of the Gods” escaped from the void, manifested in the universe, and radiated infinite golden light. 】

【Then, a continuous flow of rule power emerged in front of you, turning into pieces of Dao patterns, flying up and down. 】

【A message from the dark was transmitted into your sea of ​​consciousness, making you realize that as long as you are willing, you can absorb the Dao patterns in front of you, and you can refine the “Hall of the Gods” and take it for yourself. 】

【”It seems that my guess is correct. After becoming the master of the gods, you can get in touch with the deep secrets of this world.” 】

【You didn’t hesitate too much. You have fought for so many years of gods just for this moment. How can you not take it? ]

[Using the “Heart Power World” and “Chaos Bell” to protect the sea of ​​consciousness, you carefully absorb the Dao patterns transformed by the power of rules into your body. ]

[With your perception and understanding of the Dao of the world, you can see at a glance that these Dao patterns are the external manifestation of the power of the origin, which is beneficial to you. ]

[As for whether it is a calculation against you, you think it is unlikely. ]

[If you can be taken down by just a few Dao patterns, then the existence that arranged these must not be something you can resist. ]

[This existence has ten thousand other ways to deal with you, and there is no need to go through so much trouble. ]

[Moreover, whether it is the “Escaped One” talent or the “Good Luck” talent, there is no warning at all, so you think there should be no problem. ]


[As the Dao patterns enter the body, the “Hall of the Gods” is directly controlled by you. ]

[With a thought, all the gods who were still sleeping woke up and became your vassals. Their life and death depended on your thoughts. ]

[These gods were unlucky enough. Before they woke up, the final winner had already appeared. They didn’t even have a chance to work hard. ]

[After a nap, they became vassals without knowing it. ]

[And those few small tribes of gods who were stubborn and unyielding were also killed by you. ]

[“It’s ridiculous. You actually used blue silver to resist the rule-erasing power of the Hall of Gods. There are all kinds of birds in the forest.” ]

[You shook your head and stopped thinking about it. ]


[Just then, another rule power appeared, turning into a space channel, leading to a mysterious space. ]

[You were shocked, because unlike the previous rule power, you didn’t even notice it when this power came. ]

[Looking up and down, you find that this space channel looks very stable and will not disappear in a short time. ]

[Standing in front of the space channel, you try your best to enter it and find that there is no obstacle at all. ]

[The other end of the space channel is connected to the origin of this world, that is, the core of the world. ]

[That is the foundation of the “Gods’ Universe”. Under normal circumstances, except for the “Creator”, that is, the “Opener of the World”, no one is qualified to enter it. ]

[“There is a channel connecting to the origin of the world. It seems that my guess is right. This world has an opener, not naturally bred in endless chaos.” ]

[You thought for a long time, separated an incarnation, and entered the space channel. ]

[If you are not sure whether there is a big crisis over there, you will not take risks in person. 】


【After the incarnation passed through the space channel and entered the origin land, the cold voice that presided over the war of gods sounded again. 】

【”Congratulations on becoming the master of the gods and being qualified to go to the new world.” 】

【As soon as the voice fell, the power of the entire origin land boiled up, as if a door was about to open. 】

【You were shocked when you saw this. 】

【”Could this voice be sending me somewhere? It looks like I may have to leave this world.” 】

【”Fortunately, I entered as an incarnation, otherwise things would be serious.” 】

【You thought to yourself, and were about to remove the incarnation, ready to run away with your real body at any time and return to the “primordial world”. 】

【However, the shadow of the door shattered before it took shape, which made you stop and choose to take another look. 】

【”Connection to the new world failed, unable to go there, activate the second plan.”】

【”According to the rules left by the master, as compensation, congratulations on gaining control of this world and becoming the master of the world.”】

【After saying that, a brand flew out of the origin land and landed in front of you. 】

【This brand is shiningColor, very mysterious, exuding an indescribable Tao rhyme. ]

[You know, as long as you refine this mark, you can completely control the “Great World of Gods”, and the authority you possess is no different from that of the “World Opener”. ]


[“What a big deal, a big world is given away as soon as it is said.” ]

[At this time, you have already determined that this big world was opened up by a powerful existence. ]

[From what the cold voice just said, you guessed that after becoming the “Lord of the Gods”, you will be qualified to go to the location of that big guy, or even meet that existence. ]

[However, for some unknown reason, the transmission failed and you cannot go to the new world. ]

[As compensation, this big world will be controlled by the “Lord of the Gods”. ]

[You are happy to see this situation. ]

[You, who have a lot of secrets, naturally don’t want to go to the territory of an unknown existence. God knows what level of power the opener of the “Great Universe of Gods” is. ]

[If the secret of the system is exposed, it will be a big trouble. ]

[So, compared to going to the so-called new world, you prefer to pick up a big world for free. ]


[However, you did not refine this mark directly, but silently comprehended it. ]

[The “World Origin Mark” of the orange-level big world is not difficult for you to refine. ]

[After all, the big world in your body that you have opened up with force can reach the top orange level. ]

[Before refining, you must make sure there are no traps in it. ]

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